Hercules Walk

Chapter 39 Plan

Chapter 39 Plan
Things have already happened, no matter how angry I am, it won't help.Frank calmed himself down, and asked Joe, his subordinate on the phone,
"Is the other party the Daredevil who often haunts Hell's Kitchen?"

"Not from what we've heard."

Joe carefully observed the black figure captured by the monitor in front of him, and reported to Flack.

"Daredevil is wearing a red suit, and last night that man was dressed exactly like Batman. It's just that every move he makes is aimed at killing people, which is completely opposite to Batman's 'don't kill' principle."

"Hmph. Daredevil, Spider-Man, and this bootleg Batman. Why don't these nosy superheroes all die?"

Frank was so angry that he wanted to drop the phone.He spent a lot of money and thought to get through the channel of Hell's Kitchen at once.Because of one superhero action, the $200 million was all wasted.

Frank became more and more angry, and finally growled into the phone.

"Send at least half of my people to Hell's Kitchen to cause trouble! Bring some big guys. No matter what Daredevil or Batman, if you encounter them, beat them all into a hornet's nest!"

Joe on the phone nodded hurriedly.

"Okay, Frank. I'll send someone out on the big news right away."


three days later.

"Those people are crazy!"

Sitting on Wang Dali's electric car to pick her up, Catherine frowned tightly and complained to him.

"Recently, the crime rate in Hell's Kitchen has suddenly increased, and it has even become so rampant that there are frequent gun battles with the police. In this case, the special police have not yet been dispatched. Is our taxpayer's money being used by the government to feed the dogs?"

"Who knows, maybe it was fed to Teddy."

Wang Dali joked to Catherine, causing her to stare blankly.

"Don't Dali, Matt, Erica, Damon and Mindy all live in Hell's Kitchen? Let them be more careful these days, or come and live with us for a while."

There are guest rooms on the first and second floors of the small villa, and it is definitely no problem to live a few more people.But the problem is, it's usually okay, but at this time when superheroes are urgently needed, Matt and the others will never agree.

Sure enough, when the two arrived home, Wang Dali called Matt in front of Catherine, but was rejected by the other party with reasons such as 'I have something to do recently' and 'I will be careful'.

The next day was the weekend, after talking to Catherine, Wang Dali went directly to Matt's house.At this point, Erica and Matt are preparing their weapons and costumes.

In order to conceal his identity, Matt's Daredevil headgear only shows the lower half of his face.And Erica directly took a spare hood from Matt, exposing the part where the eyes are.

"We have an operation tonight."

At this time Matt was taking a shower, wiping his re-customized three-edged steel fork, Erica explained to Wang Dali.

"The recent incidents were all brought up by the big drug lord Frank De Amick. The reason is probably to lure us to appear. So after discussing with Damon, we decided to simply follow the plan, while most of his men are outside. When it's time, go straight to Huanglong, assault his base camp, and get rid of this guy who has been messing around in Hell's Kitchen recently."

Not long after, Matt, who changed into a casual outfit, came out of the room.

"Let's go Dali, let's go to Damon together. We don't have the means to get some equipment, so we need to go to him to replenish."


Damon McCready's residence is just a block away from Matt, and it takes only 10 minutes to walk there.

Knock on the door of Damon's house, and it took a while for the door to open from the inside.Wearing glasses, Damon McCready, who looked somewhat similar to Johnny Blazer, smiled at several people with a stiff expression.

"Daredevil, Erica, and Mr. Dali? Welcome, please come in."

After the three entered the room, Damon immediately closed the door of his house.

Damon's home is more of a small arsenal than a house.

Pistols, crossbows, daggers, butterfly knives, assault rifles, submachine guns, grenades, flashbangs, and even bazookas.From the common Glock to the rare AWP large sniper rifle, from the straight long knife more than one meter long to the small dart only a few centimeters, everything is available.

Moreover, these weapons were not hidden, but hung on the wall in such a generous way, so many that people would think that these were imitation guns used as decorations, rather than real firearms.


After two lifetimes, nearly 40 years in total, this is the first time Wang Dali has seen the romance of so many men. He couldn't help but walk up to him, caressing a well-known pistol that is more beautiful than practical in the world— —Desert Eagle.

"For beginners, the Desert Eagle is actually not suitable."

When it comes to guns, Damon has a much more normal look on his face than in normal conversation.He took down this beautiful silver weapon from the wall and handed it to Wang Dali.

"This gun has a lot of recoil and a lot of weight, and sometimes it jams. Compared with the newcomer Gospel Glock, he is a very naughty kid."

People who use firearms frequently will form a thick callus on the tiger's mouth.Although some athletes also have it, but looking at the smooth inner side of Wang Dali's palm, Damon thinks that he is obviously neither.

However, the Desert Eagle here is not loaded, so it doesn't matter for Wang Dali to take it for a look.

Caressing the silver body of the gun polished by mechanical lathe technology, and the gun handle that was obviously hand-carved, Wang Dali pointed the Desert Eagle at himself, and was about to take a look at the shape of the gun barrel inside, but was pressed by Damon quickly live.

"No, no, no, Mr. Dali, please keep this in mind."

He took the Desert Eagle from Dali's hand, and skillfully dismantled it into parts one by one.

"Don't point the gun at yourself at any time. If you want to figure out the structure inside, it's best to take it apart."

As he said that, he gave Wang Dali the gun barrel of the Desert Eagle he dismantled, and received his thanks.

"So, do you have a plan for today's action?"

Observing these desert eagle parts one by one, Wang Dali asked Damon beside him.

"My plan was to go in, kill everyone, take all the money, light a fire big enough to burn all traces of it, and leave."

After getting the curse star provided by the kind-hearted Mr. Wu Xinmo with the friendship of his life, Wang Dali's premonition of misfortune became more and more accurate.Today, he could almost see Damon's death star burning brightly.

If the other party really acts according to this simple and crude plan, there is a ninety-nine percent chance that they will be left there forever.

(End of this chapter)

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