Hercules Walk

Chapter 184 The Secret Meeting

Chapter 184 The Secret Meeting

Dragonbone Wilderness is the sacred place of dragons. Long before the birth of many civilizations in Azeroth today, the five-color dragons created by the Titans once fought a huge proto-dragon Galakrond here.After this great battle, the five-color dragons were appointed by the Titans as the guardian dragons of Azeroth.

Because of this honor, all dragons will come to this land to bury themselves when they are dying, before Deathwing turns his back on the Alliance of Colored Dragons.

Some dragons died before reaching the Dragonblight, and their bones were scattered in Northrend. Arthas found them and turned them into frost dragons, including Sindragosa, the wife of the blue dragon king.Due to the lack of combat power, Alsace took the idea of ​​countless dragon bones in the Dragonbone Wilderness, which directly angered the Dragon's Rest Temple standing on the Dragonbone Wilderness.

Around Wyrmrest Temple are five massive dragon temples: Red, Bronze, Green, Blue, and Black, each with the same power as its corresponding guardian dragon.The Scourge of the Undead attacked these temples, intending to expand the army of the Lich King by creating new types of undead dragons.

In order to resist the invasion of the undead, the red dragon queen Alexstrasza, who used the Dragonbone Wilderness as her lair, began to recruit heroes to fight against the Scourge. The ancestors of the tauren and tusrus people who lived in the Dragonbone Wilderness were also desperate for the survival of their race. Resist the Scourge.

To make matters worse, when Deathwing betrayed, the first Blue Dragon Legion to stand up was almost wiped out by the opponent, leaving less than one-tenth of them. Even the wife of the Blue Dragon King Malygos They all died at the hands of each other.

The guardian blue dragon Malygos was crazy about this, and he often gave strange orders to the small number of members of the blue dragon army. He fought against Wyrmrest Temple more than once, and he also needed to be on guard.

"So, for our arrival, the Red Dragon Queen, who urgently needs an ally, will probably agree, but only needs a step."

After introducing the current situation of Dragon's Rest Temple, Wang Dali said to Luo Ning beside him.

"Oh I got it."

Luo Ning nodded on the surface, but he was extremely surprised in his heart, why is Wang Dali so familiar with the things on Dragon Bone Wilderness?

Just as the two set foot on Dragonblight, preparing to find Wyrmrest Temple in the central area of ​​Dragonblight, a secret meeting was also held in Stormwind City, avoiding Brian Bronzebeard and Ranger General Vereesa. .

This meeting, of course, was about whether to follow Wang Dali's plan to attack Northrend.

"Gentlemen and ladies. This scene reminds me of the soothsayer from many years ago—the astral mage Medivh."

As the master of Stormwind City, and even one of the few members of the royal family in the alliance today, Varian sat at the top of the conference table.He looked at the high-level officials of other countries below, and said in a serious voice.

"At that time, very few people in our seven eastern kingdoms were willing to believe in him, and even those who believed in him were unwilling to stand up for it. Now, an equally important choice is before us. Is to believe in the mysterious and A powerful visitor from another world, act according to his plan; or continue our previous plan, use the lives of soldiers to open a road to Northrend?"

"This is a major event that concerns the entire league. Both options have their own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, I hope you can choose carefully."

After Varian finished speaking, the conference room fell into silence.The generals present are not idiots, so they naturally know how advantageous the special portal constructed by Wang Dali will be in war
However, his identity as a visitor from another world is really too dreadful.Whether it is the Burning Legion, orcs or other creatures from outside Azeroth, they have caused great damage to the alliance.

A moment later, the supreme commander of the Seventh Legion, who had witnessed the end of Archimonde in the holy mountain of Hyjal, and the Ahn'Qiraj who had been fearless in Silithus, was fighting at the forefront of the war against alien creatures. General Fowler said.

"If this Mr. Wang and Master Luo Ning from another world can come back from Dragonbone Wilderness and get the approval of the Red Dragon Queen, then I am willing to support him."

As a veteran general who has fought in the south for more than ten years, he has a high prestige among all countries in the alliance.

"Everyone, why did we go on an expedition to Northrend? It was to kill Arthas, the master of the undead Scourge. With Mr. Wang's portal, we can take people directly into the palace where Arthas is. How about Northrend fighting a protracted war with those damned skeletons?"

His words were like clearing the clouds and seeing the sun, which made all the generals present suddenly see the light.

Yeah, that's right.If this portal is so powerful, we can drive the army directly to Alsace's house, why bother with those low-level undead?
However, Admiral Alos of Theramore disagreed.

"But as far as I know, the construction of the portal requires positioning. There must be a space disrupting magic circle in the base camp of Alsace, which interferes with the positioning of the portal."

The lord of Theramore is Jaina, a very famous female mage.As her subordinate, General Alos also has a certain understanding of magic.Otherwise, when your boss asks you and you know nothing about magic, do you still want to be promoted?

The question raised by General Alos made the alliance generals present frown. Varian turned to look at the court mage beside him. The other party frowned and thought for a while before speaking.

"What General Alos said makes sense, but that only applies to general portal construction."

Recalling how Wang Dali opened a portal and left with Luo Ning just now, the grizzled court mage felt that this matter should not be so quick to draw conclusions before it was put into practice.

"According to my observation, when the visitor from another world uses the portal, there is no magic fluctuation at all, and the positioning method is different from the ordinary portal positioning method. Therefore, I am not sure whether the other party has the ability to cast the portal when the space is disturbed." Ability."

Soon after this court mage, another general stepped forward.

"However, what if we step into the portal and face a trap?"

However, as soon as he said the words, he received a strange look.He was taken aback for a moment, then remembered something, and retreated in embarrassment.

If the other party really wanted to kill him and the others, he could have directly teleported them to the sky or the bottom of the sea as early as yesterday.At that time, there will be no reason for the tens of thousands of people on these dozens of ships to survive.

Seeing the changes in the faces of the other generals, he obviously thought of this too.So, this meeting seems to have come to fruition.

(End of this chapter)

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