Hercules Walk

Chapter 183 Wang Dali's Plan (3090)

Chapter 183 Wang Dali's Plan (3090)

Two muscular men with a height of more than 1.8 meters tightly grasped each other's arms, and the distance between the two flushed righteous faces was less than a palm.Wang Dali turned his head silently, and stopped watching this hot-eyed scene.

Afterwards, Bolvar embraced his broken right arm, and walked towards Wang Dali with Varian.Although he still looks disheartened now, there is a kind of firm belief and strength in his bones.

The power of the holy light in his body began to recover, and he had broken through the bottleneck, and seemed to have a tendency to grow further.

"From a rational point of view, I can understand what you're doing, Bolvar, but from my personal point of view, I think it's natural to be angry. Therefore, my punishment for you is very simple."

He raised his hand to stop Varian who was about to say something, Wang Dali didn't talk nonsense, and looked directly into Bolvar's eyes from a distance of half a meter.

"I ask you to swear in Varian's name that from now on, you will never leave the walls of Stormwind City for the rest of your life. Then compile your training method as a paladin and give it to me in a book."

"it is good."

After waiting for a few seconds and finding that Wang Dali had no other request, Bovar nodded heavily.He held Varian's hand, a smile on his face.

"That's it, my lord. Compared with those losers who died in the duel, this is already a very good ending."

"Okay, Duke Bolvar. I respect your choice."

Looking at the rock-solid eyes of the other party, Varian sighed softly, and took a few steps back.

Then, Bolvar, who was with everyone, walked up to the city wall beside the pier of Stormwind City, and raised his right hand high.Under the blessing of the Holy Light, his voice spread throughout the area.

"I swear in the name of the Holy Light and His Majesty Varian, I, Bolvar Fordragon, will fulfill my promise and never step out of the walls of Stormwind City in this life! Violation of this is like this arrow!"

He took an arrow on the side wall, snapped it into two ends, and threw it down the wall.While receiving treatment from the priest and the herbalist, he asked his adjutant to return to the ship, took out a thick parchment from his desk drawer and handed it to Wang Dali.

"This is my paladin experience for so many years, please read it."

Of course Wang Dali doesn't understand the way of paladins.But Brian Bronzebeard, as the younger brother of Lord Magni of Ironforge, must know about this.

After giving the book to Brian to read for a while, he quickly nodded to Wang Dali, indicating that the book was true.

After the duel incident came to an end, countless magical messages were sent out from Stormwind City.Not to mention the storm caused, at the invitation of Varian, the coalition army and Wang Dali walked into the Royal Court of Stormwind City.At the same time, the soldiers on the battleship also disembarked one after another, and set up camp in the place where they stayed a few days ago.


At the banquet, Bovar, with his arms hanging, walked up to Wang Dali with a large glass of wine.

"I'm sorry for my previous actions, guest from another world. I hope to get your forgiveness."

As he spoke, he raised his head and poured a catty of ale down his throat.With the gurgling gulp, the wooden container, which was more of a keg than a wine glass, quickly became empty.

"I forgive you."

Staring at Bovar who was sincerely looking at him for a few seconds, he picked up the red wine in front of him, and Wang Dali also drank it down in one gulp.Seeing the reconciliation between the two, many senior leaders of the alliance who were paying attention here breathed a sigh of relief and smiled on their faces.

Soon, Brian Bronzebeard and Ronin all came to have a drink with Wang Dali, and Varian also toasted him from afar.Although many such and such things happened today, at this banquet, everyone put aside the usual rules, and the host and guest enjoyed themselves for a while.

At the banquet, there are two people or one person. As his wife, Catherine sits next to Wang Dali and helps him cut the honey deer leg that was carefully cooked by the royal chef of Stormwind City and coated with secret sauce with the silver knife and fork in her hand. .Seeing them feeding each other one mouthful at another, Little Rascal and Mindy Qiqi sitting next to them let out a powerless sigh.

It's not that our army doesn't work hard, but that the enemy army is too strong!

On the second day, all high-level alliance leaders gathered to discuss matters concerning the expedition to Northrend.

Because of yesterday's oath, it is of course impossible for Bolvar to continue participating in the expedition to Northrend.And after having Wang Dali, the plan that the alliance had discussed at the beginning had to be changed.

"Since I have my portal, there is no need to use ships to transport troops. I can directly open a large portal on Northrend, and let materials and personnel be transported through the portal."

Standing among a group of high-level alliance executives, Wang Dali talked casually.After seeing his strength yesterday, coupled with his unique portal skills, no one will ignore him now.

"Just pay attention, my portal is two-way. The wounded can return to the Eastern Kingdom through the portal for treatment, and the natural disaster of the undead can also be used. Therefore, the stronghold with the portal must not be breached."

The Supreme Commander of the Alliance Seventh Legion, Halford Wirmbane stroked his beard and asked.

"This strategy is a good strategy, but Northrend is full of undead disasters. It won't take long for our abnormal situation to be discovered by the Lich King. If the matter of the portal is exposed, maybe Arthas will take the initiative. Face to face For the souls of a continent, I'm afraid..."

"No, I know of a place where there is absolutely no undead Scourge."

Wang Dali glanced at Luo Ning, making him a little confused.

"There is a Wyrmrest Temple in Dragonblight in Northrend, which is the territory of Alexstrasza, the queen of the red dragons. There must be no undead Scourge in the lair of the red dragons. Set up the portal there, even Al Sass didn't dare to do it lightly."

"The Red Dragon Queen?"

Hearing this name, Luo Ning was stunned.If anyone present had the best relationship with the red dragon group among the five-color dragons, it was definitely Luo Ning.

After all, he had made great efforts in rescuing the Red Dragon Queen, and his teacher, Cleostraz, was also the current consort of the Red Dragon Queen.

"The only question here is whether the Red Dragon Queen will allow us to arrange the portal in Wyrmrest Temple, which is the lair of the red dragons after all. I can go with Ronin, but if the other party does not agree, we I’m afraid we need to make another plan.”

After hearing Wang Dali's plan, everyone in the room pondered.This plan does not need to travel long distances on the sea, which saves a lot of time and material consumption, and also avoids some accidents.And with Wang Dali's portal, it will be much more convenient to transport supplies or troops, it is indeed a good way.

However, the biggest uncertainty among them is whether Wang Dali can be trusted.If the other party closes the portal after sending them to Northrend, then their group of Northrend expeditionary forces will be finished.

(End of this chapter)

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