Marvel's Talisman of Invincibility

Chapter 5 First Arrival in Hell's Kitchen

Chapter 5 First Arrival in Hell's Kitchen

"But, how to make the battle suit!" Thinking about the making of the battle suit, Gao Ming became worried again.

The hero's combat uniform often needs to consider some special circumstances of its own, and then carefully design it.

In "The Flash", the suit of the Flash is made of high molecular polymer, which can be fire-resistant and wear-resistant, and resist the friction with the air when moving at high speed.

The same is true for the uniforms of other speedsters. If Gao Ming intends to make a speedy uniform, he must also consider the issue of materials.

But the problem is, Gao Ming is not talented enough to make clothes that meet the conditions of a speedster!Not to mention that he doesn't have that skill, if he chooses ordinary materials to make, the clothes will definitely catch fire while running.

"Where can I find a professional..."

It's ridiculous to say that a person who has mastered twelve kinds of magical abilities would be troubled by making a piece of clothing.

"Huh? Making clothes? I remember someone who made clothes. The guy who appeared in Daredevil, he seems to be the one who made Daredevil's uniform." In a flash of inspiration, Gao Ming remembered a person.

Melvin Potter, a talented costume designer who is good at design and tailoring, has made excellent performance suits for Daredevil.

Thanks to Gao Ming's pursuit of the American drama "Daredevil" for a while, he knows that there is such a number one character. Since Daredevil is a character in the Marvel world, he must be found in this world, right?

Thinking of who would make the suit, Gao Ming also heaved a sigh of relief. As for whether Melvin will cooperate with him at that time, Gao Ming is not worried.

Melvin has a daughter, and her daughter is his biggest weakness. In the play, Kim threatens him with his daughter and asks Melvin to make protective clothing for him.

That being the case, Gao Ming helped him solve the threat of Jin Bing, and Melvin should help make the battle suit.

Although he made up his mind to get rid of Jin Bing, so that Melvin would be grateful to help him make the battle suit, but problems kept coming one after another, and Gao Ming had a new problem—where to find Melvin?

There was a huge crowd, and it was not easy to find someone in the big city of New York. Even if you narrowed your search to the urban area of ​​Hell's Kitchen, you still couldn't find it, especially a little-known person like Melvin.

"Ahhh...why don't I have Jarvis!" Thinking of Jarvis, Iron Man's smart butler, it takes only a few minutes to search for individuals around the world, Gao Ming couldn't help feeling jealous.

Well, it's decided that as long as there is a chance in the future, I will try my best to dig an artificial intelligence from Tony Stark.

Gao Ming racked his brains to recall the plot in "Daredevil", trying to find any useful clues, but he only remembered that Matt in the play, that is, Daredevil, was one of the men who found Jin Bin and forced him to find out about Melvin. The location, but did not mention the detailed address in the play.

Damn, the screenwriter will die if he writes a few more lines?At least tell me where Melvin lives?

Although Gao Ming has great supernatural powers now, he is not omnipotent. None of the twelve spells can help find someone.

"I'm in trouble... What should I do..." Gao Ming's mind was in a mess, and suddenly, he had an idea: "Maybe... I can ask Daredevil for help?"

But the current Daredevil seems to have just started his heroic career, right?The image should still be dressed in black, with a black turban covering the upper half of the face, which is not much different from the night clothes, except for the position where the face is covered.

so low...

Sure enough, even if you are a hero, your image is still very important...

Matt is not yet worthy of the title of "Daredevil", at most he is a vigilante who comes out at night to beat up small thieves, and he probably hasn't come into contact with such a big man as Jin Bin.

Daredevil can't help, this guy doesn't know that Jin Bin is the master of the underground world, let him continue to play with those little thieves.

After thinking about it, I still had no idea. Suddenly, Gao Ming slapped his forehead suddenly, his face full of annoyance, "I'm stupid, Melvin can't find it, but Jin Bing is easy to find, just ask Jin Bing directly, and then find Jin Bing." Isn't it over if you catch Melvin and wipe it off?"

It's no wonder that Gao Ming has just discovered that he has gained extraordinary power, and his thinking is still at the level of ordinary people, and he hasn't been able to change it for a while.

Since there is such a powerful force, why do you need to think so much?
Gao Ming groped around for a while, but fortunately, the doppelgänger was not so frugal that he didn't even buy a mobile phone.

Turning on the flip button phone, which can be called an antique, Gao Ming operated the phone with some helplessness, and searched the location of Hell's Kitchen and Jin Bin's company on the Internet.

After a series of operations and waiting for a slow signal, Gao Ming finally found the information he wanted, and then threw the phone on the bed.

Well, it's decided. By the way, I will blackmail Jin Bing and get some money to spend. Once I get the money, I will buy a mobile phone first. I will definitely not buy a Sanxin mobile phone this time...

It is exciting to think about the first time he will fight against Jin Bing, a villain who is the number one villain, but Gao Ming is not overwhelmed by the enthusiasm.

Although it is to clean up this cancerous tumor and benefit the society, it is better to be a low-key person, at least change your clothes to disguise yourself.

After looking in the closet, he found that there were only a dozen sets of whitewashed casual clothes, and two or three thick coats for winter. Gao Ming was completely speechless about the doppelganger, not even a single one that caught his eye.

Reluctantly closing the closet, Gao Ming went to the bookshelf full of books, removed a book according to memory, and found the money and passbook hidden by the doppelganger.

This is the money that the doppelgänger left at home. There are hundreds of dollars, and there are thousands of dollars in RMB. The rest of the money is stored in the bank.

Gao Ming took some money, then put the rest of the money back where it was, and stuffed the book back to block it.

Well, why is the title of the book that the doppelganger used to cover it up called "Hara Pott", it looks like a copy of Harry Potter, but I seem to have seen this name somewhere...

(Here is a scene in the movie "Scary Laugh 2")

After walking around, Gao Ming bought a black hoodie, a pair of black pants, a black mask, a pair of black gloves and a pair of black running shoes.

As for why I bought a suit of black, the reason is very simple. Gao Ming is deeply affected by TV dramas, and he must wear night clothes when he does shameful things at night!

(Daredevil: I don't know who just complained about my "night suit")
Gao Ming went out at around 4:[-] p.m. to buy a suit of clothes and took a stroll around. When he came back, it was already dark and he received a call from the owner of the pizzeria.

Faced with the indiscriminate roar on the phone, Gao Ming directly replied "MD, Fuck you!", and then hung up the phone when the other party yelled "You are fired!".

After buying this set of "combat uniform" and putting it on at home, Gao Ming went to the roof of the apartment where he lived, stood on the edge of the roof and watched the bustling night scene for a while, Gao Ming pulled up the hood of his coat and put it on, then Soaring into the sky, flew in the direction of Hell's Kitchen at lightning speed.

 This chapter was revised on 2020.02.14, and the next chapter is being revised.

  This book is my first work. When I wrote it, I was still a fledgling newcomer, so there are inevitably many shortcomings. After more than a year after I finished it, I saw that many readers were dismissed. Now it is a special time. During the period, I had to stay at home, and decided to take the time to revise this old book while keeping the current serial works updated, hoping to improve it.

(End of this chapter)

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