Hercules Walk

Chapter 16 Test

Chapter 16 Test

Since the two were able to make such a decision, it must have been carefully considered. With Pepper's EQ and IQ, he would not say something like "you are so different in age".Besides, there was also a ten-year difference between her and Tony Stark.

And the two of them are now done, and the raw rice has been cooked.Besides, isn’t it simply boring to talk about what’s there and what’s not?

After sending Catherine and Wang Dali back to their apartment, Pepper asked the driver to drive to Stark Company. Last night, Tony had something very important for her to do.


At the end of the trip, Wang Dali and Catherine decided to buy a three-story villa with a garden as their new house.But the problem is that after a happy national trip, especially during the week of their wedding, the two also chartered a luxury yacht to go out to sea. Now, the cash in their bank cards adds up to only In the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

And with this money, they couldn't even afford the down payment of the villa they planned.

After getting married, Wang Dali is no longer alone, but has a family.As a strong man with extraordinary abilities, he doesn't want his wife to work overtime every day just to make money.

Besides, in this world, some things cannot be avoided.

Looking at Catherine who was tidying up the room, Wang Dali smiled, turned around and took out his mobile phone, and dialed a number that had been stored in his mobile phone but had never been dialed before.

"Hi, is this Coulson? I'm Dali-King."


"Mr. Dali, can I ask why you suddenly want to see our chief?"

Sitting in the driver's seat waiting for the red light to end, Coulson, who hadn't seen him for a month, still had a familiar smile on his face (Kolson: ???), and turned to Wang Dali and said.

"Of course, you don't have to say anything if you don't want to."

"There's no particular reason."

Wang Dali on the co-pilot's seat shook his head lightly.

"After our honeymoon, Catherine and I were going to buy a cottage, but we ran out of money, so I went out and looked for work."

"So, you called and said that you have a very important matter with our bureau chief, just for a job?"

After hearing Wang Dali's reasons, Coulson really couldn't laugh or cry.Their Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistic Support Bureau is a United Nations organization that protects world peace, not a working intermediary.

On the other side, Wang Dali didn't care about Coulson's helplessness and continued talking.

"I even wrote the slogan. I am sincerely accepting commissions to fight terrorist organizations, arrest super criminals, eliminate abnormal creatures, and investigate supernatural phenomena. I am short of money recently, and I will accept any job."

Colson: "..."

You have done everything, so what are we agents doing?
While the two were talking, the content was transmitted verbatim to Nick Fury's office by the monitor in the car.

The bald director was still dressed in the windbreaker that was so hot that it could kill people, with a cool expression on his face, he asked the two female subordinates in his office.

"What do you think of Wang Dali's move?"

Natasha Romanov, the most outstanding female agent of the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Agency, leaned against the wall with her arms folded, highlighting her striking broad chest even more.

"I have no opinion. It would be nice if someone could help me with some of the tasks."

As the best female agent of the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau, Natasha will be assigned to do many things, leaving her with little free time.Although he said he had no opinion, he actually supported Wang Dali's joining.

"I think I can give it a try."

She has a very similar temperament to Catherine, but Maria, who has a smaller chest, agrees with Natasha.

"With the speed shown by the opponent in the last New York monster battle, he can complete tasks that are difficult for many agents to complete. Giving him some difficult tasks that will not reveal secrets can effectively reduce the casualties of agents in the bureau."


The two senior agents in the bureau thought so, Nick Fury nodded, and did not express his position directly, but ordered Natasha.

"Taking this opportunity, Natasha, take him for a test and try to figure out his limits."

"No problem. Just right, I'm still quite interested in him."

Swaying her graceful figure, Natasha left the director's office and walked to the elevator next to her.

On the other side, Coulson, who was driving, received a text message from Maria telling him to take Wang Dali to the special ability training room for testing after he arrived.

"Come with me, Mr. Wang. We have to conduct a series of tests on your strength before we can determine what level of entrustment to you."

After parking the car in the parking space of the Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistic Support Bureau, Coulson led Wang Dali into the special downward elevator.Passing through several tempered glass doors, the two came to a room of nearly two hundred square meters with metal walls.

As soon as he entered the room, Wang Dali saw a woman wearing a fitness vest and tight shorts, her hair was tied up with a towel, and she was running on a fitness bicycle.

Judging from the back, the other party's figure is very good, comparable to Catherine's.But Wang Dali only looked at it twice before retracting his gaze.

He has a wife now, otherwise he would at least have to look at such a beautiful woman a few more times.

Hearing footsteps behind her, the woman with short brown-red wavy hair slowly slowed down the speed of her bicycle.She took off the towel that tied her hair, wiped the sweat from her neck, turned around and stretched out her right hand to Wang Dali.

A slightly drunken blush climbed up her beautiful cheeks, and there was still some panting in her mouth.

"Natasha Romanoff."


The two broke up as soon as they shook hands. Coulson gave Natasha a deep look, and then said to Wang Dali.

"Come on, Mr. Wang, let's start with the strength test."

In front of Wang Dali was a group of barbells that looked the same as ordinary barbells, but among them, the minimum weight marked on the barbell plates was 100KG, and the largest was 1000KG.

"This is a barbell developed by our bureau using special metals. It is specially used by people with special abilities. There are three types of light barbells: 50KG, 100KG and 200KG. The maximum weight can reach [-] kilograms. Mr. Wang has a try Bar."


Taking out the things in his pocket and putting them aside, Wang Dali was about to walk in front of the thickest lever, but was stopped by Coulson.

"Mr. Dali, take this first."

He handed over a pair of light and transparent non-slip gloves from the side, which is the same function as the chalk that athletes rub on their hands before the competition.

"Thank you."

Being polite as an adult should be, Wang Dali did not refuse the other party's kindness.

 PS: It is said that two updates are two updates. I am a moral Teddy, um, um.

(End of this chapter)

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