Be a Poison Milk from Marvel Prison

Chapter 83 Heart of Steel

Chapter 83 Heart of Steel
Heart of Steel!

When Zhong Shenxiu saw this ability, he couldn't move his eyes for a while.

As mentioned before, as a grade of passive ability, the heart of something is already the highest level of passive ability.

Now Zhong Shenxiu has met many people, but Agent Mei is the only one who can achieve something. Besides, Agent Mei is only a "false", that is to say, he has not really reached the peak of passive ability.

And Tony Stark, in the true sense of Zhong Shenxiu, has seen a person whose passive ability has reached its peak.

Heart of Steel really deserves to be mcuNo.1, one of the best geniuses in the Marvel world.With only a mortal body and the knowledge in his mind, he can elevate this ability to the apex!

But the more valuable the wool of this fat sheep, the happier Zhong Shenxiu would be.

But he needs to make some simple adjustments. His original plan was to directly take out all of Tony's shrapnel, so as to make a wave of quick money, and then use all the money to prepare to buy Tony Stark's stock.

But now, he has changed his mind.

He doesn't need to be in such a hurry, he can take his time and take his time.

The original book does not clearly indicate when the stock of Stark Industries fell to its lowest point, but Zhong Shenxiu thought about it in his mind, at least it must be a few months after Tony held the press conference. up.

First of all, Stark's stock probably fell by at least fifty points, and there was an obvious time point at this time, that is, Tony initially developed the Mark II.

Even if Tony is a genius, he can't develop a brand new steel armor in a few days, right?
Therefore, Zhong Shenxiu still has plenty of time in terms of time.

Coupled with Tony's available passive ability, which is "Heart of Steel", the highest level of passive ability, Zhong Shenxiu can use the time of healing for him to continuously extend the use time of the healing technique, so as to have more The opportunity to "draw cards".

Therefore, Zhong Shenxiu didn't want to rush to heal Tony's injuries here.

Anyway, Tony can't run away. When the world develops to the point where the technology that can perfectly heal Tony's injury matures, it will be at least a few years later, and it will be the later stage of Iron Man 3.

Thinking of this, Zhong Shenxiu made up his mind and walked towards Tony again.

Seeing this, Tony immediately puffed up his chest again in an extremely cooperative manner, with a smile of unknown meaning on his face.

At first glance, it looks like an old chrysanthemum you can pick.

Pepper, who was closest to Tony, also opened his eyes wide at this time, staring at this scene with great anticipation.Everything happened so fast just now, she didn't even see what was going on clearly, so this time she watched it very seriously.

Happy, who was playing with his hands behind his back, also took off his sunglasses at the moment, and squeezed over with his fat buttocks twisted, his small eyes opened wide.

Standing behind Zhong Shenxiu, Coulson, although he is no stranger to Zhong Shenxiu's miraculous ability, just looking at his appearance, he is the most calm person, with a formulaic smile all the time, but the constant glances in his eyes , but exposed his heart.

And Colonel Rhodes, who was further away, was even more ruthless, he just took out a small video camera from nowhere and recorded the video there.

Presumably, this video was to be submitted to the military superiors, and then it would be used as the most powerful on-site evidence of Rhodes' absurd words.

Therefore, after seeing this scene, Zhong Shenxiu specially moved her body so that Rhodes could clearly record it.

The soldiers standing guard in the distance, although according to regulations, their legs cannot move, but their necks are almost stretched longer than giraffes, and their eyes are full of anticipation.

At this moment.

Because of Zhong Shenxiu's magical ability, everyone's eyes were focused on this place.

Being watched by so many pairs of eyes, Zhong Shenxiu didn't feel too much pressure. After all, his chaos magic was not a healing technique, and there would inevitably be a green light when he used it.

With a small amount of chaotic magic power, Zhong Shenxiu can completely control it, and it becomes as colorless as the air, so there is absolutely no risk of exposure.

Therefore, Zhong Shenxiu started his treatment again.

Just like the previous steps, he gently placed his hand on Tony's chest, controlling a very small amount of chaotic magic power to enter Tony's body and participate in his blood circulation.

Controlling the chaotic magic power produces subtle vibrations, and uses the feedback to locate the position of the shrapnel.

Then, wrap it with the magic power of chaos, and pull it out directly through the tissue!

But different from just now, Zhong Shenxiu specially slowed down the speed of pulling out the shrapnel this time, so as to prolong the time of using the healing technique.

The shrapnel pierced every layer of Tony's tissue bit by bit, and while leaving, the healing technique was also repairing Tony's damaged tissue.

With such a slow speed, it was Tony himself who suffered.

He needs to feel the feeling of the shrapnel passing through every layer of flesh over and over again. This is the most delicate and delicate tissue in the body. Although there are not many pain-sensing nerves, it can't bear the repetition over and over again.

Tony suddenly felt like a thousand ants were devouring him!
Say it itches, it hurts, say it hurts, it itches a lot
Tony looked at Zhong Shenxiu with a serious face, and in an instant, countless alpacas ran in his heart:
revenge!Proper revenge——

Obviously the first shrapnel just now, I didn't feel anything at all, why is it like this now?

But he didn't dare to stop, fearing that Zhong Shenxiu's attention would be distracted by accident, which would cause irreparable consequences.

can only endure
Fortunately, the duration was not too long, about four or five seconds, and with a click, the second shrapnel went through Tony's shirt again and landed in Zhong Shenxiu's hand.

Naturally, the healing technique didn't win the first prize this time.

Zhong Shenxiu has also been mentally prepared for a long time. After all, with a 1% chance, according to pseudo-probability theory, it takes about [-] seconds to ship, right?So four or five seconds didn't come out, and he could accept it.

Also watching the second shrapnel being taken out by Zhong Shenxiu from his body, Tony was immediately relieved and let out a long breath.

He just wanted to retreat, but after thinking about it carefully, he gritted his teeth and raised his chest again, saying, "Come on, I can hold it!"

This tone has the consciousness of a strong man going to die——

But unexpectedly Zhong Shenxiu waved his hand and said, "Let's continue next time."

This made Tony a little confused. He suddenly let go of his chest and said, "Is it because of the money, Pepper, now add another 1000 million to this Mr. Zhong Shen's account."

Pepper didn't execute it right away, because this amount exceeded the range she could trade directly.

"It's not a matter of money. Of course, don't forget to give the 100 million for the second shrapnel."

Then Zhong Shenxiu glanced at Tony, thought of a reason, and said, "I'm a little tired now, but it's not impossible to continue the treatment, but the speed of taking out the shrapnel will be about ten times slower, you can bear it." ?"

Ten times slower!
Thinking of the torture just now, Tony shivered instantly, and he said awkwardly, "Then let's do it next time."


Zhong Shenxiu nodded in satisfaction, and reminded again: "Don't forget the 100 million US dollars. Whenever you want to receive treatment, come to Zhongshen Clinic, No. 19 Ingram Street, Queens, New York. "

His words were also addressed to Colonel Rhodes next to him.

(End of this chapter)

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