Hercules Walk

Chapter 15 Pepper's Shock

Chapter 15 Pepper's Shock

Plugging in her cell phone, Catherine quickly found the text message from Jennifer.Wang Dali on the side also lay on the bed, half-embracing Catherine, smelling the scent of shampoo on her brown-blond hair, and reading with her.

"The Daily Bugle, the New York Times, and the New York Post?"

Looking at the information on the screen, Wang Dali said in amazement.

Not to mention the Daily Horn, which always gets up with Spider-Man, the New York Times and the New York Post are two major New York daily publications that are comparable in size to the New York Daily.

Regarding Wang Dali's movements, Catherine did not stop him, but put a post in his arms, feeling the warmth of his body.

"Catherine, which of these three newspapers do you prefer?"

"The Bugle Daily was the first to rule it out. It was originally a gossip tabloid. Up to now, the gossip page still occupies a lot of space. It is not suitable for me."

There was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of her mouth, and Catherine didn't say another reason.The boss of the Bugle Daily is well-known in the New York newspaper industry for his stinginess, desire for power, and nervousness, and she would not want to work with such a boss.

"The New York Post is controlled by a group, and even as an editor-in-chief, it has very little power. Therefore, I prefer the New York Times."

Putting the phone aside, Catherine pulled the thin quilt on her body, and turned her head to face Wang Dali.

"However, even though I said that, I don't want to work so soon. I was so tired from working overtime a while ago, I plan to take a good rest for a month and go to see all over the country."

"Okay, then let's go together."

Looking at Biren in his arms, Wang Dali, who had just tasted the forbidden (crab) fruit for the first time, once again stretched out his sinful left hand, probing into an indescribable deep valley.

This time, after breakfast, Catherine, who felt that her body had gained some strength, did not stop her.Soon, the atmosphere in the room became hot, and there was nothing he could do about turning on the air conditioner. He could only watch the two young people (?) who knew their tastes hug each other again.


A month later, New York airport.

Dragging a large suitcase in one hand, Wang Dali, who looked unchanged from a month ago, was walking behind, and walking in front was Catherine, who was charming and looked no older than 25 years old.

After a month of double nourishment by Wang Dali and love, Catherine felt that she was several years younger, and her skin became hydrated and smoother. Walking together with Wang Dali, it is impossible to see that there is actually a ten-year-old relationship between the two of them. The age gap is more like a couple of similar ages.

Along the way, many men who were amazed by Catherine's youthful and romantic appearance, as well as her curvy figure secretly showed envy and hatred towards Wang Dali, which made him quite proud.

Originally, Wang Dali planned to call a car to go home with Catherine.But she shook her head and dragged Wang Dali to the airport exit to look around.

After a while, a Rolls-Royce that looked familiar to Wang Dali slowly drove towards them.

Getting out of the car was Wang Dali's former employer, Catherine's niece Pepper.

Speaking of which, Catherine is only six years older than Pepper.

"Auntie, Dali, long time no see."

"Pepper, why are you free to pick us up today?"

Looking at Pepper, whom he hadn't seen for more than a month, Wang Dali curiously asked her, as Stark's assistant, who should have a lot of things.

"Tony's power in the company is suppressed by the board of directors, and I have nothing to do now. I just heard that my aunt came back from a trip with you, so why don't I just come and get together with you."

There was a sense of helplessness in Pepper's tone, obviously this state was not voluntary by her.However, listening to her tone, it seems that the famous Tony Stark can't help it, let alone her little assistant.

"Let's not talk about this, Dali, how have you guys been playing this month? Has anything interesting happened?"

"of course."

Wearing high heels, Catherine, who was about the same height as Wang Dali, lightly kissed him on the mouth and raised her right hand.Up there, a diamond ring was glinting in the sunlight.

"Pepper, you should be called Uncle Dali now."

"Uncle, uncle?"

Looking at Catherine's actions just now, Pepper, whose mind was in chaos, lowered her head and stared at another diamond ring on Wang Dali's right middle finger that was very similar in shape and style to Catherine's.

"Are you..."

"Well, we're married."

Holding the hand of the smiling Wang Dali, Catherine happily said to the dumbfounded Pepper.

Although she looked young, Catherine was well aware of the age gap between herself and Wang Dali.If you don't tie him up a little tighter like this, are you waiting for yourself to grow old in a few years so that some little girl can snatch him away from you?
"Why is it so sudden, but congratulations to you."

After the initial period of confusion, reason returned to Pepper's mind. She reached out to open the car door and pointed to Wang Dali and Catherine.

"Let's talk in the car, I have a lot of things I want to ask."


"So, how did you get together?"

Pepper took out a few bottles of drinks from the compartment in the carriage and handed them to Wang Dali and Catherine, and asked them impatiently.

"It's probably a matter of course."

Talking about her relationship experience in front of her niece, especially when the other party is a man ten years younger than her, Catherine is still a little shy.

"During Dali's birthday, I suddenly realized that he was a man and not the boy I thought he was. Then slowly, I fell into a sinking in life."

"What about you, Dali?"

Seeing the happy smile on her aunt's face, Pepper looked enviously at the diamond ring in her hand.

In terms of value alone, she could buy several of these ordinary diamond rings worth tens of thousands of dollars.But the person she hoped to give her this kind of ring has never bought it for her.


Hearing Pepper's question, Wang Dali smiled lightly.

"It's the same as Catherine. I was not even a teenager when I met her. At first, I was only attracted by her appearance. It was purely the relationship between the tenant and the landlord. But after living together for a few years, it became Like family."

"So, as you can see, in Las Vegas, Catherine and I became real family."

After all, he and Catherine looked at each other and smiled. This flash bomb that can blind a dog's eyes made Pepper, who is a single dog, feel extremely sad. He unconsciously took out brandy and brandy with a high enough alcohol concentration to burn from the compartment of the compartment. lighter.

Because of a car accident a few years ago, Pepper's parents and grandparents, that is, Catherine's parents, brother and sister-in-law were unfortunately killed.Otherwise, Wang Dali would definitely visit Catherine's elders first, instead of marrying her in a church in Las Vegas.

 PS: In the Marvel genre, my protagonist should be the fastest to get married...

(End of this chapter)

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