Chapter 54 It's simply not human!

"That's right, these beasts are simply not human."

Many women are catering to the Road.

"You all say that those people are beasts, and they are definitely not human, so you women should read some books."

The person who spoke was a thin and pockmarked person. As soon as he finished speaking, he aroused the anger of the surrounding women, and then the next scene was that the man was surrounded and beaten by many women.

"Look at how miserable he is, that's why saints say that only women and villains are difficult to raise."

"This man is also stupid. He doesn't even look at the majority of women in this teahouse. With his small body, one punch from one person is enough for him."

In the examination room, all the emperors looked resentful, and they all said that they wanted to hack the people in the picture to death in order to dispel their anger.

"My lord examiner, what is your intention of playing this video? It won't just arouse our anger."

At this time, Liu Xiu, the ancestor of the Han Dynasty, asked everyone's aspirations.

Hearing this, Ye Chen once again affirmed Liu Xiu in his heart. Sure enough, a good emperor can think of the key to the matter.

"Playing this video is to let candidates understand that when you make mistakes, it is the common people who suffer. If a foreign country invades and you do not have the ability to resist, it is the common people who suffer."

"The point is, no matter what you did when you were the emperor, you should reflect on it, keep the good things, and change the bad ones, so that you can give the people a layer of protection."

"Since you are an emperor, you should take on the responsibilities that come with this honor."

Ye Chen's words spread word by word into the ears of all the emperors present, especially the last sentence caused waves in every emperor's heart, even those emperors who failed the exam had a ripple in their hearts.

Many emperors secretly made up their minds in their hearts that they must be a good emperor after returning to the country, so that their Li people could live a happy and healthy life.

Li Shimin, Qin Shihuang, Liu Xiu, Kangxi and other accomplished emperors once again reflected on what they did not do well enough. After returning, they must avoid it and make their country prosperous and the people live and work in peace and contentment.

When King Zhou saw the inhumane and cruel methods of Little Japan in the video, for the first time a little anger rose in his heart, and he suddenly doubted whether some of the things he had done and done were right or wrong.

Liu Hongben already felt repentant, but when he saw the tragedy in the video, he felt for the first time that he was not worthy of being an emperor.

Ye Chen saw that his words had dealt a severe blow to the candidates present, and it had an effect. With a big wave of his hand, the picture on the video screen changed again.

"Okay, next is the second video. After the foreign countries in the last video obtained knowledge from our country, they started to invade the Qing Dynasty again."

Qing Dynasty?

When they heard the words Qing Dynasty in Ye Chen's words, everyone's eyes turned to the location of the Qing Dynasty emperors.

Not only that, even the emperors of the Qing Dynasty felt tense after hearing this, especially Guangxu, who panicked even more and felt a chill on the back of their necks, because it was Emperor Guangxu who was the foreign country that Ye Chen said invaded the Qing Dynasty. During his reign, can this not make him feel cool?
The scenes in the video began to come to the end of the Qing Dynasty, and it was the scene of foreign countries entering the country.

"The Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War of [-]-[-] is shown in the video. This is also the first Sino-Japanese war. After the establishment, we will be entangled with this foreign country, and the war will continue."

"Why did this foreign country choose us to attack? It was because at that time the foreign country had already begun to move towards the road of capitalism. They actively invaded and expanded abroad. At that time, in the Qing Dynasty, the government was corrupt, the people's life was difficult, and various factions among the officials fought openly and secretly. The national defense and military are strong outside, but discipline is lax.”

"So you see, the current situation of the Qing Dynasty was so weak at that time, it was understandable for foreign countries to find our country. Anyone would pick the weak persimmons first. You yourself said that if the Qing Dynasty was strong back then, foreign countries would dare to invade so boldly. Us?"

"That's why I said, since you are the emperor, you are the leader of this country. You have not played a leading role and led the people who followed you to become stronger. What face do you think you have to sit in this seat?"

Ye Chen explained slowly, and his words became rough when he got excited.

This remark hit the hearts of the emperors of the Qing Dynasty directly, because as the last emperors, it was they who did not do well that caused these wars. All the emperors of the Qing Dynasty bowed their heads in shame, even Kangxi was no exception. No matter how well he did during his reign, there was nothing he could do.

As the protagonist, Emperor Guangxu was already trembling slightly at this time, and he was afraid that he would also become the target of attack like Liu Hong, the Hanling Emperor just now.

Originally, he had been avoiding this matter, but when he saw the horrors of the Sino-Japanese War again, his heart was filled with sadness. He had to admit that the Qing Dynasty was not governed well in his hands.

At this time, the screen in the video was played until the Sino-Japanese War was defeated, the soldiers were martyred, and the common people were brutally murdered.

This picture directly hit the heart of every emperor. In every war, apart from the soldiers dying on the battlefield, the common people were brutally enslaved.

The emperors of the Qing Dynasty were very sad to see this scene. After all, this was their dynasty. The scene of the soldiers' heroic sacrifice in the face of foreign invasion deeply touched their hearts.

Emperor Guangxu saw the soldiers he was familiar with died one by one, and his heart was directly disintegrated. He hated his uselessness and his inability to protect those who followed him.

Seeing this, the other emperors became even more agitated, and they all yelled at the screen, as if they wanted to rush into the screen and fight that foreign country to the death.

And Qin Shihuang on the side didn't express his opinions much since Ye Chen played the first clip just now, but watched quietly. When the second video was released, Qin Shihuang was deeply shocked.

For the first time, he regretted his pursuit of longevity. For the first time, he felt that the system he set up was inhumane and harmed the common people. Disappear from the world.

Thinking of this, Qin Shihuang slowly clenched his fists, making up his mind to make changes after returning home.

Tang Taizong Li Shimin also had this idea. While he was shocked, he was more angry and blamed. He thought that this foreign country had sent Tang missions to study in Datang many times in order to learn the culture of the Tang Dynasty. There are many, the scale is large, the time is long, and the content is rich.

(End of this chapter)

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