My card game came true

Chapter 299 Impostor

Chapter 299 Impostor

Wang Ting went forward with the 'Kawashima Hiroshi' who claimed to be a neon man.

They saw a lot of skeleton soldiers along the way, but after approaching the forest, the number of skeletons they encountered decreased significantly, only occasionally seeing a few.

Such a situation made them feel a little surprised, and at the same time, they also felt a little vigilant in their hearts.

According to the laws of nature, the occurrence of this situation undoubtedly proves one thing.

That is, there are guys who are more powerful than those skeletons nearby, and those skeletons dare not stay here at all.

If this is the case, it is enough to make them vigilant.

"Ms. Wang...I's better for us to take a detour."

Kawashima stumbled and stumbled, neither English nor Xiayu was proficient, but the meaning was expressed to him.

Wang Ting was deeply touched by this suggestion, and was about to nod her head. When she took a detour with her, she suddenly felt a cold feeling coming towards them!

Wang Ting's face was shocked immediately, and before she could react, she suddenly felt that the sky and the ground were covered with frost, as if something was watching her!


Wang Ting was very vigilant, and she held the eyebrow stick in her hand in an instant, and before she could react, a figure appeared in the ice and snow. ,

"Don't be nervous, it's me."

Song Luo's voice was very calm. He looked at Wang Ting and the guy beside him whom he didn't know well, waved his hand casually, and said, "Who is this next to you?"

"Neon man, Hiroshi Kawashima."

Seeing that it was Song Luo, Wang Ting was immediately overjoyed, and at the same time casually revealed the identity of the temporary teammate beside him: "He showed me his ID, but it wasn't fake, only half of it was left, which was said to be caused by the skeleton chasing him. "

Before, Wang Ting was more afraid of the foreigner beside her, and was more worried about what might happen.

But after meeting Song Luo, this worry naturally disappeared.

Song Luo is a strong one among the fourth-level extraordinary beings. With him here, the opponent can't make any big waves.

The guy next to him named 'Kawashima Hiroshi' seemed to have a stiff smile, and said a few words stiffly, as if introducing himself.

As far as Song Luo is concerned, he doesn't care which country this 'Chuan Dao Xun' is from, he only knows that there is another coolie around him.

A third-level transcendent must dig faster than ordinary people.

Anyway, they are not their own people, and the digging is over. If they can go out alive and sue themselves, then it doesn't matter.

Song Luo believed that they could not accuse them of anything.

I am here to find the mausoleum and find the exit for everyone.

These guys who have made no contribution dare to speak wild words.

Song Luo believed that if there was any accusation, the two level five transcendents would be able to settle it for themselves.

Ordinary people don't know the situation in the secret realm, and these high-level transcendents naturally understand it best.

For a secret realm, the first thing to do is to find the exit, otherwise it is easy to be trapped in it.

The royal tomb secret realm, its exit may be in the royal tomb.

Thinking of this, Song Luo didn't give the guy named Kawashima Xun any leeway to react, so he directly pressed him in front of the weapon pile, and said, "Choose a weapon yourself and start."

Hiroshi Kawashima: "???"

He had no idea what was going to greet him.

"What are you looking at? Digging the dirt, like those Citi people down there."

Song Luo didn't explain too much to him, but pointed to the Citigroup soldiers below, and said casually: "You are a third-level extraordinary person, and I decided to let you be a group leader among them."

Hiroshi Kawashima was dumbfounded.

How is this going? !
He took a deep breath, as if he was going to say something, but after thinking about Song Luo's cultivation and realm, he swallowed the breath, and instead of saying anything, he honestly began to dig the soil.

It's just that in an unknown place, I said a few words of 'Xiba'.

For a Level [-] Transcendence, it may not be clear.

But Song Luo is a fifth-level extraordinary person, and his spiritual consciousness is extremely powerful, so naturally he heard Kawashima's low curse in an instant.


Is this what Neon people can say?
Looking at the whole world, I am afraid that there are only two places where people can say this kind of thing.

Song Luo narrowed his eyes. It was impossible for the one in the north to assist Citigroup, so there was no doubt about the true identity of this so-called 'Kawashima Xun'.

Nanli people!
What is he trying to do by pretending to be a neon man?
In any case, there are definitely ghosts!
Nanli people have a long history of pretending to be people from other countries and doing bad things in foreign lands.

I don't know what's going on, it's obvious that people of the same clan living in other places are normal, but living in that corner has become like this.

Maybe this is just one side of the soil and water raising another person, and being a dog to someone will never end well.

"Captain Song, what does this mean?"

Seeing Song Luo pulling 'Chuan Dao Xun' to dig the soil, Wang Ting also looked dumbfounded, and couldn't help but whispered: "Is this a bit...disregarding the international situation."

"It's come to this point, what's the use of the international situation."

Song Luo is not from an orthodox academic background, and he is not interested in any long speeches at all. He only cares about the situation in front of him: "This is a secret realm. If we can't find the exit, we will be trapped here forever."

Song Luo was not in a hurry, after all, he had a game by his side, so he could go out anyway.

Not necessarily others.

In the final analysis, I do this for the good of everyone.

"Also, the guy walking with you is not a neon man. I heard him subconsciously swear 'Xiba' just now."

Song Luo looked at Wang Ting and said, "You should surf the Internet, right? I don't really believe in this era. Do you know which country's 'Xiba' is a dirty word?"

"He's from Nanli?!"

Wang Ting was greatly surprised, but it was reasonable. Along the way, she always felt that the other party had evil intentions.

From this point of view, if he hadn't met Song Luo, what kind of fierce battle might have happened in the forest.

"Then what are we going to do now?"

Wang Ting took a deep breath, a strange look flashed in her eyes, and then she asked Song Luo.

"It's nothing, just wait here."

Song Luo yawned and pointed to the big pit that was being dug: "Let's see when this big pit will be dug and see if there is a royal tomb underneath."

Suddenly Song Luo seemed to sense something, and said to Wang Ting, "Oh, by the way, about three or four hundred meters to the west, a group of Citigroup soldiers appeared, go and bring them."

That's great, after having Wang Ting, arresting people is almost automatic, and there is no need to do it yourself.

I am waiting here, waiting for these Citizen soldiers to dig out the royal tomb.

 Thank you for the lord reward of the Absolute Soul Order.

(End of this chapter)

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