Super Extraction

Chapter 43 Reselling Gold and Jade

Chapter 43 Reselling Gold and Jade
After arranging more than a dozen cooks and two hundred members of the guards to live in the building, Li Han let the remaining one thousand people all live in the underground stone chamber, and then left the end of the world and entered the modern age.

At this moment, Li Han counted the Chinese coins he owned, and found that there were nearly 20 yuan, most of which were the profits made by Changdu noodle restaurants during this period. It seemed a lot, but he felt that it was not enough!

The huge team of more than 1000 people in the last days will spend more than 7 Chinese coins every day just for eating and drinking. This is just for eating and drinking. If you want them to make weapons, write programs, create lyrics, and write novels, etc. , but also a lot of machinery and equipment.

Although the machines and equipment in the last days are free, they have to use electricity, diesel and gasoline to operate them, right?Now that the power has been cut off, there is a gas station outside the town. Even if there is still gasoline and diesel in the gas station, how long will it last?Someday it will be used up!
There are several electrical experts under his command, but there is no machinery and equipment for power generation. The methods of power generation are fire power, water power, wind power, solar power, nuclear power, etc. If you want to generate electricity, you must have power generation equipment. There are a few diesel generators, but those generators have long been occupied by survivors.

After thinking about it, Li Han felt that he should buy a few diesel generators, and it would be better to buy a few solar generators. After all, it is always daytime in the last days and there is plenty of sunshine, which is very suitable for solar power generation.

As for traveling to other towns or cities to pick up these equipment, Li Han didn't even think about it!After all, things like generators must have been occupied by people in the last days of power outages. Even if they were not, they would still be surrounded by dense zombies, and it would be too difficult to obtain power generation equipment.

After weighing again and again, Li Han chose to buy in Hyundai, but after calculating the funds in his hand, he found that the money was too little and not enough at all. In desperation, he decided to sell a batch of jewelry such as gold, diamonds and jade.

Li Han couldn't help but smile wryly when he thought about how timid he dared not sell the jewelry. Now that he thinks about it, he thinks too much. There is no unknown property crime in the laws of Huaguo, and there is nothing from the ground. Things dug out are subject to the laws of the country. Although tomb robbing is illegal, treasure hunting is not!
In the world of luck, if you get underground treasures, you can also get luck. When your personal luck increases, the country's luck will also increase accordingly. There is no reason for anyone to stop things that benefit the country and the people.

Li Han knew about these humane regulations when chatting with Shangdi and the others during this period. As long as it is not theft or robbery, who cares how you get it!As for being blackhanded by the buyer, with a gun in his hand, and such a powerful man, does he need to be afraid?

After searching for large jewelers in Linhai on, Li Han chose a reputable Linhai branch of Wang's Jewelry.

Looking at the luxuriously decorated Linhai branch of Wang's Jewelry in front of him, Li Han walked in with his schoolbag on his back. When a professionally dressed shopping guide saw him coming in, he quickly asked him, "What do you need, sir?"

I secretly praised the fresh and pleasant shopping guide in my heart. Her body curve was completely outlined in a small suit. Her light attire and smiling expression made people feel very close to her.

"I'm not here to buy things, I'm here to sell things. I wonder if your store manager is there?" Li Han grinned and asked the shopping guide lady in front of him.

"Sir, wait a moment, I'll call our store manager right away!"

Within a few minutes, a beautiful woman in her 30s followed the shopping guide lady.

"Hello, I'm Shen Meixia, the manager of this shop. Haven't you asked your sir's name?" The beautiful woman stretched out her hand and said to him.

"I can't even talk about honor and surname. My name is Li Han!" Li Han stretched out his hand and gently shook Shen Meixia's soft and boneless hand. He retracted his hand with an expression.

This kind of beautiful women in their 30s is too attractive to ordinary young people in their 20s, especially the elegant temperament between their frowns and smiles, which is very lethal to Li Han, a young man who has not known meat for a long time.

"Mr. Li, what do you want to do?" Seeing Li Han's quick composure, Shen Meixia was surprised at his concentration, and then asked.

"Is there a quieter place?" Li Han did not answer directly. He looked at the surrounding environment and asked Shen Meixia.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Li, please follow me!"

Li Han followed behind Shen Meixia, walking forward at a moderate pace.

"Mr. Li, please sit down, let me make you a cup of tea first!"

"Thank you!"

Li Han was sitting on the sofa. Not long after, Shen Meixia brought a cup of freshly brewed tea, and she said, "Mr. Li, I don't know what you want to sell?"

"That's it. You can estimate the price and I'll give it all to you if the price is right!" After Li Han said this, he reached out and took off the schoolbag on his shoulder and threw it directly on the coffee table in front of him.

The sound of a heavy object falling to the ground resounded.

Shen Meixia frowned, and she didn't have much hope for the things in the schoolbag. From her point of view, if there were good things, would he be able to throw them away like this?

Good professional habits made Shen Meixia reach out and drag her schoolbag in front of her, unzip the schoolbag, and the colorful things inside immediately dazzled her eyes.

Looking at the several kilograms of diamonds, gold, jade and other jewelry in the schoolbag, Shen Meixia took a breath, her eyes were about to fall out, and she remained motionless in a daze.

"How is it? How much is it?" Li Han asked her.

His voice woke her up. Shen Meixia patted her turbulent chest to calm down her excited mood. Instead of answering, she asked Li Han, "I wonder if there is any problem with the origin of these things, Mr. Li?"

Li Han frowned and asked back: "You can check this on the Internet. As long as it's not stolen goods, it seems that you don't need to know the origin of the thing, right?"

"Mr. Li, please wait, I'll check right away!" Shen Meixia said to Li Han, then took out more than a dozen pieces of jewelry from her schoolbag, took a quick picture with her fruit phone, and then clicked I made a comparison on the Internet and found that it was not stolen goods at all, and I immediately felt relieved.

"Is it possible to estimate the value?"

"Well, this piece of jewelry is 100, this one is 1000, this one is 3000 million, this one is 320, this is [-] million, this is [-], and this is [-] million. A total of [-] !" Shen Meixia took a calculator and doubled the price of each piece of jewelry, and finally quoted to Li Han.

"Does Mr. Li have any objections to the price?" Shen Meixia asked while staring at Li Han.

Although Li Han didn't know the exact price of these items, he had weighed the 3000 yuan gold necklace in advance, and the approximate price was only in the early [-] yuan. The price Meixia quoted to herself was only three thousand, so he naturally thought that the other party had given an honest price.

"no disagreement!"

"Mr. Li, is it a transfer or a check?" Shen Meixia asked Li Han.

"Transfer the money! Just transfer the money to my account number!" Li Han reported his bank account number to Shen Meixia.

"Mr. Li, wait a moment, I'll transfer the money to you right away!" After Shen Meixia finished speaking, she made a phone call to report, and then remitted the money to Li Han's account.

"It's a pleasure working with you, so I'll take my leave first!"

"Mr. Li, if there are still such things to sell in the future, please consider Wang's jewelry. Don't worry, I will definitely give you a fair price!"

"See you!"

"I'll send it to you!"

After leaving the gate of Linhai Branch of Wang's Jewelry, Li Han was very excited when he thought that he was now a millionaire.

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(End of this chapter)

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