Hercules Walk

Chapter 174 Target Northrend

Chapter 174 Target Northrend

Early the next morning, under the blessing of the Holy Light, the majestic voice of the Grand Duke Bolvar resounded throughout the camp.

"Sail, set sail! Target, Northrend!"

With an order from him, the alliance fleet that had already been prepared set sail.The three huge Kul Tiran icebreakers were in front, followed by his command ship, then the fleet of other alliance generals, and finally the warships carrying ordinary soldiers and transport ships full of supplies.

The route to Northrend was full of dangers, and no one knew what to expect except the men sent by the Lich King.

On the other side, hearing Bolvar's cry, the orc commander Garrosh standing on the bow gave instructions to the advisor Saurfang next to him.

"Let the brats below work harder, and don't be compared to that group of weak alliances!"

The Kor'kron elite guards are the most elite of the orcs, formed by drawing powerful warriors from each tribe.Their leader is High Overlord Varok-Saurfang, and Saurfang the Younger is his son.

Orders were passed down layer by layer, and the orc supervisor's whip was raised high. Each orc laborer used his strength to start one after another rough-looking but very practical orc ships.

The Northrend continent is the continent located in the northern part of the planet after the ancient Kalimdor continent was split in the War of the Ancients. Because it is close to the pole, the climate becomes colder the closer it is to the north, and the northern part of Northrend is covered in snow all year round. middle.

The Borean Tundra is a not-so-cold tundra land in the southwest of Northrend. It has a winding and broken coastline. Many races once settled here.Both the Alliance and the Horde have chosen to land in the Borean Tundra and build a war fortress as a stepping stone to attack the Icecrown Glacier where the Lich King is located.

Just because of the relationship between the Alliance and the Horde, it is of course impossible for the two fortresses to be built together.The Alliance intends to build the Fearless Fortress on the beach in the southeast corner, while the Horde without a strong fleet to support it plans to use a pier in the west to transport supplies and build a fortress deep into the hinterland.

Incidentally, this pier was named Garrosh Wharf by a certain Warsong Expedition Commander appointed by the Horde Chief Thrall.

The fleet of Brian Bronzebeard, where Wang Dali and his party were located, followed the command ship of Grand Duke Bolvar.After setting sail, under the strange eyes of the surrounding alliance executives, they walked onto the deck together with Brian Bronzebeard, talking and laughing.

"Really? That's a good deal! When you go back, you must take me with you! I know that there are other worlds outside of Azeroth, but this is the first time I've heard the concept of the multiverse! I can't wait for such an adventure!"

After listening to Wang Dali's self-introduction last night, Brian Bronzebeard still didn't believe it, and then Wang Dali took him to the Marvel World without hesitation.

Seeing that this is completely different from the fantasy world of Azeroth, and that it is all human world, the dwarves believed Wang Dali's words.

However, he soon calmed down when he was blown by the cold wind from the sea.The sea breeze blew the dwarf's beard and hair back, causing him to squint in the direction of Northrend.

"But first, I want to kill that damn guy in Arthas. The Lich King is the enemy of all creatures in this world."

Not only that, Brian Bronzebeard's second brother, Muradin Bronzebeard came to the Northrend continent with Alsace at that time, looking for a way to eliminate the undead natural disaster.And it was the Lich King Arthas who returned to the Eastern Kingdom.

Although it has not been really confirmed, in Brian's mind, his second brother is already in danger.In addition, Ironforge was also attacked by the Scourge of the Undead before, and the casualties were not small. This is a proper national hatred and family hatred, and has a sworn hatred with Alsace.

"If the undead disaster, we will also help."

This is the real Lich King who holds Frostmourne in his hand and lays down millions of corpses in a rage. Wang Dali is also very curious about him in his heart.Also, if the Lich King was fought here with the Alliance, they would have no problem with their official status.

"But Brian, you have also seen that I have two companions who are just ordinary people, not even professionals. So, I would like to ask if there are any thieves, paladins or fighters in the Explorers' Association, who can take the time to give them advice?"

Among the ten people in the group, although Erica and Matt were fine against ordinary people, they would be very dangerous if they faced the Scourge of the Undead.When he was in Marvel World, Wang Dali also told Matt to help him improve his strength, but Matt refused.

He felt that the strength had to be trained bit by bit by himself to be steadfast, otherwise the mind would be easily affected by the soaring power.

In the world of Azeroth, the anger of warriors, the holy light of paladins, and the energy of thieves all need to be enhanced by little practice, which should be more suitable for him and Erica.I just don't know if they can succeed in taking office with their talents.

If it doesn't work, you have to go to Pandaria to find Pandaren and try the monk profession.

"no problem."

Bryan said vigorously to Wang, with a sly smile on his face that an explorer should have.

"Some adventurers will do everything. As long as the price is okay, I can recommend a few candidates for you."

On the main ship, seeing Brian Bronzebeard chatting with Wang Dali and the others, Grand Duke Bolvar withdrew his gaze.Since it is confirmed that he is a member of the Explorers' Association, it has nothing to do with him.


The fleet sailed forward according to the expected route, but the closer it got to the Northrend continent, the worse the surrounding temperature dropped.After two days of sailing, ice floes even drifted across the sea, and snow began to fall in the sky.

On the ship, both the leaders of various ethnic groups and ordinary soldiers put on the warm clothes they had prepared long ago, and only a few people were still wearing convenient summer clothes.

On Brian's recommendation, Erica and Matt trained with two adventurers respectively.Erica was trained by a female thief named Eberia, and Matt, unexpectedly possessing a high talent for holy light, was recommended by Brian Bronzebeard to a former member of the Silver Hand Paladins. Captain.

Relying on his status as a mage, Strange actually got in touch with Ronin, and Mindy and Catherine also ran to Vereesa's fleet as his apprentices.

Thanos acted alone, Little Naughty wished to have more time with Wang Dali.Doctor Doom mixed up with adventurers from the Explorers' Association on board, and Johnny Blazer didn't realize until this time that he was seasick.

Seeing his pale face, green eyes, and about to spit out the flames of hell, Wang Dali sent him back to the Marvel world without a word.

(End of this chapter)

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