Chapter 74

In the blink of an eye, it was a year later.

In one year, Lufeng has changed a lot.

At this time, he is more royal than he was a year ago, and he looks calm and majestic.

Jiqing had already been renamed Nanjing, and Nanjing was naturally the imperial capital of the Ming Dynasty.

The White-browed Eagle King's commanding ability skyrocketed after he got Wu Mu's suicide note, which is considered to have not insulted the title of this great general.

Although King Ruyang holds 20 soldiers and horses, he is still unable to deal with enemies in all directions.

In the end, a group of heroes from all over the world attacked it, and King Ruyang was defeated.

He obeyed Lu Feng's words, no matter what, he would keep King Ruyang and his elder brother Wang Bao safe.

Although King Ruyang and Wang Baobao were very upset when they were caught, they were surrounded by people from Daming, and they had nothing to do. Zhao Min did not go to King Ruyang and them, because she didn't want to see them. If I soften my heart, it won't be good if I cause any trouble.

Lu Feng specially arranged a place for King Ruyang and the others to live in, which can be regarded as the end of life, so that King Ruyang can live a good life. Of course, there are people around to watch, afraid that King Ruyang and others will want to do something else.

Such a life is better than death.

The defeat of King Ruyang caused the 20 Yuan army to disintegrate directly, coupled with the unkindness of Emperor Yuan Shun, directly led to the disintegration of the entire Yuan Dynasty.

At this time, Daming had already conquered half of the country, and with the Ming Cult as its reliance, it was worthwhile for anyone.

Chen Youliang was killed by Lu Feng, but there were others, but it's not a big problem anymore.

Sitting on the throne, Lu Feng felt very boring.

This is not the result he wanted. The precipitation of the past year has made him a martial artist of the innate level, and his strength is not weak.

On this day, after Lu Feng finished handling his affairs, he was going to find Zhou Zhiruo.

On the way, a voice suddenly came from next to Lu Feng's ear.

[Ding congratulations to the host for completing the plane task, expelling the violent elements, and obtaining [-] points and permanent use of the system. 】

[Complete the plane task, the host will have 24 hours to stay in this plane, after 24 hours, he will be forced to return to the previous plane of the host]

Hearing this, Lu Feng frowned.

At this time, the attendant at the side said: "Your Majesty, the empress's bedroom has arrived."

"Zheng Yuan, you send someone to convey the news, let Xiao Zhao, Buhui and Zhao Min come here, just say that I have something to do with them."

The sudden news from the system caught him off guard, but 24 hours is enough.

In fact, he doesn't have much to remember, the only thing he may care about is his women.

In about two quarters of an hour, all the girls gathered in Zhou Zhiruo's bedroom.

Zhou Zhiruo was also a little dazed looking at her younger sisters.

In fact, she didn't know exactly what Lu Feng called them here for, but it didn't matter, they didn't care either.

Lu Feng changed into a suit of luggage, not like the dragon robe he was wearing before, but now he looks like a lively ordinary person.

"Is your husband going to go hunting?"

Zhou Zhiruo asked.

Originally, according to the logic, they wanted to call His Majesty Lu Feng, but later Lu Feng refused, and it would be more appropriate for them to call her husband, His Majesty, which always feels very unfamiliar.

"No, I'm going to tell you something."

"Something?" The girls looked at each other, but they didn't know what it was.

Afterwards, Lu Feng told the girls the secret he had concealed for many years.

In fact, he also knows that he can bring these people out of this world and return to his original world.

But there is a problem, that is, it needs to be voluntary, otherwise it cannot be taken away.

That's why Lu Feng chose to tell them.

After hearing Lu Feng's miraculous words, all the girls were stunned, not knowing what to say.

"Okay, I've said so much, you should understand." Lu Feng looked at the girls and said.

"Understood." Zhou Zhiruo nodded: "Then husband, are you planning to leave this place and return to your original place?"

Lu Feng nodded and said: "Although this place is very good, and I am also an emperor, it doesn't mean anything to me. That's where I was born and raised. Compared with here, I like it more. I'll give you a choice. , you can choose to leave with me, or you can stay here.”

"Husband, what will happen if you stay here?" Zhao Min asked.

"Nothing will happen." Lu Feng said, "It's just that you will never see me."

Hearing this, the girls seemed to understand something.

"You can choose not to leave, and if you don't leave, I can pass on the throne to you."

When Lu Feng talked about this, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. After all, who doesn't want them to leave with him, but it's a pity that if they don't want to, he can't help it, right?

When all the girls were thinking, Xiao Zhao was the first to speak.

"Husband, I am willing to leave with you." Xiao Zhao said.

After Xiao Zhao said this, all the girls around looked over.

Xiao Zhao said: "My husband is everything to me. If my husband leaves, then there is no meaning for me to live. I might as well leave with my husband."

Hearing Xiao Zhao's words, Lu Feng smiled. To be honest, Xiao Zhao is often the one who will not let him down the most.

"I will leave with you, my husband." Zhao Min said: "My father and brother have lived a stable life, so there is no need to worry about other things, and I think they will not want to see me anymore, so I will follow you Let's leave together."

The third person to speak was Yang Buhui: "I am also together. As for the reason, my father has the same reasons as me. If he knows that I am with you, my husband, he should be very happy."

Zhou Zhiruo was the last one left.

Zhou Zhiruo was the first one Lu Feng married, and also the first one he fell in love with. In a sense, it should be regarded as his first love.

"Husband, I am willing to follow you."

Zhou Zhiruo spoke.

The answer was of course very satisfying to Lu Feng.

In fact, Lu Feng lied to them, and in fact, they would never fail to see them.

As long as Lu Feng is willing, he can still come back, and if he leaves this world, then the time of this world will also stand still, and time will not flow, and it will only be possible when Lu Feng enters this world again.

But the system also said that it's not free, you need points every time you enter, but it doesn't make much sense, after all, you don't come back often, right?

"System, I want to take Zhiruo, Xiao Zhao, Bugui and Zhao Min out of this world."

[A total of points need to be spent, [-] points, whether to pay or not]

It's a scam, it's really a scam, I just made [-], and I was scammed to take away [-].

 Yitian is over, finally finished writing, it's time to return to the city.

(End of this chapter)

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