Chapter 53 I guessed it right!

"That's right, examiner, we don't believe that Han Lingdi really repented, so please examiner, please tell us why Han Lingdi's grades have changed this time."

Ye Chen also understands why these emperors don't believe that Liu Hong will change, because if there is no system, it is him who looks at this matter, and he himself does not believe Liu Hong.

"The reason why Liu Hong's score was changed is because he really reflected in his heart. Although he didn't realize all his problems, most of him did really reflect. As for why I knew, it was because the system It will capture the mental activity of each of you and then feed it back to me."

"So I know that he is really reflecting. Although it is not complete, it is enough to change the score."

Everyone was stunned when they heard Ye Chen's explanation, what was so miraculous that they could even capture what they thought in their hearts.

Doesn't Ye Chen know what they are thinking, thinking carefully, then they have no privacy?The emperor present was tense, afraid that his mental activities would be known by Ye Chen.

Seeing the scared expressions of the emperors, Ye Chen felt very helpless.

"Don't worry, the system will only capture your mental activities during the exam, and will not capture them at other times, so you still have privacy, you can rest assured."

The emperors breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, that's good, if they really know everything, then they feel as if they are naked in front of Ye Chen.

Everyone shifted their attention from this to Liu Hong's grades just now.

They were all surprised that Liu Hong had really changed his nature. In such a short period of time, his ideological consciousness had risen to such a high level. He had to admire Han Lingdi for his uniqueness in reflection.

"I didn't expect that Liu Hong's test results were real, and he was really repenting. To be honest, I still can't believe it, but the examiner said so, and I have to believe it."

"Don't talk about you, I still can't believe it, but there is no way, the examiner has already spoken."

"Did you hear what I said, his Liu Hong's score will definitely not exceed [-] points, how about it, I guessed it right."

Wang Mang proudly showed off to the two young emperors.

"Okay, if you are good, it must be because you are older than us and have experience."

A young, dark-skinned emperor curled his lips, he really didn't want to admit how powerful Wang Mang was.

"Hmph, bet me, you two are still young. Stop playing with you little brats and go back to my own place."

After finishing speaking, Wang Mang walked to his seat happily humming a song.

"Why do I find him so unpleasant?"

"Me too. Although he guessed right, it just looks like it makes your teeth itch."

The two emperors looked at each other for a while, and they both read from each other's eyes that they wanted to stay away from Wang Mang.

After Liu Hong learned that he had passed the make-up exam, he was very excited. For the first time, he felt that he had done a very right thing, and for the first time, he regretted why he had done such a stupid thing before.

Slowly, Liu Hong took the paper and returned to his seat.

At this time, Liu Hong suddenly felt a burst of warmth from his shoulder, and looked up to see that it was his son Liu Xie.

"Father... that's fine."

Seeing that his father had really changed, Liu Xie felt comforted.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and Liu Hong also patted Liu Xie's hand on his shoulder.

The faces of the emperors of the Liu Group also softened a lot, and even their eyes on Liu Hong were not as cold as before.

"Well, before announcing the results of other candidates, I want to show you a few videos. I hope that the candidates in the future will have different ideas after watching them."

Ye Chen suddenly made a sound, causing all the emperors to turn their eyes to him.

Without waiting for everyone's reaction, Ye Chen waved his hand again, and images began to appear in the video.

What was played on the screen was actually a clip of Japan's invasion of China.

When the emperors saw this scene, they all started to discuss, wondering why a group of people in the picture were wearing strange costumes and holding a handful of long objects in their hands.

But the emperors of the Qing Dynasty knew very well what the people on the screen were holding in their hands. After all, guns had already appeared in the Qing Dynasty.

The picture changes from how the Japanese Empire invaded China, and then burned, killed and looted everywhere, especially when the scenes of the Nanjing Massacre and the comfort women were played.

The discussion in the examination room became louder.

"I have a bad temper. Which dynasty are these people from? Are they doing human things? I'm so mad."

"Oh my god, it's too miserable. Once the war breaks out, it's the common people who will suffer. But these people are too cruel. I have the urge to kill them."

"Master Examiner, may I ask which dynasty is the person in this video, who is so cruel and does such unconscionable things."

When Ye Chen saw someone asking a question, he answered it.

"This is an empire in later generations that shamelessly invaded our country. All the scenes you see are what will happen in the future."

All the candidates were shocked when they heard that such a thing would happen in later generations, and the methods were extremely cruel. Looking at the people who were killed in the picture, the emperors were filled with grief and indignation, and they all wished to kill these beasts.

"It's so cruel and inhuman, I really want to lead my troops to crush this empire."

"Yes, count me in. Such a cruel empire shouldn't exist. It really hurts the people."

The young emperors all expressed their desire to get rid of all the bad guys in the picture.

Seeing this, Ye Chen felt relieved, it is good to be young, who is not a passionate young man after seeing this scene.

The ministers and common people in front of the screen were terrified when they saw the clips in the video. This kind of tragedy can no longer be expressed in words.

The people were very frightened, and they were also afraid that they would face humiliation and torture in this war-torn era, which was undoubtedly the most painful.

In a teahouse.

It was full of men, women and children, and everyone gathered together to inject everything that happened on the screen.

"It's too miserable, it's really too miserable, how could these poor people be born in that era, it's really pitiful."

"That's right, no matter what happens, we little people are the worst, and the worst are those bad guys. If there are fewer people like this in the world, I believe our lives will be better."

Two men in long gowns were talking to each other.

"These people's actions are the actions of animals, especially those women. It's really miserable."

A middle-aged woman next to her interjected that she was very angry when the Japanese army captured a large number of women and insulted them. Of course, as a woman, I can empathize.

(End of this chapter)

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