Marvel's Talisman of Invincibility

Chapter 219 The End and Beginning of Mutants

Chapter 219 The End and Beginning of Mutants

The complete annihilation of the enemy led by Dr. Rice meant that the boulder that had been weighing on the hearts of the mutant children had finally disappeared.

Of course, this only means that they have got rid of their long-standing nightmare. In this world where mutants are not welcomed and excluded everywhere, they still have to work hard to survive.

Moreover, there are fewer and fewer mutants. This group of people is the new mutants, symbolizing the hope of the return of the mutants, and shouldering the responsibility of reviving the mutant race.

With the death of Dr. Rice, there is no guarantee that there will be a crazier scientist. The wildfires are endless, and the spring breeze blows again. Sooner or later, new enemies will appear.

A more assertive child like Jonah felt a little confused in his heart. Before that, the refuge in Canada was their hope, but who can guarantee that the refuge is an absolutely safe place?

They have hesitated to continue to the shelter.

And Laura held Logan's hand tightly. After the battle, she and her little friend should continue to set off, but Laura was not willing to part with Logan, and she didn't want to leave her father.

Logan also looked at Laura with complicated eyes. He didn't want to lose this daughter whom he had finally met. He had been alone all along. Now that he had a daughter, he felt the family affection he had never had before. The roots cannot be separated.

He has been alone for too long, and he cherishes this hard-won family affection very much.

Professor Charles and Caliban, who came to join the crowd, looked at Logan quietly without speaking. They all knew how difficult it was for Logan to walk along the way.

As for the mutant children, Professor Charles is very willing to be with these children, but Professor Charles knows that even if he, Logan, and Caliban are willing to go to the shelter with the children, the three of them cannot guarantee the children's safety. Safe, this is not the past, the X-Men are no more.

Thinking of this, Professor Charles felt a little depressed.

Seeing the downturn in the atmosphere, Gao Ming smiled and said, "Do you want to consider going to my world?"

Hearing this, the children all looked at Gao Ming blankly. They had never known Gao Ming before, nor did they know that Gao Ming came from another universe.

When Logan, Professor Charles, and Caliban heard Gao Ming's words, they were stunned for a moment, and then fell into deep thought. This seemed feasible. Mutants could not move forward in this world, so it would be a good choice to develop in another place.

Logan looked at Professor Charles and asked his opinion. Professor Charles thought for a while, nodded, and said, "This is an opportunity for us."

Logan looked at Caliban again, and Caliban spread his hands and said, "I will listen to your decision."

Logan looked at Gao Ming and asked seriously: "Can you guarantee that your world will be a place for mutants?"

Gao Ming said solemnly: "I promise."

Logan took a deep breath and said, "Then I will join."

Gao Ming was naturally very happy to be confirmed by the three of Logan, but he had to explain the situation to the children and let them decide.

After some projections and narrations, the children all understood what kind of world the Marvel Cinematic Universe is. There are no mutants in that world, but there are superheroes headed by the Avengers. Will be seen as a freak, but become a household hero.

Looking at the picture on the projection screen and listening to Gao Ming's description, the children's eyes were full of curiosity and longing. Although that world was also full of dangers, mutants would not be excluded or suppressed there, but would have Chance to be a hero that people adore.

As the leader of the children, although Jonah was very excited, he still restrained himself and said calmly: "Sir, can you ensure our safety? Are you sure that mutants will not be persecuted in your world?"

The corner of Gao Ming's mouth curled up, and he said confidently: "As long as I'm here, no one will dare to think of you!"

Although the tone is flat, it reveals the self-confidence that is taken for granted. With Gao Ming's current strength, no one dares to seek death to challenge his majesty. Even the Hydra organization that hides behind the scenes and plots is now honestly clamping its tail It's okay to calculate SHIELD and the Avengers. As for dealing with Gao Ming...they don't want to die so quickly.

Seeing his friends staring at him with longing eyes, Jonah gritted his teeth and said firmly, "Then we will go back with you!"

Hearing Jonah's answer, Gao Ming finally breathed a sigh of relief. He was really worried that these children would not go back with him. If these mutant children were unwilling to go with him, then Logan, Professor Charles and Caliban will definitely not go with them, they are worried about these children, these children can be said to be the last mutants.

It is precisely because there are only a few mutants left in this world that Logan and others can let go of their nostalgia for this world and are willing to leave with Gao Ming.

In the world of Deadpool before, Gao Ming once recruited the young Professor X, but because the mutants in that world have not yet reached the point of extinction, Professor X refused, and in this world, only a dozen or so mutants are left in front of him. As a human being, Professor Charles can carry the "fire" without any burden to develop in another world.

In another world, it would be difficult to convince them to leave with Gao Ming, and only this world where mutants are on the verge of extinction successfully recruited Professor Charles.

"Then let's go."

Gao Ming's right hand flashed a blue light, and a faint blue wormhole appeared in front of everyone. Looking at this space door, whether it was children or adults like Logan, they all felt very nervous. The door in front of them symbolized that they were about to open it. The door to a new life.

Gao Ming walked into the space door first, and then, led by Gabriela's reassurance, the children walked in full of expectations and apprehensions, followed by Caliban, and Logan and Professor Charles finally looked at Taking a look at this world, they once struggled all their lives in this world to achieve the cause of peaceful coexistence between ordinary people and mutants. Unfortunately, they still failed, and they will bid farewell to this homeland.

Professor Charles thought of many people, the students from the time when the college existed, the X-Men who were teachers, and Eric the Magneto King who had fought with him all his life... They were all dead, but he was still alive.

Logan also thought sadly of his former companions, and recalled the past bit by bit. Suddenly, his hands tightened, and Logan lowered his head. Seeing Laura's concerned gaze, his heart immediately warmed up, yes , he also has a daughter, he has missed more than ten years of getting along with his daughter, and in the days to come, he will make up for these time and become a father.

He reached out and patted Professor Charles on the shoulder, bringing Professor Charles back to his senses. Logan smiled and said, "Charles, we are still alive. We want to live for them, carry their beliefs, and continue to guard these children."

Professor Charles smiled and said, "Yes, they are all looking at us."

Logan and Professor Charles smiled at each other, and then the figures of the three disappeared into the space door.

The space door also slowly closed and dissipated.

So far, the despised mutants have completely disappeared in this world that has never been friendly to mutants.

And the mutants are about to welcome their new life in another world...

(End of this chapter)

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