Hercules Walk

Chapter 80

Chapter 80 Sanjiang's Testimonials
It is said that there is a very beautiful girl in the Dianniang family, her name is Sanjiang.Today, I finally got on...cough, self-respect, self-respect.

As a Xiaopujie for two consecutive years, this is the first time I have been recommended by Sanjiang on the homepage.Here, I would like to thank all my readers, thank you for your clicks, favorites, recommendations, comments and rewards!

(Although I don't know what the standard of Shangsanjiang is...)
Recently, many people in the book review area said that this book collapsed. In fact, it is still going according to my outline. There are also foreshadowings in the front. Some book lovers who read carefully should guess the follow-up development.

I just joined the new company in mid-July, and my work is relatively busy.One chapter a day can be guaranteed, but two chapters a day must be put together.Book friends who can't wait can be raised first, and I will remember how much I owe you, and I will pay it back in the future.

Finally, weakly ask for a recommendation ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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