Be a Poison Milk from Marvel Prison

Chapter 82 Tony: Come on~

Chapter 82 Tony: Come on~
In fact, Zhong Shenxiu took out the shrapnel in Tony's body, not by healing.

In other words, it wasn't his healing technique that played the main role, but the Chaos Magic, which had become more and more handy recently, and his healing technique only played a supporting role.

The whole process is roughly as follows:

Zhong Shenxiu first injected a small amount of chaotic magic power into Tony Stark's body, just like he sensed the patient's fracture, and the tiny amount of magic power produced subtle vibrations, and Tony's blood began to flow.

Until he touched the shrapnel of Jericho, the vibration of the magic power would give Zhong Shenxiu a different feedback, and he used this to locate the shrapnel.

The fineness of this trick is even far higher than the 128-row CT human body detection method. It was Zhong Shenxiu who learned it after nearly a month of experimenting with those gangsters.

It is also thanks to these fat sheep who donate money and have dedication that Zhong Shenxiu can use it so quickly and easily.

And when a shrapnel is positioned.

Then what he needs next is to wrap the shrapnel with chaotic magic power, so as to control the shrapnel to pass out of Tony's body quickly.

This is a violent process.

Zhong Shenxiu did not follow blood vessel circulation or any other methods.

It is to forcibly pass through Tony's blood vessels, intima, tissues, muscles, and skin, directly tearing open layer by layer, and take the shrapnel out of the body.

But at the same time, Zhong Shenxiu's healing technique will also exert its full effect at this time. The moment he was cut open by the shrapnel, he healed the wound simultaneously.

The final result was that Zhong Shenxiu took out the shrapnel with a snap, but Tony's body was unscathed. The only thing that was broken might be a small hole in the expensive shirt on his chest.

Such a process of dividing the mind into two tasks is the best embodiment of Zhong Shenxiu's coordination and mastery of her various abilities and her increasing proficiency.

It has to be said that being a doctor, a profession that requires precision operations, does have an excellent effect on the details of training ability.

Zhong Shenxiu stopped thinking and came back to his senses.

He looked at the silver-white sharp shrapnel in his hand. After the test just now, there are still seventeen pieces in Tony's body.

A piece of 100 million US dollars adds up to 800 million US dollars.

Sure enough, the wool still needs to squeeze the big sheep to get the energy. As for Tony, will he not pay?

At this point, Shenxiu is still confident. For a top rich man like Tony Stark, 800 million and his own life, he can easily distinguish which is more important.

On the opposite side, Tony touched the hole in his shirt for a long time, and found that his skin was as smooth as ten packs of toning powder, and he immediately felt relieved.

Perhaps others may think that Zhong Shenxiu is just a magic trick, a blindfold.

But as the person involved, Tony, he could clearly feel how the shrapnel began to shake in his body, and how it flew from his body through many tissues and flew directly to the outside.

Plus Tony as the lead engineer on the Jericho missile.

He knows best that the shrapnel in Zhong Shenxiu's hand at the moment is the shrapnel of the Jericho missile, and it is also the shrapnel in his body.

Only then did Tony realize that he was looking at things a little too naively, too one-sidedly.

The Mr. Zhong Shen in front of him is indeed young. In the normal medical system, such a young age does mean that his medical skills are not good, because medicine is one of the disciplines that require the most clinical experience.

Like the diseases introduced in textbooks, in the actual process, every doctor will find:
These diseases are not as long as the pictures in the textbooks!

The same disease may have completely different clinical signs in different patients.

It was precisely because Tony knew this that he was a little dismissive of Zhong Shenxiu at the beginning, thinking that such a little boy who hadn't even graduated from college could have such advanced medical skills?
It now appears that Tony has completely changed.

Who said that doctors must rely on scalpels and various medicines to see a doctor?

Why is this a superpower——

Tony's eyes looking at Zhong Shenxiu suddenly softened unconsciously. Everyone is saving their lives. With such a healing superpower, Tony almost didn't think about it. The first thought was to make friends.

This is quite rare for Tony, who has always been proud of himself.

As for a shrapnel $100 million?

The letters at the end of his name are "Stark". One can imagine the gold content of this name.

Even if a shrapnel costs 1000 million US dollars, Tony will not frown.As for a piece of shrapnel worth [-] million dollars. Hmm. Tony still has to think about it
But a measly $100 million, Tony lost more than that in a night in the casino. Therefore, after being silent for a while, Tony immediately puffed up his chest, opened his chest to Zhong Shenxiu, and said:
"Come on, boy, I'm ready—"

The implication of Saoli's angry words is: I'm ready, help me take out all the shrapnel.

Zhong Shenxiu saw Tony's passionate and coquettish appearance, and subconsciously took a step back. Then he imitated Coulson's smile, raised the corners of his mouth at a perfect 16.666 degrees, and repeated solemnly:
"A piece of shrapnel costs 100 million US dollars, a small business, no credit."

Then Zhong Shenxiu casually threw the shrapnel into his pocket, folded his arms, and stood there.

A look, no treatment without money.

This made Tony's smiling face instantly froze, a little embarrassed, he lowered his raised chest, and coughed twice.

Tony also understood that this was Zhong Shenxiu's retaliation for his contempt and cold words just now.

So he immediately turned his head and said to the little pepper beside him, "Pepo."

Little Pepper is worthy of being Tony's assistant for many years. He immediately understood, took out the mobile phone from the briefcase, pressed it lightly a few times, and then asked Zhong Shenxiu with a smile: "Mr. Zhong Shenxiu, what is your bank card number?"


Zhong Shenxiu said a series of numbers, and Xiaojiao nodded lightly there, then tapped the phone again.

After a while, Zhong Shenxiu felt his phone vibrate. He took it out and saw that there was indeed a text message on it. The general content was:

Received $100 million.

Tsk tsk, it really is worthy of being a top rich man, this efficiency is awesome.

Zhong Shenxiu withdrew her phone without changing her expression, looked to the side and pouted again, a little eager to try, wanted to puff her chest out again, and shouted angrily: Come on~ Tony.

Zhong Shenxiu was not in a hurry to treat him directly.

He secretly summoned the Eye of True Sight first, and he wanted to see what kind of abilities Tony could bring to him.

【Name: Anthony Edward Tony Stark】

【Combat power: 6】

[Available ability: Heart of Steel, 1% probability of acquisition]

[Battle suggestion: It's a little trash with a technological mind. 】

(End of this chapter)

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