Hercules Walk

Chapter 81 Falling from the Sky...Meteorite

Chapter 81 Falling from the Sky...Meteorite

Wang Dali didn't know what decision Tony Stark made in the end, he only knew that he was a little hungry now.

The living environment of Karma Taj is quite good, but its food in Nepal can only be regarded as mediocre.Fortunately, both the ancient ancient one and the current Strange are open-minded supreme mages, and they don't mind other mages using the portal to eat outside, or bring them back to eat directly.

After opening a portal, Wang Dali prepared to pack a pizza for Catherine, and then Minty's favorite ice cream set.

However, when the round black hole just appeared beside Wang Dali, he suddenly felt an unusually strong sense of repulsion from the nearby space, and in an instant, fine space cracks spread all over his body.

Due to complete lack of preparation, he had already raised one leg, and the other leg began to exert strength, as if he was pushed by someone, and fell headlong into the space passageway whose destination was obviously not a pizza shop.


If the military satellites of the United States are not shielded, then it can be found from their radar that several strong heat sources, or meteorites, are passing through the atmosphere with flames and thick smoke, and the target is New York, the largest economic exchange center in the United States. .

At this time, Wang Dali, who had just walked out of the space passage, stood firm and looked back, only to see that the space passage, which usually takes several seconds to close, actually disappeared the next second after he left this time.

Except for the addition of Wang Dali, it was as if nothing had happened in this small villa with a swimming pool.

But it is a pity that Wang Dali's appearance did not give this small villa a chance.

Phew~~~~~~~~Boom! ! ! ! !
The first is the scream of the air being swiftly passed by, followed by the huge heat, as well as the explosion and shock wave caused by the contact of an object with considerable mass with the ground.

This huge explosion directly turned the exquisite and beautiful villa into ruins. Countless building materials flew, some hit Wang Dali, and bounced away in an obviously distorted shape, and others were inserted into the ground near Wang Dali, or into the pool behind him.

Several tall palm trees nearby were rustled by the air waves generated by the explosion. The high temperature made the green plants nearby turn yellow quickly, and an unpleasant smell penetrated into Wang Dali's nose.

Then, the culprit who caused this situation also appeared in Wang Dali's field of vision.

The opponent standing up from the ruins was huge, at least ten meters high, completely blocking the moonlight shining on Wang Dali.Because the night was too dark, and the surrounding electric lights were destroyed by explosions and shocks, the giant couldn't see its appearance clearly in the eyes of others.

Of course, Wang Dali could still see clearly that this guy who just came to Earth from outer space looked like a robot.

"Is this your house? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

The voice of the other party is not like a human being, but somewhat similar to an electronic sound.After seeing the damage he caused, he bowed his head apologetically to Wang Dali. He was obviously a wise and communicative guy.

"So how are you going to pay me?"

Although the villa was not his own, the clothes on Wang Dali's body were also messed up by the sudden explosion and air waves, and even turned into rags because of the scattered waste.

Hearing what Wang Dali said with a bad face, the giant did not take violent measures because of the size difference between the two sides. Instead, he bent down sincerely, bowed his head and said to Wang Dali in a posture similar to squatting.

"I'm very sorry, I just came to this planet and I have no money. Besides, I still have important things to do now."

After hesitating for a while, he looked at the torn clothes on Wang Dali's body. The giant stretched out his hand to his chest.

The opponent's chest surged for a while, and then layers of gears and mechanical hanging pieces spread out to the surroundings, and a thing that was half the size of Wang Dali's palm and similar to a connector was taken out.

"This communicator allows you to contact me, and it also allows me to contact you. When my affairs are over, I will definitely come back and make amends to you."

But Wang Dali did not accept this proposal.

"How do I know if what you said is true or not?"

He frowned and slapped away the outstretched hand of what was sure to be a robot.

"And you're an alien, right? What are you doing here on Earth? Did you register when you came? Judging by the way you landed, you obviously came here by smuggling, right?!"


The silver-colored robot made a surprised and strange sound, and gently shook its head, which was about the same size as Wang Dali.

"I'm very sorry, I don't seem to have registered as you said. Moreover, I didn't know before that I need to register when I come to Earth."

"Not registered? That's not okay."

Wang Dali tore off his almost destroyed clothes, and then tore off his two trouser legs that had been scratched by the iron sheet, leaving two long scratches, turning a pair of slim slacks into a pair of Trendy shorts.

"Really, why are all the guys rushing to the earth recently? This is just an ordinary living planet, is it so attractive in the vast universe?"

Wang Dali was still in the mood to complain to the outer space robot in front of him because he had sensed before that there was no one in the villa destroyed by the opponent, and the opponent's landing method caused only pure economic losses.

"Okay, no matter where you are from, you have to register with me now, otherwise you will be treated as illegal entry!"

Wang Dali put his hands on his hips, and said righteously to the giant robot ten times his height and size, although he didn't know how SHIELD would deal with the illegal entry of aliens.

"I'm really sorry, but I have important things to do now, can I register later?"

"A very important thing?"

Wang Dali looked at the other party carefully, but he didn't feel any malice from him.

The other party doesn't seem to come to the earth to destroy, or intend to conquer the earth, and belongs to the type of befriending.Especially since the other party is still a robot, the level of technology should be quite high, maybe it can help him.

Thinking of this, Wang Dali let go of his mouth slightly.

"Alright, but before you register, I want to act with you."

"No problem, this is something that happened on Earth, and people on Earth have this right."

After thinking for a while, the robot quickly nodded in agreement with Wang Dali's request.His eyes scanned the highway next to him, and at this moment, a Peterbilt heavy-duty truck passed by the side of the road.

The next moment, the silver armor on the opponent's body began to deform and change color by an unknown principle.After a while, a brand new Debilt heavy truck appeared in front of Wang Dali.

It was also because of this that Wang Dali recognized the other party's identity at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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