Unlimited travel through the world

Chapter 73 Proclaiming Emperor

Chapter 73 Proclaiming Emperor
In the blink of an eye, several months have passed since the wedding day.

"Master, the White-browed Eagle King and others are asking to see you!"

Lu Feng nodded slightly, and went to the meeting hall.

In the meeting hall, everyone was already waiting for Lu Feng.

At this time, Lu Feng was wearing a white robe and long clothes, with extraordinary momentum.

When Lu Feng sat on the seat of the leader, he glanced around and saw that on both sides of the entire meeting hall sat senior officials of the Ming Cult, and behind them, there were leaders of the rebels who were also members of the Ming Cult.

At this time, the White-Browed Eagle King was the first to speak: "Master, now that King Ruyang is weak and the Yuan Dynasty is about to collapse, should we discuss the future strategy?"

"The strategy for the future?" Lu Feng said, "How should I say it?"

"Now, the Jiangnan generation has already belonged to our Mingjiao." The white-browed eagle king said: "Most of the northern red scarf army has defected to our Mingjiao, and there are many in the south. Now the Yuan Dynasty Marshal Ruyang King has been abolished. I think you, the leader It's time to claim your title."

"proclaim oneself emperor!"

As soon as the words of proclaiming the emperor came out, no one in the room opened their mouths to speak, and all of them looked at Lu Feng attentively.

Lu Feng, the leader, can be said to have let go of the shopkeeper, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't care about everything.

Just when Lu Feng didn't answer, the White-Browed Eagle King glanced at the people around him and winked at him, the meaning of which was self-evident.

"Yes, Master, I think it's time to become emperor." Wei Yixiao and others quickly agreed.

"The timing was wrong before, but now that the Yuan Dynasty is over, it is the time when my Ming religion is revived, and the people need a new virtuous emperor to be their emperor."

All the people talked about each other, and in the end they stopped calling the leader and called His Majesty.

In the end, Lu Feng stretched out his hand to stop the people below from chattering.

"Now King Ruyang still has 20 heavy soldiers in his hands." Lu Feng said, "What good does being emperor do to us?"

White-browed Eagle King said: "As long as you, the leader, become the emperor, then all the red scarf armies in the world will obey the leader's orders. There are many heroes in the world, and the Yuan Dynasty's mere 20 troops are nothing to us."

"Proclaiming ourselves emperor will bring only a hundred benefits and no harm to us!"

"Master, what are you waiting for, the candidate for the title of emperor is none other than you!"

"Yes, leader, we have waited for so long because we just want to see you, leader, ascend the throne and proclaim yourself emperor."

Lu Feng seemed to be wrong.

In fact, this month, he also learned a lot. In Yitian Tulongji, he didn't know too much. After all, he didn't write too clearly about the major events in the world. He used historical thinking. The most powerful.

The Ming Cult has completely penetrated the entire world, even in most cities, there are people from their Ming Cult.

"In that case, let the bright left envoy choose a day." Lu Feng said: "The days of the violent Yuan's rule are numbered."

"As ordered!"

Everyone echoed.

Lu Feng decided to proclaim himself emperor, which was a supreme honor for them. In this way, wouldn't they all become ministers of Conglong in the future?

In fact, Zhu Yuanzhang, whom Lu Feng was most worried about, was not a problem at all.

Because he is now severely restricted, he can't take action at all, and the Mingjiao is a piece of metal, unable to resist at all.

As long as he, the leader, has no other problems, other people have no turn to rebel against him.

In the end, under Yang Xiao's arrangements to find someone to choose, because he had to prepare well, he decided to proclaim himself emperor on a day next month.

After leaving the meeting hall, Zhu Laosi came to see him again.

"Master, there is something I don't know whether to say or not."

Lu Feng glanced at Zhu Laosi and said, "But it doesn't matter."

"The leader claims to be the emperor, so the subordinates feel that they should stay away from the Mongols." Zhu Laosi said: "Otherwise, I'm afraid someone will gossip."

Lu Feng narrowed his eyes slightly: "Today in the main hall, the White-browed Eagle King elected me to be emperor. This is also your idea."

Zhu Laosi said: "The people have been oppressed by the violent Yuan for a long time, and they need a new emperor to guide them. The leader is my Mingjiao supreme. The person who is called emperor should be you, the leader, and there is no other person."

Lu Feng looked at Zhu Lao Si, and had to say that having a very smart subordinate made people feel at ease, but Zhu Lao Si was too smart.

"Zhu Laosi, my leader reminds you, if you want to be a good minister of the dragon, you should not talk too much, this leader knows who you are talking about." Lu Feng said: "But what this leader does is not what you say It's what it is."

Zhu Laosi frowned, knowing that Lu Feng might feel that he had gone too far, so he quickly lowered his head and cupped his hands: "This subordinate will definitely speak carefully next time."

Lu Feng didn't care whether he was a wise king or not, because he had already obtained the ultimate mission, which was to overthrow the Yuan Dynasty.

As long as he overthrew the Yuan Dynasty, he could leave this place and return to his original world.

Then at that time, what the future of this world will look like has nothing to do with him.

It's not that Lu Feng is ruthless, it's just that his interest is not here, this is not his hometown, his hometown is a modernized earth.

Instead of this ancient and war-torn earth.

Zhu Laosi left. Obviously, he didn't dare to make his own decisions anymore. Lu Feng was not Zhang Wuji, so he couldn't let Zhu Laosi control him.

Lu Feng's hands were stained with a lot of human blood, and he was no longer the ordinary him at the beginning.

Lu Feng first went to Zhao Min and told her about his intention to proclaim himself emperor.

Zhao Min fell into deep thought.

In fact, Zhao Min already knew that this day would come.

Lu Feng is undoubtedly the most direct candidate to be the leader of the world in the future. After all, he is the leader of the Mingjiao, and the Mingjiao is the largest force against the Yuan Dynasty.

Zhao Min said: "After you become emperor, can you not kill my father?"

Seeing Zhao Min's somewhat sad look, she probably reminded her of her father, King Ruyang.

Lu Feng said: "Now King Ruyang has 20 troops. There will be a battle in the future, but I can promise you that once your father is defeated, he will be captured alive, including your brother."

Zhao Min nodded slightly: "Thank you."

With Lu Feng's guarantee, Zhao Min felt more at ease.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it will be a month later.

Today is another auspicious day, and today is not about getting married, but about proclaiming the emperor.

Lu Feng proclaimed himself emperor in Jiqing, took Ming as the title of the country, and established another Han empire.

Then came the canonization, the main canonization is to canonize the White-browed Eagle King as General Zhengyuan, Zhou Zhiruo as Queen, Xiao Zhao and Buhui as Concubine, and Zhao Min's words, although they have no status, everyone knows that Zhao Min is also Lu Feng's A woman is equivalent to a noble concubine.

No one dared to neglect Zhao Min. After all, everyone in the Ming Cult knew that anyone could talk about it, but not Zhao Min.

The Yuan Dynasty also began to enter its final countdown.

(End of this chapter)

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