Marvel's Talisman of Invincibility

Chapter 6 First Arrival in Hell's Kitchen

Chapter 6 First Arrival in Hell's Kitchen

"Floating + speed, the chicken charm and the rabbit charm are really the best combination for traveling." Feeling the thrill of flying at extreme speed, Gao Ming couldn't help cheering loudly.

Fortunately, Gao Ming was flying high in the sky, and was dressed in black at night, so he was not noticed. However, Gao Ming obviously forgot that he still has the ability to "invisibility"...

It's worth mentioning that Hell's Kitchen is in Manhattan, while Gao Ming lives in Queens, yes, that's where the future "Diao Si Xia" will live. The distance between the two places is quite long, but with the cooperation of Gao Ming's two abilities , just took less than 5 minutes.

The super-speed force of the Rabbit Charm can easily reach the supersonic speed under normal conditions, and the supersonic speed is greater than 340 m/s. If Gao Ming didn't deliberately control the speed, it would take even less time.

But on the way, Gao Ming discovered that although he was flying at supersonic speed, he was not affected by air friction at all, that is to say, the situation of fire caused by too fast speed would not happen.

It seems that unreasonable phenomena such as "invisibility is invisible with clothes" and "clothes will disappear when you turn into an animal" also appeared in another world with the spell.

That's right, how can such a magical thing as a spell be explained by science...

Since the clothes will not catch fire due to air friction, there is actually no need to go to Melvin to make the battle suits, but Gao Ming is not willing to give up halfway, anyway, he has already come.

After formally entering the area of ​​Hell's Kitchen, Gao Ming looked around the scene of Hell's Kitchen, and it seemed that it was no different from other places. There were few pedestrians on the street, and a few taxis occasionally passed by, and most people lingered in the area. Places such as bars, dance halls and nightclubs are full of revelry and joy.

However, this is Hell's Kitchen. Although it is not as good as DC's "Outstanding People" Gotham City, it is also a place with high crime and bad atmosphere.

Just when Gao Ming looked around curiously, he found that the passers-by nearby walked away in a hurry after seeing him, as if they were afraid of being entangled by Gao Ming.

"Why... well, I know the reason."

Gao Ming also wondered that passers-by were avoiding him as if they were avoiding broomsticks. He noticed his attire, understood immediately, and couldn't help but wryly smiled.

The whole body is dressed in pitch black, the hood of the coat is still covering the head, and most of the face is covered by a black mask. Even if it wasn't, it looked suspicious.


Gao Ming sighed, and walked on the street in a dull manner. When he passed an alley, a group of women engaged in certain professions began to appear on both sides of the road, all of them were heavily made up, with inferior cigarettes in their hands, and their faces were blowing smoke loosely. , Gao Ming couldn't help frowning for a while.

"Hey sir, are you interested in playing~"

A few women with revealing clothes and heavy makeup came over, not caring about Gao Ming's attire at all, the cigarette exhaled from his mouth mixed with the smoky perfume on his body, making people sick.

Gao Ming noticed that the spirits of these women were a little listless. His eyes swept over the bare arms of some women, and he could see some pinholes left behind. Obviously, these women were also taking drugs.

Gao Ming sternly refused: "No need, thank you."

After finishing speaking, Gao Ming directly pushed the group of women aside, and left without looking back, causing these women to curse a few words in dissatisfaction, and then continued to stand there prettily, puffing cigarettes, waiting for the next person who passed by.

Gao Ming's heart is a little heavy. Prostitution and drug use exist in many places, but they are the most common phenomenon in Hell's Kitchen, and there are darker things hidden behind them.

When he was about to walk out of the alley, suddenly, a hurried figure bumped into Gao Ming. It was an eighteen or nineteen-year-old Caucasian girl with a frightened expression. When she saw Gao Ming, there was a trace of despair in her eyes for some reason.

Just when Gao Ming was puzzled, he saw a bald man with a fierce face chasing him, holding a sharp knife in his hand.

"Run, bitch, hand over all your money!"

The bald man shouted viciously, his face was full of ferocity.

Gao Ming's eyes suddenly turned cold.

The bald man who was cursing found a man dressed in black standing in front of the girl, his face darkened, and he said with a ferocious expression: "Boy, where did you come from?"

Only then did the girl realize that the person in front of her was not an accomplice of the bald man, and quickly asked for help: "Please help me..."

Gao Ming patted the girl's shoulder lightly, motioning her to stand behind him, then turned his head and looked at the bald man coldly.

The bald man didn't notice Gao Ming's cold eyes, and still shouted fiercely: "It's just right, this chick doesn't have much oil and water, boy, if you don't want to die, hand over all your valuables!"

As he spoke, the bald man deliberately shook the knife in his hand, revealing a sinister grin.

Under the mask, Gao Ming raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth, his figure flashed, and then disappeared on the spot. The bald man was taken aback and looked around in surprise, when a cold voice sounded behind him: "Are you looking for me..."

The bald man was startled, he subconsciously turned around and stabbed at him, but in vain, Gao Ming came and went without a trace like a ghost, the bald man got a little hairy, and sternly growled: "Fake! You are a man or a ghost! Show me get out!"

Gao Ming, who was in an invisible state, looked coldly at the bald man and panicked, and came silently behind the bald man, and slapped his palm on the back of his neck. The level of killing people, otherwise a little force will make this guy's head move.

The bald man felt a heavy blow on the back of his neck, rolled his eyes, and fell forward weakly. After knocking out the bald man, Gao Ming lifted his invisibility and appeared. He looked back at the girl, and unexpectedly found her Still in the same place, Gao Ming thought she would be scared away.

Gao Ming took a closer look. It turned out that the girl was frightened, and he couldn't laugh or cry in his heart. After passing the unconscious bald man, Gao Ming came to the girl, raised his hand and waved in front of her eyes, "Hello? Are you okay? "

The girl shuddered, stepped back in horror, her body trembling slightly, and asked in fear, "You... are you... a human?"

When someone asked "Are you a human?" unexpectedly, it sounded like a curse at first, but seeing what happened just now, it's no wonder the other party would have this question, Gao Ming couldn't help laughing and said: "What do you think? "

The girl was stunned for a moment, obviously she never thought that Gao Ming would ask her in turn, she thought Gao Ming was some kind of supernatural being, otherwise why would he suddenly disappear and then reappear?But the girl didn't dare to speak out, and cautiously replied: "You... are everyone, right?"

Gao Ming opened his mouth to speak, and suddenly a thought flashed through——Can he still be considered a human being after he has obtained the power of the twelve charms from the Holy Lord?
Not to mention the extraordinary abilities of breathing fire, invisibility, and flying, but just talking about the immortality of the dog charm. Are humans immortal creatures?No, human beings are just creatures with a limited lifespan, so is this immortal being a human being or a monster?

Gao Ming's heart was shaken, but when he saw the uneasiness in the girl's eyes, his shaken heart calmed down again, and he replied firmly: "Yes, I am a human being, please don't be afraid, I will not hurt you. "

Monsters can be scary.

Who said he was a monster?

At best, he is... a superpower!Yes, that's right, that's it.

In the Marvel universe, isn't it normal to have superpowers?
What?Mutant?This is the Marvel Cinematic Universe, where there are mutants, there are also Inhumans.

(End of this chapter)

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