Chapter 42

There are indeed many high-level talents among the survivors in the crowd, and Li Han recruited many types of talents. No, he recruited 220 eight people before he knew it, and 200 of them were guards, all of whom were skilled Very good strong man!

The other 28 people include 27 novel writers, 300 cooks, 20 senior talents in physics, chemistry, biology, and machinery, more than 25 white-collar executives, more than 50 songwriters, and nearly one programmer. There are [-], [-] are weapons design and manufacturing talents, [-] are mechanical majors, and some of the rest are family members, and the rest are skilled mechanical operators.

Among the more than 200 people recruited, there were men, women and children. Looking at the neatly arranged subordinates in front of him, Li Han was very excited at first, but when he thought about the food and other things that more than 1000 people needed every day, he frowned again. Feel dizzy.

Calculating silently, Li Han felt cold. There are more than 200 people, each of whom consumes [-] catties of grain a day, almost a ton of grain alone, not counting other foods such as vegetables and meat. Calculated at two yuan per catty of rice, the daily consumption of rice will cost about [-] Chinese dollars, and vegetables and meat will cost about [-] Chinese dollars!
Calculated, this group of people eat about seven Chinese coins every day, and the time ratio is ten to one, that is, seventy thousand a day in modern times, and their own noodle shop can earn about twelve thousand a day. After deducting taxes, they can only leave A little over 1000 is not enough to feed the 7 people in the last days. The consumption of more than [-] per day may not be nothing in terms of resources in the last days. The key is to buy so much food every day, and sooner or later it will attract the attention of others!
The trouble is not only their food, but also their accommodation. The houses in the small town have long been occupied by survivors, although they and Zhang Xuan have occupied a building.But the structure of the building is three rooms and two halls, one elevator with six households, a total of seven floors.The first floor has long been blocked with mud by myself, and there are only [-] rooms that can live in it!

There are only 1000 rooms for [-] people, how can they live there?Not enough for them!Many of them need to be quiet because of their occupations. It is best to live in a room alone. Although some people can share a room with several people, there is still a lot of room difference!

Not only is the number of rooms not enough, it is impossible for these more than 1000 people not to change clothes and quilts, right?Drinking water, washing water and the like are also a big problem.

The more Li Han thought about it, the more annoying he became, and he also realized that he hadn't considered everything before recruiting people. Thinking that there were a lot of food and drinking water stored in the building, and that he could last for nearly a month, the restlessness in his heart dissipated a lot, and he thought of the 1000 people. They are all talented people who are one in a thousand, and they will reward themselves generously in the future, and their mood will be much better.

After a while, Li Han thought that the stone rooms in the tunnel can be used for people to live in, and the problem of housing will no longer exist. Stores such as grain and oil stores just cover up the exposed crisis.

"Welcome to join the Qamdo Group. From now on, you will be employees of the Qamdo Group. Your life and safety will be taken care of by the Qamdo Group. As for the threat from zombies, you no longer have to worry about it! However, if anyone thinks that after joining the Qamdo Group, If you eat and wait to die, then you are wrong!"

"Boss, if I can let you join the Qamdo Group, I can clear you out of the Qamdo Group. You also know that this is the end of the world. Naturally, there are no morals and laws in the end of the world. If you want to live a happy life, you have to take good care of me. work!"

"Follow me!" Li Han said, and led everyone to the entrance of the building occupied by him and Zhang Xuan. He stretched out his hand and pulled out a piece of wood that was five meters long and twenty centimeters thick from the aisle. Let everyone enter the building, and after everyone enters, insert a piece of wood into the aisle to block it again!
Climb up to the second floor along the rope and let everyone gather on the roof. Li Han pointed to Zhang Xuan and said to everyone: "This is your lady boss. When I'm not around in the future, you will report to her if you have anything!"

"Zhang Tieniu, from now on you will be the captain of the Qamdo Group's guard, and you will be responsible for all the protection of the Qamdo Group!"

"Thank you boss for cultivating!"

"Zhang Tieniu, bring thirty guards and follow me!" After speaking, Li Han led Zhang Tieniu and others into the room full of food.

"Move some things out and let the chef prepare dinner, everyone should be hungry!"

Zhang Tieniu and the thirty members of the escort were shocked to see the mountains of food in front of them, and their mouths watered. They had been on the run for so long, often with their chests pressed against their backs, and had hardly eaten a full meal. At this time, they looked at the pile of food in front of them. house, eyes burning.

"Yes! Boss, we will move right now! Boss, how much should we move out?"

"Since I promised you to make you full, I can't break my promise, move more out, and put the unfinished food outside when the time comes!"

"Thank you boss!" 31 strong men thanked Li Han.

After thinking for a while, Li Han took out three automatic rifles and five pistols from the space, each with one hundred bullets, and handed them to Zhang Tieniu, saying, "These weapons are for you to use!"

The 31 strong men stared wide-eyed, terrified. They didn't see where the boss took out the weapon. As a result, he waved the weapon and appeared in front of himself and others. Finding that the boss was so unpredictable, Zhang Tieniu and others' mentality also quietly changed. After a huge change, he began to surrender to Li Han from the bottom of his heart.

"Boss, this?"

"Hehe, it's just taking things from a distance, it's not worth it! Accept it! If someone betrays the Qamdo Group, you don't have to be polite, just greet them with bullets!" Li Han smiled, his pupils shrank, and his tone was cold.

"Yes!" Zhang Tieniu and others responded loudly.

"Let me help you!" Li Han felt that it would be better for them to experience his methods again, and directly used his thoughts to continuously transfer the food in the room out of the room and put them in the aisle.

Zhang Tieniu and the others, who had begun to surrender to Li Han, saw his incomprehensible ability again. From now on, Zhang Tieniu and the others respected him like ghosts and gods.

"Okay, you guys move these things up! I still have something to do. You can eat when the dinner is ready! Don't wait for me!" Li Han explained to them, ready to go underground to continue building the stone chamber.

"Yes!" Zhang Tieniu and others vigorously pushed bags of food to the top floor.

Li Han, who entered the tunnel, began to use the space to dig a stone chamber in the rock about 50 meters underground. With the magical ability of the space, digging the stone chamber is like picking up things, which is naturally easy!
He made vents one by one at the top of each stone chamber. Before he knew it, Li Han made a calculation in his mind and found that he had built more than 500 stone chambers. After thinking about it, he made another one at the end of the tunnel. The warehouse is 200 meters long, [-] meters wide, and [-] meters high. In order to ensure that the warehouse will not collapse, he left many stone pillars with a diameter of about [-] meters in the warehouse.

(End of this chapter)

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