Hercules Walk

Chapter 229 Giant Dragon Attack and Ambush

Chapter 229 Giant Dragon Attack and Ambush

Ruby Forest is located in the middle of Dragonblight, west of Wyrmrest Temple.The scenery here is beautiful and the greenery is lush. It turned out to be a place for the red dragons to have dinner and rest.Alexstrasza, the Red Dragon Queen, also often visits this place to spend a little happy time with her consort and children.

But under the natural disaster of the undead, there is no paradise.Ruby Forest was also affected by the flames of war, surrounded by thousands of undead army.Not only ghouls and skeleton soldiers as cannon fodder, high-level undead such as death knights, liches, and frost dragons abound.

In the open area of ​​the Ruby Forest, several adult red dragons were bound by silk threads composed of magic circles, roaring and struggling in it.But at the same time around them, there are followers of the Cursed Sect holding magic weapons to absorb the vitality of the dragons.After only a few hours, even an adult red dragon would feel weak in its legs and feet, lying on the ground and whining weakly.

Some red dragons whose vitality had been absorbed too much were even dying, and even their breathing became extremely weak.As soon as their vitality is absorbed, they will be carried up to the altar by the undead and made into fresh frost dragons.

On the side, more than a dozen young dragons had their paws bound with iron chains as thick as three fingers, and their mouths were covered with cages.These iron chains were nailed to the ground with thigh-thin iron pillars, trapping the young dragons in a small area with a radius of several meters.

From time to time, the guards of the curse sect whipped the young dragons with whips blessed with the curse of tearing. The severe pain caused them to cry loudly and sharply.
In the sky, two scouting red dragons roared angrily. One of the red dragons rushed towards the ruby ​​forest with red eyes, but was stopped by the other red dragon.

"Alitasa, calm down! Are you going to die alone?"

"But are we just watching? Our brothers and sisters are being tortured down there!"

Big drops of tears flowed from her eyes, and she could name several of the red dragons and young dragons below.

"Alitaza, we will avenge them!"

The other red dragon sighed, hardening his heart and preparing to leave with Alitaza.

But at this moment, a huge shadow enveloped the two dragons from the sky, and the biting cold came oncoming, even the air seemed to be condensed into frost.

"Since you're here, why are you in such a hurry to leave?"

A huge frost dragon, more than twice the size of these two red dragons, spread its wings covering the sky and the sun, and the two broken dragon wings flapped gently in mid-air.On the neck of the world's number one frost dragon named Sindragosa, sat the leader of the undead Scourge—the Lich King.


A scream came from the mouth of the red dragon.Although they can't wait to eat their flesh raw, they are well aware of the strength gap between themselves and each other.

"Alitaza, let's go!"

Pushing away the younger sister beside him, the elder brother, the Red Dragon, rushed towards Alsace without hesitation.He opened his big mouth full of sharp teeth, and from it issued a dragon's breath high enough to melt steel, his eyes were full of determination.

The next moment, a huge icy dragon claw met his dragon's breath, and hit the red dragon's head with one claw.


Blood splattered on Brother Honglong's head, and three deep paw prints appeared.Alitaza let out a terrified cry.

Just like an ordinary person who weighed [-] jin was punched by a strong man who weighed [-] jin, Tahrir, who was hit by Sindragosa's claws, lost consciousness with black eyes, just like a plane crashed. Falling down from the sky.

And below, the followers of the Cursed Sect and the low-level undead have already given way to an area under the command of the Lich and the Death Knight, waiting for Tahrir's arrival.

After eating Tahrir's dragon's breath, Sindragosa's claws were only slightly scorched.Ice quickly covered her wound, and it quickly returned to its original state.

In order not to let her brother's sacrifice be in vain, Alitasa turned and ran away with tears in her eyes.A cold light flashed in Xindagosa's eyes, and he opened his mouth to spit out a ball of freezing frost dragon's breath, which quickly stuck to Alitaza in front of him.

The part of her body that came into contact with the icy breath quickly lost its temperature, and a small piece of the dragon's tail that was hit by misfortune fell like an ice sculpture.Alitaza, who lost her 'steering wheel', stumbled in the air, but still flew in the direction of Wyrmrest Temple.

"Stop chasing, let her go back."

Patting the dragon head of Sindragosa who was about to pursue, Arthas's pale lips pulled out an interesting arc.

"Only after she goes back will more red dragons come."


When Wang Dali and others arrived at the Dragon's Rest Temple together with the alliance reinforcements after crossing the portal, countless giant dragons were standing in a queue in the open space in front of the temple, ready to go.

Seeing this, Vereesa asked Rhonin in the corridor.

"what happened?"

"You came just in time, the situation is not good."

Luo Ning shook his head with a wry smile.

"Several red dragons were captured by Alsace, and they will soon be made into giant frost dragons. In order not to turn her children into undead controlled by Alsace, the Queen of the Red Dragon decided to personally command the Dragon Rest Allied Forces to attack the red dragons. Jade Forest."

"But there are a lot of undead in the Ruby Forest. The alliance and the Longmian coalition may be worse. It would be great if the tribe was there!"

As soon as these words came out, Luo Ning thought something was wrong.Sure enough, his wife, who was at odds with the tribe, raised her eyebrows coldly when she heard the words, and said to Luo Ning very angrily.

"You don't need those damned greenskins and traitors, our alliance alone can kill Alsace!"

Glancing at Wang Dali behind him, Vereesa sneered.

"Also, there is no one in the tribe who has magical teleportation technology like Wang. They are probably still collecting resources and preparing to build the first fortress?!"

After being told by Veresa, Luo Ning was at a loss for words.He himself doesn't like the tribe, but he just thinks that if the tribe army joins, then the human soldiers can have fewer casualties.

But now they obviously can't count on it.

On the other side, Alexstrasza and Cleostrasz came over to express their thanks after seeing the Alliance army.

"Warriors, on behalf of the Longmian Alliance Army, I would like to thank you for coming. There is no need to delay, all fighters, please set off with us."

"no problem."

The leader of the Seventh Legion of the Alliance, General Halford gave instructions to his adjutant, then turned to Anduin Wrynn and said.

"Your Highness Anduin, we will be the vanguard later, please sit in the rear and command the army."

"Yes, General Halford."

Anduin also knew that Halford meant command, but actually protection.Although he is in adolescence, he is not a rebellious prince. Hearing this, he smiled and agreed.


Every giant dragon present knew the purpose of this trip. They hated Alsace and the Scourge of the Undead who trampled on the holy land of the dragon and revived the bones of their friends, relatives, and ancestors as the frost dragon.

There was no need to mobilize before the battle, and the Red Dragon Queen let out a roar that resounded through the sky.Led by her and Cleostrasz, the overwhelming dragons soared into the sky and flew in the direction of the Ruby Forest.

If it was an enemy, the coalition army might have been hit by the dragon's power on their heads, and their morale would be reduced by [-] debuffs; but when they thought that this densely packed dragon was actually an friendly army, they were all in high spirits, wishing to cut him ten or eight undead for warmth hand.

"Army attack!"

The cavalry is in front and the infantry is in the rear.Because of the portal built by Wang Dali, the coalition forces that don't need to worry about logistics have expanded from the original 3 to 8000, almost doubling.

Tens of thousands of troops formed one piece, and they couldn't see the side at all. The sound of uniform footsteps shocked people's hearts.

"Let's go too."

Sitting on the back of Karando who had transformed into a dragon, Wang Dali and others followed at the end of the dragon army.Perhaps because of Wang Dali, Green Dragon, who originally didn't plan to fight, also sent several members of his clan over.

Doctor Doom was still studying the Frost Dragon he had captured, and Doctor Strange was with Wang Dali.

Using the flying method, the giant dragons arrived at the Ruby Forest from the Dragon's Rest Temple in only ten minutes.Alexstrasza took a deep breath and gave an order.


Nearly a hundred giant dragons forming an array in the sky opened their mouths, and countless flames breathed down from the sky, intending to ignite the Ruby Forest and burn the undead to death in the forest.

Below, Alsace, who had been prepared for this, sneered.


Dozens of death knights and liches took their positions, and they all poured energy into the magic circle on the ground.The activated magic circle formed anti-magic shields one after another in mid-air, and the dragon's breath was almost completely blocked by these magic shields.

Only a few flames managed to break through the encirclement of the anti-magic shield, but before they had time to ravage the forest, they were extinguished by the necromancers with frost novas.

Three seconds later, the magic circle disappeared, and the undead hidden in the dense forest severed the bowstring in front of them.With the howling sound of the air being torn apart, dozens of crossbow arrows more than two meters long and as thick as arms shot high into the sky.


Even though the undead didn't aim too much, they still caused huge damage to the dense formation of the dragons.The formation that was originally intended to prevent being divided by Alsace has now become a huge failure.

More than a dozen giant dragons were shot by crossbow arrows. Fortunately, they were only bruised. Those who were unlucky were immediately incapacitated by the arrows. They were supported by their companions so that they would not fall from the sky.

Among them, several dragons were blessed with armor-piercing and cursed arrows deeply inserted into their internal organs, and they were killed on the spot and fell from the sky.

With just one volley, the dragons lost one-tenth of their combat power.

Kalando, who Wang Dali and others were riding in, was also one of the unlucky ghosts, but when the crossbow arrow was approaching, Doctor Strange reached out and summoned a magic defensive shield to block it, making Kalando break out in a cold sweat.

At the front of the queue, Alexstrasza mourned for the clansmen who were unfortunately attacked and died, but more anger rose from the bottom of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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