Chapter 234
After taking care of all the old castles and banks in Eagle Country, Li Han went to other European countries to clean them again, and then he appeared at the height of the battlefield where the Allied forces fought against the Allied forces!

"Buzzing" the sound of fighter jets and bombers flying in the sky.

"Da da da!" More than a thousand fighter jets from the Allied and coalition forces fought in the air.

Like a hen laying eggs, the bomber dropped bombs one after another, and sparks flashed on the positions of both sides!

"Bang bang bang!" The shells fired by the anti-aircraft guns exploded in the air, forming a barrage of bullets. Some people were unlucky, and the hit plane disintegrated in the air and exploded into pieces!

Li Han, who was equipped with three layers of energy defense shields, including mind force shield, innate true energy shield, and stellar energy shield, flew towards the ground, and when he was about 200 meters away from the ground, he stood up in the air.

There were already corpses lying all over the field under him, blood flowed like a river, shouts of killing, screams, the sound was endless!The densely packed Allied soldiers, following behind the tanks, braved the artillery fire and charged the Allied forces!

"Damn it, it's Hitler's army, brave and fearless! The European battlefield is indeed no small matter, and the combined number of soldiers on both sides is probably no less than 50!" Li Han sighed a little.

"It's time to work, you hit yours, I grab mine, it has nothing to do with each other, we don't violate the river!" Li Han said secretly, strolling above the coalition position in the air, constantly using the detection technique and the hand of the avenue , looting the luck and bewitching points of the soldiers of the coalition army!
In the blink of an eye, he looted all the luck and charm points of hundreds of coalition soldiers.

"Bang bang bang!" At the same time, the bullets fired by the allied soldiers seemed to have eyes, and the bullets were flawless. Hundreds of allied soldiers whose luck value became zero were shot and died one after another.

"When did my marksmanship become so good?" Mark, who was running, shot and exploded the head of a coalition soldier 400 meters away. He was so surprised!

"When did my marksmanship become so powerful?"

"What's going on? During training, I could only hit one or two shots out of ten shots at a moving target 300 meters away. How could I kill two enemies with two shots?"

The allied soldiers charging towards the coalition positions were surprised to find that their marksmanship seemed to have become several times stronger, almost one shot at a time, hundreds of coalition soldiers were shot and killed by them in the blink of an eye!

The coalition soldiers not far away fell to the ground one after another, and the soldiers on the allied side began to cheer and roar, and their morale suddenly doubled!
"It doesn't seem right? It doesn't matter if the bewitching value is emptied. If the luck value is zero, you will be shot dead! How can you play this game?" Li Han heard the cheers of the charging allied army and looked back. , but a little surprised, he found that hundreds of foreign devils from the coalition camp who had been robbed of their luck by him were quickly wiped out by the allied soldiers!
"The allied forces are too arrogant, let them restrain themselves!" Turning around and flying towards the allied forces, Li Han lashed out at the charging allied soldiers.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The roaring shells blasted the charging Allied soldiers to their knees!

"Bang bang bang!" The bullets from the rifles in the hands of the allied soldiers knocked down the charging allied soldiers one by one!
"I hit it!"

"I hit it!"

"I just discovered that my marksmanship is so powerful!"

"God bless, God must be blessing me!" Allied soldiers cheered and shouted.

"It doesn't matter, first clean up the luck and bewilderment points of the foreign devils on the coalition side. If the coalition forces die more, they will die more! Anyway, there are American foreign devils who have declared neutrality behind the coalition forces. These foreign devils will die more. Yankees can also join the war as soon as possible!" After thinking it over, Li Han no longer hesitated.

He wiped out all the luck and bewitching points of the foreign devils on the coalition side, and the shells roared from the allied forces, bombing the coalition forces with heavy casualties!

"Come on!" The officers of the Allied infantry saw the heavy casualties of the Allied forces through the binoculars. With a wave of their arms, they charged the Allied forces with their respective troops!
Li Han, who decided to help the Germans, shuttled over the coalition positions, constantly ransacking the luck and bewitching points of the foreign devils.

"Da da da!" The machine gun bullets of the allied army were like a storm, knocking down all the allied soldiers to the ground.

"Boom boom boom!" The Allied artillery bombarded the coalition positions one by one, and the shells flew directly into the trenches as if they had eyes.

"Bang bang bang!" The Mauser K98 rifle in the hands of the Allied soldiers continuously fired bullets, piercing the heads of the soldiers on the Allied positions.

"Retreat, retreat quickly!" The officers on the coalition's position watched in horror as the soldiers on the position were dead and wounded, and shouted in a panic to retreat.

"Pfft!" A soldier of the Eagle Kingdom, who was running away desperately, slipped and fell hard to the ground!

"Ah!" A flying bullet cut the penis of an escaping French soldier into two pieces!

"Pfft!" Allied soldiers fell to the ground one after another.

"Fake, why are you so unlucky?" A Ying Guoyang devil who fell to the ground twice in a row couldn't help cursing angrily.

"God, have you abandoned our empire on which the sun never sets?" A colonel of the Eagle Kingdom muttered to himself when he saw the coalition soldiers who were constantly wrestling like him behind him, his heart was ashen, and his eyes were blank, looking at the sky.

"Kill! Go into Paris and capture Dai Gaole alive!"

"Come on! Head into London and grab the chickens!" Seeing that the coalition army was beaten to pieces by them, all the allied soldiers immediately rushed to the sky, their morale doubled, and they desperately chased and killed the fleeing allied soldiers!
"Hahaha, the head of state is right. Our Germanic nation is the nation most favored by God!" German soldiers laughed triumphantly when they saw the coalition soldiers constantly falling to the ground.

The humiliation and defeat more than ten years ago have long made Germany regard the two countries as mortal enemies!The German soldiers unceremoniously pulled the trigger and shot those coalition soldiers who fell behind and fell to the ground on the spot!

Seeing that there was no escape, some desperate coalition soldiers dropped their guns one after another, raised their hands, squatted on the ground, and surrendered to the allied forces. For a moment, the soldiers who were still fleeing from the coalition camp seemed to be infected by the plague. One after another, they laid down their weapons and surrendered!
"Damn foreign devils!" Li Han in the air saw that after the foreign devils on the coalition side put down their weapons, the foreign devils from the allied camp didn't shoot those surrendered foreign devils. He was furious, and his thoughts moved accordingly, sealing a foreign devil with his thoughts. mouth, and manipulated the foreign devil's limbs with his thoughts.

The foreign devil, who was controlled by his thoughts, was horrified to find that he couldn't control his limbs. He picked up the machine gun he had just put down. He wanted to shout, but he couldn't. The soldier pulled the trigger!

"Da da da!" More than a dozen Allied soldiers were beaten to pieces by machine gun bullets.

"Fack!" Seeing the prisoner picking up his gun and making a sneak attack, several Allied soldiers pulled the trigger and beat the prisoner who picked up the gun again into a hornet's nest!

The Allied soldiers who had just breathed a sigh of relief watched another prisoner take up a gun and attack with dumbfounded eyes!

"Kill! Kill all these captives!" A colonel in the Allied camp saw the captives picking up their guns and attacking them one by one. His heart broke and he ordered the soldiers under him.

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(End of this chapter)

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