Hercules Walk

Chapter 173 Brian Bronzebeard

Chapter 173 Brian Bronzebeard

"what's going on?"

"You ask me, how do I know?"

After a while of silence, a group of ten people was surrounded and taken away by a group of guards who rushed up.Seeing that the other party didn't intend to tie them down, Wang Dali asked the temper tantrums in the team to calm down and wait for the next development.

Following this group of alliance human soldiers, Wang Dali and the others were taken to a huge camp.Here, many alliance and tribe bosses gathered together, looking at them with different expressions.

"Strangers, who are you?"

Grand Duke Bolvar-Fordragon, the former regent of Stormwind City, and the head of the Fordragon Legion.He was wearing a sky blue cloak with the alliance logo on it, his shoulder-length brown hair was hanging down, and he stared at Wang Dali, the leader of the group, with bear-like eyes that were brave and fearless.

Wang Dali: "..."

What the hell is he talking about?This should be the common language of the alliance, right?I won't!
Seeing Wang Dali's blank expression, Bovar frowned, and his tone became even colder.

"I'll ask again, strangers, who are you?"

"What nonsense are you asking, just kill them directly."

Garrosh-Hellscream, Grom-the son of Hellscream, the current head of the Orc Warsong Clan and the Mag'har Direct Clan, a supporter of the idea of ​​​​orc supremacy, and an out-and-out militant and impulsive radical.

He carried the blood roar of the battle ax inherited by his father, which killed an abyss lord, and interrupted the inquiry of the Grand Duke of Bolvar.The brown-skinned orc looked at Wang Dali and his party with excitement and cold killing intent.

"Everyone knows who the enemy is this time, and we can't tolerate any mistakes. It's better to let them disappear for these few accidents."

"I disagree!"

As soon as Garrosh finished speaking, Master Rhonin, who was standing with his wife Vereesa, objected.Looking at Strange and Doctor Doom's typical mage attire, Rhonin didn't want to kill the two human mages without evidence.

"I think they should be adventurers who came here to help us, but they just missed the time. Besides, we are going to fight the Lich King. Could it be that before seeing the undead Scourge, our swords must be stained with The blood of your fellow countrymen?"

"It's your people, not mine. If you don't want to, I'll be happy to oblige."

A sneer formed on the corner of Garrosh's mouth, and he stroked his huge fangs, revealing a cruel smile.

it has started.

Seeing the exchange of words between Garrosh and Rhonin, every member of the Alliance and Horde present was terrified.

The Alliance and the Horde were originally sworn enemies. If the Lich King hadn't been born, they might still be at war now.Although the coalition forces were formed this time, the contest behind the scenes never stopped.

Especially on the Alliance side, because Stormwind City was breached and looted by orcs, the Grand Duke of Stormwind City, Bolvar, and Garrosh on the Horde side are sworn enemies.When the two meet and don't pinch each other, it can already make people burn high.

Sure enough, after seeing Garrosh's attitude and confirming that Wang Dali's side should be human except for the somewhat strange Thanos, Bolvar snorted coldly and said to Garrosh.

"Garrosh, this is our human business, don't worry about it. Guards! Take them out and let the Explorers' Association join them!"

In this camp of the coalition forces, could these ten people be able to pull out any tricks?
Guard: "Yes!"


Two Union soldiers standing at the entrance of the camp came in and saluted Bolvar, and led Wang Dali, who didn't know what happened, to one of the ships on the pier.There is the third brother of Ironforge leader Magni Bronzebeard, the founder of the Explorers' Association Brian Bronzebeard and his Explorers' Association.

"Ten adventurers suddenly appeared from the portal? What are you sending them to me for?"

Looking at Wang Dali and his party behind the guards, Brian Bronzebeard, who was holding a map of Northrend that he didn't know where he came from, pulled his beard and said with some displeasure.

"Although most members of the Explorers' Association are adventurers, not all adventurers are members of the Explorers' Association?"

But then, after seeing the clothes on Wang Dali and the others that he had never seen before, his eyes lit up again, and he immediately changed his words to the guard.

"However, I think they look a little familiar, so let's keep them first."

After the guards left, Brian Bronzebeard put down the map in his hand.

"Strangers, who are you?"

Wang Dali said that he still couldn't understand the common language of the alliance, which had been repeated for the third time.And looking at the helpless look on his face, Brian Bronzebeard seemed to understand something.

As the younger brother of the lord of Ironforge, of course he is wrapped in precious space.The great explorer who inspired to travel all over Azeroth pulled out a purple crystal ball from his package.

"I don't know if this stuff dug out from the ruins of the Violet Mage is useful, anyway, let's try it first."

Brian Bronzebeard put the crystal ball on the table, put his thick hand on the crystal ball, stretched out his hand to signal Wang Dali to come over, and made the same movement as him.

Wang Dali was about to step forward, but he saw Thanos reached out to hold his shoulder, and covered the purple crystal ball with his big blue hand.

"Oh, you're so tall! Stranger, where are you from?"

Then, Brian's exclamation reached his ears.

Sure enough, this is a crystal ball with translation function.

Thanos knew it well, and didn't answer the copper beard's words.He stared at the crystal ball with both eyes, wisps of arcane breath drifted from his eyes, wrapped the crystal ball tightly, and quickly analyzed it.

Although he is a newcomer, Thanos doesn't know much about the magic of this world, but at his level, it is no problem to copy the spells in this crystal ball.

"Hey, I'm asking you something! Do you want to experience the feeling of being hit on the knee with a hammer?"

Just when Brian Bronzebeard was a little angry at Thanos for not answering his question, Thanos let go of his hand holding the crystal ball.He played a series of spells out of thin air, turning them into eight complicated runes and shooting them into the pendants on everyone's necks.

By the way, although it is useless, to ensure consistency, Wang Dali also hung one around his neck.

Looking down at the dwarf who reached his waist, Thanos smiled and walked back into the crowd.Seeing his slightly mocking eyes, Brian was immediately annoyed.He took out his ax from the space package and yelled at Thanos.

"It doesn't mean that the bigger you are, the more powerful you are. Come and compete with me if you have the ability? I'll let you know why so many people dare not mess with dwarves!"

Facing the challenge from the dwarves, Thanos greeted him with a smile.

Ding, boom, boom!
One minute later, Brian Bronzebeard put away his weapon that had changed from an ax to an irregular iron ball, and said to Wang Dali and the others with a very warm smile on his face.

"Ahem, everyone is a civilized person, let's sit down and talk about anything."

(End of this chapter)

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