My card game came true

Chapter 298 Digging a Pit

Chapter 298 Digging a Pit
The sea of ​​trees in the secret realm is almost endless at a glance.

There are dense trees everywhere, which makes Wang Ting very uncomfortable.

Here, she found that she was completely unable to exert her due strength, and even hit with all her strength before she could knock a tree crumbling.

This caused her faith to collapse a bit. ,

Is he really weak? Why can't he even hit the tree?

Life is not easy, Wang Wang sighed.

For this place, Wang Ting is full of strangeness, and she doesn't know what to do every step of the way.

She has never been in contact with the secret realm, and she doesn't know what the secret realm is like.

Wang Ting knew nothing about the current situation.

There were voices of unknown meaning everywhere, and Wang Ting frowned slightly, feeling that there seemed to be some danger approaching around her.

This feeling made her alert to her surroundings, to every piece of land and trees around her.

Suddenly, Wang Ting seemed to have noticed something, frowned suddenly, looked up in one direction, and shouted in a low voice: "Who is there, come out!"

As she spoke, Wang Ting also tightened her grip on the weapon in her hand.

Before Wang Ting awakened her extraordinary abilities and practiced, she was the cudgel champion in the National Martial Arts Competition, so she was relatively confident in her own strength.

Of course, in addition to martial arts, Wang Ting has other guarantees.

She quietly touched her palm into her arms.

There is also a special super-power gun in his arms. Although it is useless for a transcendent of level [-] and above, it is already considered a good weapon for a level [-] transcendent.

Among the third-level superhumans, the superhuman weapons are fast within ten steps, and accurate and fast within ten steps.

"Don't...don't be nervous..."

Suddenly, a voice of Xia Guoyu came from the grass, and under Wang Ting's gaze, a man with an Asian face came out with a jerky tone: "I am a neon man, and my name is Kawashima Xun. I know a little... Xia Guo dialect."

"Kawashima Hiroshi?"

Wang Ting looked serious, and did not let down her vigilance because of their words, and then said in a low voice: "Have you met anyone else? Why didn't you come out at the first time, what are you going to do sneaking around there?"

"I'm worried... there are... monsters, monsters, do you... understand?"

Kawashima Xun danced and talked, sometimes in Xia language and sometimes in English. The mix was enough for Wang Ting to understand roughly.

The language barrier is so complicated that it is difficult to tell whether the meaning expressed is true or false.

But no matter what, Wang Ting will be vigilant to prevent this guy named 'Kawashima Hiroshi' from doing anything else.

But it's okay to go with a companion.

The two acted together, but each of them had their own ideas, and no one knew exactly how.


Different from the three-level transcendents who are cautious, Song Luo, who is called level four but is actually level five, has already entered and exited seven times in the secret realm, killing a lot.

Although the level of monsters in this secret realm is generally high, it has no effect on Song Luo.

He is a fifth-level transcendent, and the fifth-level beats the third-level and second-level, which can hardly be called beating, but pure abuse.

Occasionally, I could only see a level 4 monster, and then it was quickly terminated by Song Luo.

The skeletons wandering in the forest seem to be level 4 at their peak, but it is not so easy to meet skeletons beyond level 4.

Under this situation, Song Luo lived a very happy life in the secret realm.

But at the same time, Song Luo also discovered something.

Level [-] skeleton monsters are no longer skeletons.

Because Song Luo also found carrion on its body, it was more of a highly decomposed carrion than a skeleton.

There is also a significant difference between the third-level skeleton and the second-level skeleton in this respect.

The skeleton of the third-level skeleton is slightly newer than that of the second-level skeleton.

It seems that the higher the level, the higher the vitality of the skeleton... It may be difficult to understand, but Song Luo feels that maybe the level 7 Skeleton King of the bottom boss is not a skeleton at all, but a person who is no different from ordinary people. dead body.

If it gets to that point, it's really terrible.

Song Luo took a deep breath, and suddenly found a lot of corpses piled up in an open space in front of him.


Seeing this situation, Song Luo couldn't help being taken aback, and took a closer look, but they were all soldiers wearing the uniforms of the Citigroup army.

Their faces were covered with blood, or their chests were pierced by bone arrows, or their necks were chopped off with a single knife. The whole scene was full of blood.

Seeing this situation, Song Luo couldn't help but take a deep breath, feeling his scalp tingling.

What is the purpose of these skeletons collecting the corpses after killing people?
Soon, Song Luo knew what they were collecting these corpses for.

Under Song Luo's watchful eyes, a fourth-level carrion monster was gathering with other skeletons, suddenly shouting something loudly.

Song Luo couldn't hear clearly from the side, but they seemed to be a little excited. After a wave of energy, the bones were stripped from the corpse and began to wander aimlessly.

Their expressions were stiff, but it could be seen that the aura around them was constantly being strengthened. Within ten minutes of their birth, they transformed from a white skeleton that was crumbling when the wind blew, into a first-level monster with strong bones.


Song Luo frowned, and immediately made a bold move, a majestic aura burst out instantly, and the frost covered the sky and the sun, covering everything in front of him in an instant!
The frost directly covered all the skeletons, and the entire open space was like a world of ice and snow. It exploded instantly, and hundreds of skeletons present turned into ice sculptures.

Song Luo looked directly at the sky, and suddenly felt a strange fluctuation, which seemed to come from the ground.

"That's right, the tombs are all buried in the ground."

Song Luo suddenly thought of a key point.

After all, this is the secret realm of the royal tomb. The royal tomb is also a type of mausoleum and is naturally buried underground.

What an idiot, why did I just remember now.

Excavate directly?
Song Luo thought for a while, and then started digging. The soil is quite hard, but it is not difficult for Song Luo, but the speed is about the same as that of ordinary people.


After Song Luo pondered for a moment, he suddenly found that there were skeletons who seemed to be besieging and killing the soldiers of Citigroup, so he had a good idea.

The next moment, Song Luo's figure disappeared here, as fast as a gust of wind, making it impossible to see clearly.


A group of Citigroup soldiers were running wildly at the end of the road, and behind them was a complete squad of skeletons, bowing their bows and raising arrows, as if they wanted to shoot them.

The reason they come together is simply because they are weak.

The stronger the aura fluctuates, the more they will act alone, but for ordinary people, they can appear in groups in secret realms.

The secret realm is more biased towards the original creatures in the secret realm.

The skeletons need to hunt and kill humans to replenish their numbers, so they will naturally separate the strong for easy siege; they will gather the weak to avoid the trouble of finding them.

Everything is like this, so these soldiers from Citigroup were randomly assigned together.


A soldier kept screaming, then fell to the ground without breathing, which made other soldiers feel extremely panicked.

It's not that the skeletons enjoy the thrill of hunting, it's just that the more fearful they are before they die, the more energy they can get and the stronger their strength after they are transformed into skeletons.

That's why those skeletons took their time, only shooting one person every once in a while.

In this way, fear will spread among them, and the skeletons can maximize their benefits.

"Holy shit, we can't run like this anymore, those monsters are clearly treating us like mice and playing tricks on us, we will never escape!"

A black man couldn't help shouting, the extreme fear made his whole body tremble, he had had enough of this oppressive atmosphere, and couldn't help shouting: "Sooner or later you will die, why don't you fight with these monsters, If we win, we can live!"

The voice of the black man ignited the passion of everyone in the team. They were not willing to run for their lives like this, and they were finally shot, so they turned around one after another, pulled the trigger, and planned to fight to the death.

The bullets poured out quickly, but it had no effect.

For those level two monsters, the bullets will also get stuck in the bones, causing some dents and chips.

As for the third-level monsters, their bullets have no effect, and their bones are like iron walls, as if no weapon can penetrate them.

Seeing this situation, the soldiers looked desperate, and when they were about to lead their necks to death, they suddenly noticed snowflakes falling from the sky.


The soldiers were a little puzzled. When they looked up, they saw an Asian face appearing in their sight.

"Song! It's Mr. Song from Xia Kingdom!"

In the line, a white man suddenly shouted in surprise.

After all, Song Luo was also the first high-ranking transcendent who rushed to help here, and he was also the provider of information. There are many people in the Citigroup army who know Song Luo's appearance.

But for them, they didn't care too much. They even looked down on these extraordinary people who were not from Citigroup in their usual chats.

But now, Song Luo is simply their savior!
Fortunately, this Mr. Song also noticed their figures, but he saw that all the skeletons chasing them turned into ice sculptures in just one breath.

This scene instantly shocked these soldiers to the point of being speechless.

Everything must be contrasted to show the difference.

If Song Luo directly wiped out these skeletons after he appeared, then these Citigroup soldiers would naturally not feel the power of Song Luo, but would only feel that high-level extraordinary people could do the same.

Only after they trembled with these skeletons first and understood the level of these skeletons, Song Luo's appearance could appear more tyrannical.

"Mr. Song."

The surrounding Citigroup soldiers approached in awe and looked at Song Luo with awe in their eyes, as if they had found the backbone.

In this case, they don't care about the country, and the one who can lead them to survive is the real captain.

Song Luo counted the number of people and sighed.

Only 12 people.

If I came here sooner, there should be eighteen or nineteen people, or even 20 people.

"follow me."

Song Luo looked around and spoke calmly.

And these soldiers don't know why, but under the current situation, they can only go with Song Luo.

Along the way, several soldiers seemed to want to get close to Song Luo, but Song Luo ruthlessly refused them. They walked for more than ten minutes before they reached a certain place.

What caught my eye was a pit.

That's right, a pit.

Um?How could there be a pit here?
Several people couldn't help stretching their necks and looked down, only to find that there were a few comrades like them digging down, looking very strenuous.

Around the pit, a squishy clay figure seemed to be guarding them.

"One of you go over there to get a skeleton weapon, and then go down to dig the soil."

Song Luo did not hesitate at all, pointing to a pile of weapons piled into a hill not far away, and said calmly: "The clay doll will protect your safety."

All the soldiers were astonished. They didn't expect Song Luo to capture them as slaves and dig the soil.

"You are violating our human rights!"

A black man was furious and shouted loudly: "You are racist, stop your behavior!"

"I won't talk about this here. You are not my team members. I have no obligation to protect you."

Song Luo sneered, and then said: "It's okay not to dig, I respect your human rights, I can give you a choice, either stay digging, or leave."

Here, without the blessing of a high-level transcendent, there is only one dead end.

Song Luo is still more humanitarian, and he didn't kill them all directly, which is considered fair and just.

Hearing what Song Luo said, they became speechless. Several of them had already stepped forward, picked out the equipment they had in hand, and began to prepare to enter the pit and dig the soil together.

The general trend is unstoppable, so since this is the case, it is better to start early and choose a more convenient equipment for yourself.

Seeing this, other people began to step forward and dig up the soil in the pit. When Song Luo saw this, he did not continue to speak. He just half-squinted his eyes and sensed the surrounding situation.

If there are any soldiers passing by, I will bring them, and then dig the soil for myself together.

You can't dig it yourself, it's so troublesome, and if you encounter some sneak attackers, Song Luo will be in some trouble.

Coincidentally, I can still take the opportunity to command and control the Citigroup soldiers, anyway, I don't think they are very pleasing to the eye.

Now it's literally killing two birds with one stone, without breaking a sweat.

But at this moment, Song Luo suddenly felt that two extraordinary people entered his vicinity.

Immediately, the spiritual consciousness was covered, and Song Luo instantly saw the identities of the two.

One of them was an acquaintance.

"Wang Ting? I don't know the person next to me. Is it Nehong or Nanli, or is it a native Asian in Citigroup?"

After all, it was only a third-level transcendent, and Song Luo was not interested in remembering every third-level transcendent... even the fourth-level transcendent was good enough to remember most of them.

But no matter what, having a third-level transcendent is not bad, and it can be regarded as adding strength.

Thinking of this, Song Luo's figure gradually became unreal.

(End of this chapter)

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