Hercules Walk

Chapter 40 Action

Chapter 40 Action
Wang Dali shook his head, and said to Damon whose tone and expression completely changed when Frank was mentioned.

"Damon, don't you think this plan is too simple? Frank may just want us to think that his lair is empty, waiting for you to come."

"Then I will send his conspiracy and tricks to hell with himself!"

Damon gritted his teeth and clenched his fist, as if he and Frank had a deep-rooted hatred, wishing to eat his flesh raw.

Seeing his almost crazy appearance, he obviously couldn't listen to the advice of others.Not wanting to just watch the people he knew die like this, Wang Dali said in a devious way.

"You don't have to be afraid, but you have to think about Mindy. She's still so young."

But this time he obviously miscalculated.Hearing Wang Dali mention Mingdy, Damon showed a warm, proud and proud expression on his face.The blond Lolita standing behind Wang Dali spoke directly to him.

"I'm fine! I've received six years of hard training, and I still have a bulletproof vest on my body. I must avenge my mother's revenge with my own hands!"

The hatred of killing one's mother, the hatred of losing one's wife.After Wang Dali was sure that he had no way to change this, he changed his mind and said to Damon.

"Then, Damon. Give me a commission to assist in the crusade against Frank de Amic."

Wang Dali put down the gun parts in his hand, and said to him with a smile.

"Friendship is friendship, business is business. Strong commissions, sincerely accept the fight against terrorist organizations, arrest super criminals, eliminate abnormal creatures, and investigate supernatural phenomena."

"That's right, Damon. If you make a big move, Frank will die today."

Matt, who knew that Wang Dali was bound by a special government agency called S.H.I.E.L.D., also said hastily.

"Although I think the four of us alone can solve Frank Amick. However, I don't exclude the help of other friends."

Damon, who is very indifferent to money (mainly because it comes quickly), opens a safe hidden in the wall next to him, enters the password and presses his fingerprints.He took out a black bag from it, packed the inside into bundles, exactly 100 million dollar bills exuding the smell of ink, and placed them in front of Wang Dali.

"This is my commission. Tonight, I want Frank to pay for what he did!"


"You have been on the move for three days, Joe. You know, this is New York. I have paid a lot of money and endured a lot of pressure to silence some people. So, I hope that tomorrow will be the latest It can produce results."

Seeing the hesitant expression on the faces of his subordinates who wanted to speak but did not dare to speak, Frank sighed softly.

"Okay, I admit that I was reckless in this matter. If it really doesn't work, let's put it in Hell's Kitchen. It is indeed a place where gold can suffer. Hell's Kitchen is indeed a hard nut to crack."

As he spoke, he took out a golden box from the desk drawer, opened the box, poured some white powder on it, and inhaled it into his nostrils with his nose.

Fat Joe, who was sitting on the sofa next to the desk, had no time to stop him. He could only watch him say that the white powder was washed clean, and whispered to Frank with some sadness and unwillingness.

"When did you get infected! Didn't we agree to only sell it and not smoke it?!"

"Hiss...don't worry Joe, I'm pretty normal, but I'll take a sip when I'm under too much pressure."

At this moment, one of his subordinates pushed open the door in a panic, and hurriedly said to Frank.

"Boss, someone broke into the building!"

At the same time, there was Frank's son Chris who was stuck on the door and eavesdropped on the conversation inside.

Seeing his son, Frank was in a hurry, and quickly covered the golden box on his desk with documents.He asked Chris angrily.

"Chris! When did you come?!"

"Uh, I..."

Before the faltering Chris could say anything, Frank turned his gaze to his subordinates.

"Okay! Let's talk about your matter later. Lucy, who is the other party?"

"It's Daredevil! How many people are there with him?"

Joe stood up from the sofa and quickly asked, "Is there a guy in the same clothes as Batman?"


"Good come!"

Hearing this, Frank slapped the table excitedly, took out his pistol from it, put down the insurance and said to his son beside him.

"Chris, go to the safe with your mom!"

"No, Dad. I want to be with you."

"Chris, listen!"


Now is not the time for the father and son to quarrel. Joe pressed Frank's shoulder and pointed to the bazooka bought from the Bear Gang.

"At a time like this, it's better for Chris to be with us."

"You're right, Joe. Chris, take this!"

Taking out a black pistol from his drawer, Frank, who was persuaded by Joe, handed it to Chris with a surprised face.

"You are my son, don't you always say that you want to take over my business in the future? Then today, let me show you to the blood!"


At this time, in the building where Frank was located, the blood flowed into a river is not counted, but this red liquid can indeed be seen in many places.

Like someone's head, like someone's chest, like someone's neck.

In the process of attacking all the way upstairs, Minty clearly told everyone what it means to be ferocious.

Two small pistols specially made in her hands are simply out of play.Shoot, jump to dodge, shoot, jump again, change clips.A series of movements were like flowing water, within 1 minute, wherever Loli passed, the corpse followed closely behind.

Of course, it is impossible for the three elders in the group to let a little loli charge forward.

Big Daddy held a large-capacity black pistol in his right hand, and a military-style dagger in his left, helping Minty sweep away targets that might pose a threat to her.Matt and Erica were at the end of the line, wary of possible enemies approaching from behind.

Wang Dali, who was in the middle of the team, looked at the overall situation. In his eyes, Big Daddy still hadn't escaped the threat of death.

Fighting all the way, several people rushed to the floor where Frank's office was located within a few minutes.Listening to the gunshots outside gradually disappearing, and at the same time there was no reply from the younger brother, Qiao raised the bazooka decisively, and with a bang, another fat black man holding a submachine gun kicked open the door in the middle of the corridor.

"Chris, get behind me!"

Unexpectedly, dozens of his younger brothers were killed by the opponent in this way, and Frank broke out in a cold sweat.It doesn't help to regret provoking these superheroes now, I can only hope that they will win in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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