Hercules Walk

Chapter 230 Whispers of the Old Gods

Chapter 230 Whispers of the Old Gods


Her roar resounded throughout the Ruby Forest, and all the dragons bound by the undead heard the queen's angry cry.

There was hope in the eyes of the dragons who were still breathing, and they began to struggle with all their strength, causing the members of the Cursed Sect who were controlling them to panic.

It wasn't until they increased the collection of the dragon's vitality that the dragons were unwilling to get down again.

"Death Coiled!"

Arthas raised Frostmourne in his hand, and the death knights beside him did the same.The power of evil energy was gathering, and a huge dark green skull appeared at the blade of Frostmourne, rushing towards Alexstrasza with a green tail flame.


Alexstrasza is the Queen of Dragons and the Guardian of Life.Using the power of death that is opposed to life in front of her is the most direct provocation, just like being spit on the face of a human being.

The flame that could directly vaporize the human body condensed in Alexstrasza's mouth, and after being squeezed to the extreme, it suddenly spewed out towards Alsace.The magnified version of the death entanglement was almost collapsed under the baptism of Alexstrasza's flame of life, and Alsace was about to be enveloped by the monstrous flames.


At this moment, another huge dragon's roar resounded in the Ruby Forest.Sindragosa, the King of Frost Dragons roared and descended from the clouds, and a mouthful of frosty breath stopped Alexstrasza's breath in mid-air.

The collision of flame and frost produced a strong explosion, sweeping across the entire Ruby Forest with a blast full of impact.

The leaves on the tree clattered down, and the giant dragon around Alexstrasza was shaken by the strong wind.

As the queen of the red dragon clan, Alexstrasza's figure was more than three times that of a normal giant dragon. It was more than 40 meters long from head to tail, giving her a sense of oppression.Compared with her, Sindragosa, who was nearly [-] meters long, seemed to be still in her youth.

Alexstrasza felt very sad for the murderous and hateful eyes that Malygos' consort looked at him.

Was her resentment so deep?


Below, following the orders of Arthas, countless gargoyles in the dense forest rose into the sky.

To a giant dragon, a gargoyle is nothing but garbage that can be crushed with one claw and smashed with one tail.But if the quality is not enough, use the quantity to make up.These gargoyles appeared from the dense forest in groups, and seeing the faint cold light on their claws, it was obviously extraordinary.

The undead manipulated the spear-like crossbow to re-string, the lich unleashed magic on the dragons in the sky, and the death knights guarded them.

"Purify them!"

In the sky, Alexstrasza took the lead in charging and rushed towards Sindragosa.Her thick dragon claws hit Sindragosa's body, tearing off a large piece of thick frost armor.

Not to be outdone, Sindragosa opened her mouth wide and bit Alexatasza's claws, injecting the ice curse and plague virus attached to her teeth.

"Ow hoo hoo hoo!"

Alexstrasza slapped Sindragosa on the head with his paw in pain.Her scythe-like claws left several deep marks on Sindragosa's head, nearly gouging out her eyes.

After receiving this heavy blow, the fire of soul in Sindragosa's eyes jumped for a while, but he didn't let go of his mouth, instead he bit even harder.

At the same time, she stretched out her dragon claws to grab at Alexstrasza, tearing apart the steel-like dragon scales on the opponent's body, leaving several bloodstains.

The delicate body of his queen's wife was injured by Sindragosa, and Cleostrasz saw it and felt pain in his heart.He chanted magic while worrying about whether he would leave a scar.

Three explosive fireballs with a diameter of about one meter appeared beside him, hitting Xindagosa heavily.The flames tore through the icy armor on her body, blasting three large holes on her back, from which inexplicable bodily fluids flowed.

Sindragosa couldn't bear the pain anymore, let go of Alexstrasza's mouth and raised her head, letting out a mournful cry, the sound spread for dozens of miles.


At the same time, in the ancient ice city in the center of Coldarra in the Borean Tundra, Malygos, who had been mourning and sleeping, suddenly raised his head.

"Sindragosa! It's my Sindragosa!"

With an excited expression, he spread his wings and was about to fly out of the ice cave.But soon his somewhat fuzzy head came to his senses, and he lay down again with gloomy eyes.

"No, Sindragosa is dead."

When Deathwing was tempted by the Old Gods to betray the Aspects, nearly every member of the blue dragonflight was slain, including Malygos' consort, Sindragosa.

As a result, Malygos gradually became lonely and sad, and spent his life alone in this ice cave.Even knowing that Sindragosa was turned into a frost dragon by the Lich King, she didn't have the idea of ​​​​relieving her—in this way, he could at least see Sindragosa flying in the sky occasionally.

The next moment, Alexstrasza's tail hit Sindragosa's abdomen heavily, making her whine come again.

Malygos clenched his fists, hallucinations began to appear in front of his eyes.

That was his daughter Telegosa, who was half kneeling on the ground at this moment, holding his hand and speaking to him earnestly.

"Father, mother, she is being attacked by Deathwing and is in danger!"

"No, that's not your mother! Your mother was killed by Deathwing! And you are not my daughter!"

Malygos said with a painful expression.The paws he pressed on the ground curled up deeply, pulling out five gullies in the hard ice layer.

But Princess Blue Dragon in front of him continued to speak as if she didn't hear anything.

"Father, mother, she is being attacked by Deathwing and is in danger!"

"Enough, I said she wasn't your mother! Your mother is dead!"

Malygos jerked his head up, and breathed out a large swath of frost in the icy cave.

However, the Blue Dragon Princess in front of him is not a real entity, but a phantom in his mind.If someone could see it, they would find that Malygos was talking to himself at this time, while crazily releasing magic in the cave.

Just at this time, Sindragosa's screams came again.This time it was Alexstrasza who violently tore off one of her dragon wings, and then abandoned Sindragosa, who was temporarily unable to move, and rushed towards Alsace.

"NO!! My Sindragosa!!!"

The next moment, Malygos' eyes finally fell into chaos.He spread his ice-blue wings, roared and flew out of the cave, approaching rapidly towards Wyrmrest Temple.

Under the Icecrown Glacier, a huge and indistinct voice opened its mouth full of fangs, letting out a terrifying and creepy laugh.


In the sky, dragons are fighting fiercely with gargoyles.

The purpose of the gargoyles is not to kill the dragons, but to do them as much harm as possible.Wang Dali discovered that many gargoyles risked being smashed into pieces just to insert their claws into the bodies of giant dragons, or at least leave a bloodstain.

So Wang Dali guessed that their claws that reflected the abnormal luster must have been coated with strange medicine.

Not long after, the first victim appeared.

A giant dragon that had crushed dozens of gargoyles crushed two small flies again, but didn't care about the dozen or so marks on his body that barely scratched the dragon scales on his body, and did not cause much damage.

In the fierce battle, the slight itching of the wound could not be felt at all.

Just as he was about to attack the next gargoyle, a lich below suddenly raised his staff to him, and a green light shot the giant dragon straight at it.

Immediately afterwards, the dragon raised its head to the sky and let out a long roar, launching an indiscriminate attack on all living creatures around it.Crazed, he was soon shot down with crossbow arrows by the undead below, and his blood scattered in the sky.


Wang Dali nodded silently.

In the fierce battle, not everyone has the leisurely mind like Wang Dali.After losing several dragons, Cleostrasz finally realized something was wrong.

"Longyan, purify each other!"

As he shouted, although the giant dragons below were a little strange, they all began to purify each other—that is, they spit fire on each other and took a bath with the flames.

As a means of transportation, Calant shuttled across the battlefield, avoiding various attacks, while Catherine, Minty and the little rascal standing on him became the fort, and Doctor Strange was in charge of defense.

Their spell styles were obviously similar, and they quickly attracted the attention of the commander below.The two liches shot several spells at them, but Doctor Strange blocked them all.

This situation was soon reported to Arthas. The Lich King squinted his eyes to measure the trajectory of Kalandor, and suddenly swung Frostmourne in the sky, followed by a huge frost slash.

Facing the Lich King's temptation, Doctor Strange used magic to condense a two-handed battle axe, and swung it downward forcefully, smashing the Frost Slash released by Alsace in mid-air.

While slashing and shattering, the battle ax thrown by Doctor Strange also dissipated into basic magic factors.


Seeing the actions of the Lich King, Wang Dali frowned.

He asked Catherine for a magic spear, and swished towards Alsace below.

The throwing speed of this long spear exceeded the speed of sound, but the strength of itself could not support it.When he came in front of Alsace, the spear had turned into a magic shock wave, hitting the opponent heavily.

With a bang, Alsace, who was caught off guard, fell from his mount Invincible.

Not only that, but when he received the blow head-on, two ribs were broken by the shock wave. Invincible's head was also knocked to one side, his neck fractured and he fell to the ground screaming, unable to get up for a long time.

When the cure was completed, Alsace, who was furious and invincible, was ready to fight Wang Dali to the death, but Alexstrasza had already defeated Sindragosa and rushed in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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