Arcane splendor begins with the throne

Chapter 60 Ogre Strength Bracers

Chapter 60 Ogre Strength Bracers

Under the cold night, Brian carefully controlled the arcane fire that had become the size of a fist, evenly baking the light blue skin of the ogre.

Accompanied by an unpleasant stench and wisps of smoke rising from the ogre's skin, the skin also began to sizzle with grease.

This is another function of arcane fire: refining materials.

The so-called 'refining' is to clean up all the garbage contained in ordinary magic materials, leaving only usable magic elements.

And Brian is cleaning up the garbage of this ogre skin at this moment.

However, although this method seems simple and very efficient, the energy that Austrian Fire burns is actually the magical energy he stored.

Just refining this small ogre skin consumed 10 points of his magic energy.

Brian waved his hand, and threw a zero-ring trick "Cleansing" towards the refined ogre skin.

Suddenly, an almost invisible energy began to surge on the ogre's skin.

The filth and grease that had just been refined by the arcane fire disappeared without a trace, turning into a kind of blue leather filled with magical energy.

Observing from the outside, it is almost hard to tell that this is actually a piece of skin peeled off from the ogre's body.

Brian didn't waste any more time. He put away the restored arcane fire, took this brand new blue leather into his hand, and prepared to use scissors to cut out the shape of a pair of wrist guards.

Then sew it according to the size of your wrist, and then use the enchanting process to engrave the rune marks. This pair of ogre power wristbands is considered complete.

However, just as Brian picked up the scissors and was about to start working, he suddenly became hesitant.

Because he suddenly realized a problem, as a man, how could he have specialized in such fine work as tailoring.

Even in the game world, he would directly spend money on this kind of work to be handled by people who are proficient in this skill, and he has never tried it himself.

Even if the clothes were accidentally scratched or damaged during the battle, as a spellcaster, Brian would usually finish it with a "repair".

A capital 'embarrassed' floated across Brian's frowning brow.

Fortunately, he has never eaten pork, but he has seen pigs walking.

Thinking of this, Brian could only bite the bullet and try this fine needlework.

After all, the days to come are still long, and this skill may be used someday.

Moreover, during his travels on the mainland, he occasionally used needles and threads to sew up the wounds on his body due to serious injuries.

Therefore, he is not unfamiliar with this kind of needlework.

Just when Brian was about to start work, he suddenly heard footsteps coming from the depths of the woods, which made the movements of his hands pause, and instinctively looked up.

Soon, the figure of the female ranger Toviel emerged from the night in his sight.

Behind her was a bundle of dead branches of different lengths, and the bright moonlight reflected her shadow like a spider with its teeth and claws, which was quite funny.

Apparently, the elf girl had come back from chopping firewood.

Bryan watched as Toviel put the dry firewood he had collected next to a fire pit made of stones, took off the hood on his head, took off the longbow and quiver hanging on his body, and put On the side stones.

Then he began to tidy up the dead branches on the ground, as if planning to start a fire.

Brian stared at the scissors and leather in his hands, never expecting these two things to be so heavy.

So he thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't care too much, and thought that it was the elf girl who would do the work for him.

After all, the elves are famous for their exquisite handwork, and the simple sewing of wristbands, Brian believes, should not be difficult for the other party.

Toviel on the side obviously noticed that Brian had been staring at him.

The elf girl flung all her loose long hair behind her head a little uncomfortably, and then subconsciously checked her body. After she felt that there was nothing wrong, she looked into Brian's eyes curiously, and looked nervously. Asked: "You...what's the matter?"

Only then did she notice that Brian was holding a new piece of light blue leather in his right hand and a pair of scissors in his left hand, as if he was cutting something.

"It's okay." Brian smiled dryly, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "I need you to do me a favor, can you?"

"No..." Toviel was about to agree, but seemed to realize something, and quickly changed his words: "What's the matter?"

"I have a piece of leather here that needs to be sewn into a pair of wristbands." Brian looked at the elf girl and said, "I'm not good at tailoring, so please help me."

"You mean...let me sew a pair of wristbands out of this leather for you?" Toviel looked startled, she hesitated for a moment, and then repeated it word by word with uncertainty, understanding Brian meaning in words.

"That's right." Brian admitted readily.

He thought that even if the other party didn't agree so readily, he would at least think about it and nod in agreement.

After all, it was just a pair of wristbands, so it should be very simple for her.

However, when he looked at Toviel's aqua blue eyes that were slightly twisted and evasive, he realized that he had guessed wrong.

"I'm very sorry." Toviel lowered his head and stared at his toes, avoiding Brian's eager gaze, and said softly in an apologetic tone, "I won't either..."

After finishing these words, Toviel secretly rejoiced that it was so wise not to agree to the other party so neatly just now.

"...Okay, self-reliance, enough food and clothing." Brian muttered in a low voice, no longer speaking.

As a female elf, she could even know skinning skills, but she didn't know tailoring skills. This was something he never expected, otherwise he wouldn't have the cheek to ask her for help.

It can be seen from this that the other party is definitely an elf from a wild family background. If not, these skills will be taught to them in the holy land of elves.

This also helped him to understand why he hadn't seen her in the elf holy land before, and the other party didn't know about him at all.

Then Brian started to get busy without saying a word, while Toviel squatted beside the dead branches, breaking off the dead branches one by one, and throwing them into the fire pit.

In this way, after Brian cut out the shape of the wristband, he took out a silver needle for suturing wounds and a bundle of extremely fine gold wires that he had prepared in advance from his pocket.

This kind of gold thread is not an ordinary thread, but a gold thread extracted from pure gold, and its purpose is to make magic equipment.


In the real world, in addition to serving as a special currency for reserves and investment, it is also an important material for the electronics industry, modern communications, aerospace and other sectors.

Likewise, in this world of swords and sorcery, faith and gods, gold still plays an important role.

In the eyes of commoners and nobles, it is a kind of mainland currency and hard currency.

In the group of spellcasters, in addition to serving as spellcasting materials, they are also key materials for magic equipment, constructed creatures, rune circles, and even wizard towers and floating cities.

It is mainly used to make rune circuits that transmit magic power, similar to the role of building lines and transmitting electricity in the real world.

It's like this unfinished bracer in Brian's hand.

If the skin of the raw material ogre is compared to the bricks and tiles used to build a house, then the gold thread used for sewing in his hands is the line for transmitting electricity.

The reason why magic equipment is called magic equipment is that the key factor is that the rune circuit inside the equipment can absorb the free elemental power in the air, and then convert it into power and transmit it to the wearer.

And the key material of this rune circuit is the gold thread with the best magic-guiding property, followed by the silver thread.

Therefore, when Brian sewed the wristband, he naturally chose to use gold thread refined from gold.

After a while, under the gaze of a female elf who glanced over from time to time, Brian finally clumsily sewed a pair of wristbands that didn't look very good-looking.

This is the Ogre Bracers of Strength.

The color of the cuffs is light blue, and the seams are intertwined with faint golden threads.

Brian put away the tools, then took out the pen, squared the pair of semi-finished wristbands on the stone, squatted beside him, and began to prepare for the final craft: enchanting.

He first took out a palm-sized disk, and then took out a few gold coins to suspend it above the disk.

Immediately with a thought, a group of scorching high-temperature flames wrapped these few gold coins and began to burn.

Soon, all the suspended gold coins were melted into a golden liquid by the 1000-degree flame.

Brian immediately carefully controlled the liquid and put it into the prepared disc.

Then he took off the pen cap of the pen, and with a nib made of fine gold, lightly touched the golden liquid in the disc, and the liquid in the disc was like ink, and was completely absorbed by the pen.

Brian didn't dare to waste time, and immediately used the sharp tip of the pen to engrave rune marks on the pair of wrist guards.

Making magic equipment is a very cumbersome thing. The previous few steps can be easily completed by any ordinary person.

The real test of a wizard's true ability is actually the last enchanting process.

Brian was not used to squatting next to the stone, just like he usually writes, and began to carve the runes stroke by stroke on the light blue surface of the wristband very seriously.

Whenever he used the tip of the pen to engrave a golden rune, the surface would shimmer with a flowing magical radiance.

Just when Brian finished marking No.30 six runes, a strange ray of light floated over the surface of the wristband, instantly linking all the seemingly irrelevant runes together to form a complete golden magic rune pattern.

These golden runes are dotted on the light blue wristbands. Under the silvery night, they are really beautiful. Even Torviel, who was watching from the sidelines, couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Brian stretched out his finger, and the light of the arcane fire emerged again, and injected surges of magical energy into the inside of the wristband.

In the main material world, the moment a piece of magic equipment takes shape, it often uses the power of the magic net to activate the magic energy circulating inside the equipment.

But the magic net in this world can't communicate at all, which means that Brian can only rely on the magical energy of the arcane fire he has mastered to activate.

Immediately, with the injection of energy, all the gold threads and the golden radiance emitted by the runes on the surface of the wristband suddenly all converged inside, turning into a pair of ordinary light blue wristbands.

Brian put away the Austrian fire with a slightly tired expression. This injection directly consumed 50 points of magic energy, including the refining energy, a total of 60 points were spent.

Fortunately, when he killed the ogre wizard, he got 100 points, so that he would not feel at a loss.

Then, Brian reached out and pointed at the wristband again, and threw a simple "detect magic" spell.

This pair of dim magic equipment faintly shone with a faint magic glow.

It wasn't until the slightly dim light came on that Brian's tense expression relaxed.

Among the grades of magic equipment, there are dim auras of fine quality, medium auras of extraordinary quality, intense auras of excellent quality, and dazzling auras representing legendary quality.

And the dim aura on his pair of wrist guards represented the quality of this piece of equipment: excellent.

This point, Brian has long expected.

Because during the production process, he did not add precious gemstones containing the power of the earth element, which made this equipment only increase a person's strength by 2 points at most, and the upper limit was 19 points.

If the quality reaches 'extraordinary', as long as the wearer's strength is not higher than 19 points, no matter how much his strength is, he can directly increase it to 19 points, which is equivalent to the strength of an adult ogre.

However, the reason why he didn't add this kind of gemstone was mainly because he didn't have any ready-made ones on him at this time.

Of course, if he has time in the future, he will not miss this opportunity to re-enhance the equipment to 'extraordinary' quality.

When he was done, Brian put the completed pair of wristbands on his wrists, and deliberately hid them with his sleeves.

Bracers of Ogre Strength

Quality: excellent

Effect: Strength +2, up to 19 points

(Note: The magic equipment specially made with the skin of the ogre wizard, except for the ugly appearance, the other craftsmanship is perfect.)

(End of this chapter)

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