Chapter 143 Love can create miracles!
At that time, who can't be saved even if they want to save? "

As soon as he asked these two sentences, all the people present were silent, and they had to admit that what Master Tang said was indeed reasonable.

Hearing that each of them began to express their opinions based on the options on the test paper, Ye Chen narrowed his eyes and laughed.

The reason why he chose these options was because he believed in his heart that these options could cause different people to recall their experiences and resonate, and everything now proved that he was indeed right.

The opinions expressed at that time were also heard by all audiences in all those planes. Liu Peiqiang looked at their exams and suddenly thought of something in his heart.

"Xiao Qi, let me ask you a question."

As Liu Peiqiang said, Zhun turned his head to look at his son who was almost as tall as him.

"Come and listen?"

After Liu Qi heard it, his heart was also a little eager to try. He knew that the question the other party wanted to ask him must also have something to do with the questions of the heroes' exams this time.

"Do you consider yourself a hero?"

The latter was slightly stunned when he heard the question asked by Liu Peiqiang. He really didn't know how to answer it. Saying that he felt that he was was a little too narcissistic, but if he said that he felt that he was not, then his But there was also some reluctance in my heart.

Liu Peiqiang saw Liu Qi showing such an expression, and he didn't answer his question for a while and didn't rush him, but turned his head and looked at the scenery on the other side.

Many people have changed their original choices either from the heart, or after hearing the opinions of others,

At this moment, the answer is almost complete, but Vader has not written for a long time.

He looked at the test questions on the test paper, carefully trying to figure out the meaning of the connection between the words, his eyes were sharp, and he almost stared at the test paper with a big hole.

At the same time, he was seriously thinking about some things. What exactly does he want?Does he love this world?For each option, he also started from himself and made careful thinking.

But it was precisely because of his seriousness and prudence that there were many more problems that he couldn't think of, but he also knew in his heart that every problem had its time limit, because there was no tool to see the time at this moment, so He himself didn't know how much time had passed and how much time was left.

Seeing the passage of time bit by bit, his heart became more and more uneasy, feeling as if time was about to end.

Thinking of the end, he sighed and turned over the test paper, raised his head, and stared at Cheng Xin with piercing eyes.

The other party quickly felt his gaze, so they also turned their heads to meet his gaze.

The actions of the two of them were naturally right, Ye Chen and others who were proctoring the exam, and the audience who were watching at the moment all saw it.

People in the era of deterrence didn't know what Vader was going to do for a while. When they first saw that the other party hadn't chosen the answer, they already felt something bad in their hearts?

Now seeing the other party, he turned over the test paper before he finished answering the questions. Now that there was still time to sleep, he had to look at another candidate in the examination room. All of them showed expressions of astonishment. I can't think of what the other party is going to do.

Cheng Xin quickly understood what the other person was looking at. He turned his head away and began to announce his analysis to the public:
"I think the choice for this question should be love. This is the most important thing for a hero, right? After all, why do heroes want to save the people? Because he loves them, and he has great love in his heart.

It is precisely because of love that people are willing to become heroes and help each other. If a hero does not have love, even though he has the ability of a hero, he may only have the ability instead of doing anything. "

After he expressed his analysis, he chose love without hesitation.

Many people who had chosen this option at first became a little hesitant when they heard the soundness of the two analysts. Some people changed their answers directly, and some people hesitated, but did not No changes.

At this moment, someone finally analyzed that the answer they chose was that their mood improved a lot. Not only did many people change the answer back, but those who did not change the answer were also grateful that they chose it. this answer.

After Cheng Xin wrote down her answer, she raised her head and stared at Ye Chen with wide eyes. In fact, she was not sure whether the answer to this question was like this, but after repeated analysis, he Finally decided to choose this answer.

However, because of the uncertainty in his heart, he looked at Ye Chen with questioning eyes, and even tried to observe what kind of micro-expression the other party showed when he heard his analysis, and judged himself in this way What is the winning percentage.

And those people who were still waiting for Vader to make a choice in the era of deterrence, after hearing what Cheng Xin said, not only began to feel that it made sense, but at the same time, they seemed to begin to understand why Wei De Hui tried to ask Cheng Xin.

Ye Chen noticed that Cheng Xin was looking at him, and also understood the content in the other party's eyes. He was still very satisfied with the other party's answer, so he smiled back at the other party.

With these heroes expressing their opinions, many heroes have already made their own choices, and some have deleted and changed and deleted again, but in the end, they have basically determined their own answers .

But what has not changed is that in the examination room, no one seems to choose money, only Mr. Tang chooses this way.

Although some people expressed their thoughts before and after he chose, and they sounded reasonable, he never changed his thoughts and stubbornly chose this.

After all, no matter what, the one he chose is indeed reasonable, and his analysis is also reasonable, but he ignored the question and wanted to ask the most important among these images.

After all, Ye Chen had already set up smoke bombs for them when he was thinking about the problem. Everything seemed so indispensable. At least having it would indeed make the hero better, so this made them choose , it becomes more difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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