Chapter 144 A New Question Type Appears!
In fact, from a certain point of view, Ye Chen still admired the other party for being so confident, and would not start to have any doubts about himself because of the other party's choice or any statement.

Seeing that it was time to end this question, Ye Chen announced:
"Okay, the new question, the time for the first question is up, everyone stop writing."

His voice left the key points in the examination room, but the candidates were all relieved. If Ye Chen didn't remind them, I'm afraid they would continue to revise because every option is indeed reasonable.

The most worrying thing is that after the modification, they didn't get a correct answer in the end, so it's better to let them stop writing as soon as possible, at least they don't need to be tortured by endless thinking.

"Okay, I know you're tired of thinking about the last question, but you still have to get into the mood quickly, and you're about to move on to the next question."

Ye Chen said, and began to announce the next question:
"This question sounds more interesting."

Everyone at the scene couldn't help swallowing after Ye Chen's words. According to the past practice, if Ye Chen didn't say that, maybe this question might still be interesting.

But if Ye Chen said this, it must mean that this question is difficult.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense. Ye Chen cleared his throat and began to announce the topic:
"What do you need to give up or pay to be a hero?
The options are A. Use nothing B. Use everything even if it is life C. Give up thousands of lives or the entire civilization D. Sacrifice a part of yourself E. Sacrifice others or a part of society or civilization. "

After all the candidates had listened to the title of the question and all the options, the atmosphere in the room became even more depressed, and everyone's face was very solemn.

Now in this scene, not to mention that their companions are everywhere around them watching their performance in the examination room, there are some options, and some of them feel that it is a helpless choice.

But Ye Chen could come down and check their answers at will. It was the first time for them to take the test here, so they didn't know what kind of character Ye Chen was.

Although they sound like they want to choose some of the options, they also know that although sometimes it is helpless to do so, it is wrong in the end.

What they are most afraid of is not these, the main thing is that if they choose, Ye Chen directly reads their answers aloud in front of everyone because of dissatisfaction, or for some reason, what should we do?Doesn't that mean the society is dead?
Not only did they die among these candidates, but even when they returned to their plane in the future, they had to endure the eyes of those former companions or friends and neighbors looking at them, and others. Dare to think about it.

Thinking of the things that frightened them, they quickly shook their heads violently.

The emperors watching from the side all took a deep breath after hearing this question.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with picking out the options in this question alone. After all, sometimes, who doesn't want everyone to stay?But for those victories, there were some sacrifices that couldn't be avoided.

But this kind of thing, sometimes it doesn't matter if it is said quietly, but if it is announced in such a large public, it is destined to not make a good impression on everyone. They are also people who have passed the test. Naturally, I also know that the candidates will return to their plane in the future.

In this way, if everyone knew that they were the kind of people who could sacrifice others casually, then who would dare to get close to them?
Ye Chen couldn't feel the dignified atmosphere in the room. Ye Chen also knew all the thoughts in the minds of these examinees and onlookers, but these still couldn't stop him from asking this question.

After all, when he was thinking about these exam questions, he had already paid some attention to them. This question was actually related to the experience and personality of each hero.

And every hero has his own environment. For example, Cheng Xin finally chose to achieve the big universe, Luo Ji could choose to sacrifice the civilization of the earth and the civilization of the Three-Body Problem, and Iron Man sacrificed himself.In exchange for the return of more than half of the life in the entire universe and so on.

In fact, these questions are tailor-made for them, and Ye Chen also estimates the choices of these people in his heart, and it is estimated that the final outcome is the same as that of them in their plane.

As for the audience in the examinee's plane, after hearing this question, everyone became a little excited and looked forward to it.

They were very curious in their hearts, what kind of answer would the people who took part in this test choose in the end?At the same time, they also want to know what kind of person that guy is through this question.

After all, if you choose the kind of person who can sacrifice others at will, it is better to stay away from him, otherwise, one day, he may sacrifice on your head.

They felt a little bit of anticipation, very curious about whether the other party would choose such a similar option, but at the same time, they were also a little scared. With such complicated and uneasy feelings, they began to hold their breath, waiting for these things in the examination room. people's options.

And the impression of the camera is that they know their mood very well and slowly advance to the paper of the examinee they are concerned about. At this time, the answer to the question has not been written, and the paper is still white.

The examinees at the scene also suddenly felt a feeling of being on their backs. They naturally knew that all their actions now were being watched by other people. The best thing to think about is not to choose those choices that are likely to cause public anger.

Some people's movements even became uncomfortable because they noticed those gazes.

Cheng Xin was very surprised by the title of this question, but he also knew in his heart that since Ye Chen had already chosen to ask this question, it was naturally impossible to change it.

And if he wants to get a high score in this exam as much as possible, he can only try his best to analyze the pros and cons of each option, so as to try his best to get a high score.

The others were also analyzing uncomfortably.

Ye Chen looked at them one by one, and couldn't help but feel a little funny in his heart. Then he put down the exam questions in his hand, stepped off the podium, and began to patrol the room.

(End of this chapter)

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