Marvel's Talisman of Invincibility

Chapter 218 The Perfect Ending

Chapter 218 The Perfect Ending

Logan's face was full of tyranny, his eyes gleamed with wild and ferocious light, his face was ferocious, like an enraged lion.

No, it is not appropriate to describe him as a lion. At this time, Logan is more like a bloodthirsty lone wolf, showing his sharp minions and tearing apart all obstacles in front of him.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Logan raised his head to the sky and roared, the loud roar was more deterrent than the hail of bullets just now, it alarmed the birds and beasts in the woods, and under Logan's roar, they all fled.

With a flash, Gao Ming returned to the front of the children, folded his arms, and quietly watched Wolverine's return battle.

Gao Ming has no intention of taking action to solve X-24, and Logan has no intention of asking Gao Ming to take action, because it is related to Logan's dignity, as Wolverine's dignity, and Wolverine will not bow to others for help unless it is absolutely necessary. .

This is the dignity that belongs to Logan. Perhaps he was forced by reality and livelihood to temporarily abandon his former dignity and the glory represented by the name "Wolverine". However, at this moment, Logan has regained his previous dignity Everything, not just the physical recovery, but also the "wolf nature" as Wolverine, also returned.

Logan roared and rushed towards X-24, knocking X-24 away heavily, freeing Laura, clutching her injured shoulder, getting up from the ground, and staring at the mighty Logan with piercing eyes.

Logan frantically waved his claws and tore X-24's body apart. Amidst X-24's howls of pain, the indestructible Adamantium alloy claws tore off pieces of X-24's body, and the flesh and blood flew everywhere. X-24's blood It was splashed all over Logan's body, and his red face was full of madness and brutality.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

X-24 also let out a deafening roar, but unlike Logan's roar that shocked the mountains and forests, there was only pain in his cry, mixed with a trace of fear. Logan's body, trying to stop Logan from attacking.

However, X-24 is just a counterfeit after all. Although the body shape, appearance and mutant ability are exactly the same as Logan, he does not have the emotions and thinking that humans should have. His heart is just an uncivilized beast with the same body as Logan. , but without Logan's indomitable will.

As a "flower in the greenhouse", X-24 doesn't understand how much Logan has gone through to get to where he is today. Logan has gained and lost. In his long life, he has experienced too much. This is a clone. There are things that technology can't give the X-24 either.

X-24 frantically swiped its claws, Logan could clearly feel the pain coming from his body, but Logan tensed his nerves and roared loudly, no matter how X-24 counterattacked, he did not stop attacking X-24 , persistently tearing up the X-24 in front of him.

It seems that the dignity and decadence accumulated over the years are all carried out on the claws of both hands, and vented out with a fierce offensive!

Looking at this face that was the same as his own but even more ferocious, X-24 became timid, his momentum weakened, and the attacks in his hands gradually became weak, his eyes were full of fear, mixed with a hint of begging for mercy.

In the nature where the weak prey on the strong, the weak beasts will bow down to the strong beasts in order to spare their lives. At this time, X-24 is no different from a wolf cub, begging Logan, the wolf king, for forgiveness.

However, Logan will not accept X-24's surrender. He has been frustrated and decadent for too long. He is eager to use the blood of the enemy to destroy his escapist self and welcome the return of that brave and fearless self, Wolverine!

Logan shredded everything recklessly, and the flesh and blood on X-24 was torn apart bit by bit by Logan, revealing the cold metal skeleton, and the perfusion of Adamantium alloy covered the dense white bones.

X-24 had lost the will to resist, and he raised his hand feebly, wanting to stab with his claws, but he was afraid of Logan's ferocity and dared not do it.

Logan stopped tearing, watching X-24's broken body slowly recovering flesh and blood under the action of the self-healing factor, Logan grinned, and stabbed X-24's head fiercely with his claws!

"Goodbye, impostor!"

Although the bones of X-24 are protected by Adamantium alloy, but the claws that are also made of Adamantium alloy penetrated the skull wrapped in Adamantium alloy and pierced X-24's brain !
X-24 trembled all over, and then fell heavily on the ground with its paws, its eyes were slack, and it completely lost its vitality.

X-24, death!
After solving this clone, it seemed that he had also killed himself who was lost in the killing. Logan let out a breath of relief, and stood up staggeringly. His vest was torn and his body was bruised, but he was Under the action of the healing factor, it recovered quickly.

Logan stood up, and the corpse of X-24 was under his feet. It was obviously just a scene after a desperate struggle, but it gave people the aura of a king returning in triumph.

When Logan shifted his gaze and looked at the surviving Dr. Rice and the mercenaries, they all inevitably felt a deep sense of fear. Logan's ferocious performance made them shudder, and they couldn't do anything except run away. idea.

And Dr. Rice and the mercenaries did the same, panicked and climbed into the car, wanting to leave this place of right and wrong, and avoid Logan, the killer.

As soon as the car started, they found that the car floated up uncontrollably and quickly flew into the air. When they looked down from the sky in horror, they saw a huge black ball full of danger hitting them. When they came over, they didn't even have a chance to struggle. They were sucked in by the black ball even with their people and cars, and they were twisted into pieces.

Gao Ming, who threw a black hole annihilation bomb, watched the black hole swallow up Dr. Rice and the mercenaries and disappeared. He nodded with satisfaction. Well, this move is very environmentally friendly and leaves no residue.

Laura walked up to Logan without saying a word, the claws on her hands had already been retracted.

Just when Logan wanted to ask Laura what's the matter, Laura suddenly hugged Logan's waist, buried her face in Logan's abdomen, and whispered: "Dad."

Laura's "Dad" made Logan's eyes widen, and the weakest part of his heart was touched, and the claws on his hands retracted, and they were carefully placed on Laura's head, hesitatingly: "Hello, I The... daughter."

The two father and daughter were immersed in this emotion that they had never experienced before. At this moment, they felt a kind of connection from the blood, which made them two wolves cross thousands of mountains and rivers, meet again, and snuggle together in the sunset , looking up to the sky and screaming under the full moon.

The children looked at Laura embracing Logan with some envy, and they also longed for an upright father. Unfortunately, they were not as lucky as Laura, and they were destined not to meet their father.

Gao Ming looked at this scene with relief, the same place, but different endings, the late hero did not sacrifice, but returned with dignity, this is the result he wanted.

Turning around, Gao Ming looked at the children who were still in fear, and said with a smile: "Children, everything is over..."

This group of mutant children suddenly realized that they survived and survived the bad guys who hunted them down!The feeling of escaping from birth caused the group of children to burst into thunderous cheers.

Yeah, it's all over, with a happy ending.

(End of this chapter)

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