Chapter 59 Sword Master
Looking at the aggrieved back of the elf girl who entered the jungle with a hatchet, Brian couldn't help but smile. Then he found a smooth stone and sat on it, and started to work on his own affairs.

He pondered for a moment, and with a thought, a piece of neatly folded light blue leather flew out of the inner pocket of his coat.

If you observe carefully, you can also find traces of blood seeping on the surface, shining faintly under the cold moonlight.

Brian suppressed a disgusting stench, and using his telekinesis ability, he manipulated the dilapidated leather object to fully unfold it.

This is a piece of skin he peeled off from the ogre wizard after he killed the ogre wizard not long ago.

An adult ogre's extremely tough skin is equivalent to the defensive strength of leather armor, and ordinary swords can only leave a few pale white marks at most.

Therefore, the ogre's skin is also a rare and good material. Even if it is made into ordinary defensive equipment, the defensive effect is much better than that of ordinary beast fur.

And the skins of these ogre wizards with the ability to cast spells are even more rare for Brian today.

The reason why ogre wizards have the ability to cast spells is that apart from the two milky white short horns on their foreheads that seem to receive signals, it is similar to the bloodline awakening method of the warlock profession.

It is this bloodline characteristic of being compatible with the original magic power that makes the ogre wizard's skin soaked in magic power for a long time, making it a natural raw material suitable for making magic equipment.

Because of this magical penetration of the skin, the ogre wizard's skin contains a trace of magical properties, allowing alchemists to easily engrave rune circles for enchanting on it.

This is something that cannot be compared with the furs of ordinary beasts. Even the fur of a winter wolf who is born with the supernatural ability "Frost Breath" is not as valuable as the skin of an ogre wizard.

After all, even if the fur of the winter wolf is successfully enchanted, the attached characteristics are nothing more than some effects such as cold resistance, but the skin of the ogre wizard is different. These stupid people who have both combat skills have additional attributes of strength direct enhancement.

This is exactly what Brian likes. Now he is still lacking in his own strength attribute, so naturally he has to find a way to strengthen it.

In fact, the skin of some powerful human warlocks also has this enchanting effect. The only difference is that the skin is too thin, and the overall strength is not as good as that of ogre wizards.

However, as far as Brian knew, very few wizards of the evil faction who were proficient in the necromancy school particularly liked the corpses of professional warlocks, mainly for making powerful corpses.

In his previous life, Brian majored in evocation and conjuration, and he generally stayed away from necromancers who liked to manipulate corpses.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so embarrassed that he couldn't even peel off the skin of an ogre wizard.

Thinking of this, Brian looked at the ogre skin suspended in mid-air, and couldn't help showing a wry smile.

He didn't waste time admiring the unsightly 'work of art' in front of him.

Instead, he took out a pair of scissors directly from his pocket, ready to cut off all the sword scratches, blood holes pierced by sharp arrows, and places ruined by his clumsy hands on this dilapidated light blue skin, Only the intact parts are left.

Looking at the few magic materials left, Brian frowned, thought for a while, and finally had no choice but to give up the plan to make the belt and temporarily change it into a pair of wrist guards.

There is no way to blame him, he can only blame his skinning skills for being too poor, and he ruined a lot for no reason.

After all, in this real world, many skills need to be cultivated hard the day after tomorrow. It is not like a bunch of skill points in the game. Various character skills can be easily promoted to the top without connecting.

This is like a cucumber, which can only be cut into a dozen slices in the hands of a rookie like him, but can be sliced ​​evenly as thin as a cicada's wings in the hands of a skilled chef, and even in the hands of those beautiful young ladies. You can also play all kinds of operations that male compatriots love to watch...

The same is true of the swordsmanship that Bryan mastered. Without his ten years of hard training, he would not have obtained the cool and powerful background specialty of "Master of Swordsmanship".

In fact, in the Holy Land of the elves, he did not learn the swordsmanship of the elves voluntarily. He was completely driven to the shelves with a whip. In the end, he gradually got used to it as time passed.

[Master of Swordsmanship (Background Specialty): You are a master who uses the blade. The sword in your hands is like one body, noble and deadly. It is both a weapon and an art.In battle, you can always flexibly manipulate the Qingfeng in your hand in ways that the enemy cannot imagine, making you invincible. 】

Gain special effects of this feat:

1. Stewardship of the Sword: When charging with the sword, the movement speed increases by 10%.

2. Flash of the Sword: When swinging the sword to attack, the attack speed rate increases by 20%.

3. Elegance of the sword: When fighting with the enemy with the sword, the dodge is increased by 30%.


With a thought of Brian, the pruned magic material in his hand was controlled by him again, floating in mid-air.

Immediately afterwards, Arcane Fire emerged from his body in soft blue-white flames, appearing beneath the ogre's skin.

Whether it is the animal skin that was peeled off from the body of the beast just now, or the skin of the ogre in front of him, they can't be used directly.

In a world of evil humanoids such as gnolls and kobolds.

Although they also mastered simple equipment manufacturing techniques, the peeled animal skins were usually directly cut into the shape of clothes, at most they were steamed in a pot, sewed up, and then worn on the body to complete the work.

This simple method can indeed protect or keep warm for these uncritical evil groups.However, untreated hides will become very hard after the water evaporates, and the cost performance will be greatly reduced.

The world of intelligent races is different. They are very proficient in how to process and process animal skins.

Brian, who has lived in the holy land of elves for a long time, is quite clear about this.

This treatment process requires soaking the peeled raw hide in clean water for 4 to 5 hours to soften it.

Then use a sharp blade to scrape off the residual meat and dirt attached to the skin plate, and then wash it with a brush in warm alkaline water to completely wash off the grease and dirt until it becomes soft and clean, and then it can be made into various kinds of leather. style of armor or clothing.

Brian knew how to deal with it, but at this moment, it was obviously impossible for him to use such a troublesome technique to deal with the human skin of the ogre in front of him.

At this time, the effect of his arcane fire became apparent.

Brian used simple cleaning spells to clean away all the blood and flesh remaining on the ogre's skin.

Afterwards, he looked at the arcane fire floating below and swayed slightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the blue-white flame the size of a grain of rice jumped up suddenly as if uncontrollably, emitting dazzling blue-white sparks.

(End of this chapter)

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