Super Extraction

Chapter 233 Robbery Robbery!

Chapter 233 Robbery Robbery!

Li Han, who was in hiding, gloated a little!He already hated foreign devils very much. Seeing the foreign devils' internal turmoil and Qiu Ji'er's misfortune, he secretly laughed in his heart, "I don't know how Qiu Jier will deal with it?"

"Forget it, it's still important!" Shaking his head, he used the detection technique and the hand of the avenue to the crowd below, and wiped out their bewitching points, then flew into the office building, ransacked it, and the chicken The luck and bewitching values ​​of Er and other people in the office building!
Leaving the office building, Li Han ran around like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves. Suddenly, he thought of those nobles in the Eagle Kingdom, those foreign devil nobles who robbed the Old Summer Palace many years ago, and he decided to take care of their castles!

Under the invisibility, no one can see him. Under the power of the sky eye, how can the collection room of the nobles of the Eagle Kingdom hide?What can't fit in a supernatural space with a diameter of 2000 meters?

As for finding the homes of the nobles of the Eagle Kingdom, isn't that simple?A pauper's house and a noble's castle can be distinguished at a glance. How difficult can it be?
Walking around London in the air, Li Han took care of all the castles he discovered, and he did not let go of the bewitching and luck values ​​of the nobles at home!

"I don't know if these antiques are taken away by me, will the collections in the homes of the descendants of modern foreign devils be affected?" A thought like this came to his mind.

"Ah! How did I forget that the modern world is not the earth it used to be, but a planet called Celeste, which is ten times larger than the earth. Although the history before World War II is the same as that of the earth, it is not the earth. In this case , even if I do something in this world, it seems to have no effect on the modern world!"

"Antiques in this world are still antiques in modern times! But the same thing, originally only one, has become two, or more!" After a while, Li Han thought of such a thing that made him Shocking thing.

After ransacking all the noble lairs in the Eagle Country, he remembered something that made him speechless. He didn't seem to have gone to the bank in the Eagle Country!
"Why did you forget about the bank? In the vaults of the Eagle Kingdom's banks, there are not only a large amount of gold and silver, but also many treasures that the nobles put in the bank vaults. No, you must go to those banks!"

Flying in the air, it didn't take long for Li Han to see a Bank of England in the distance. He walked in from the gate of the Bank of England swaggeringly in the invisible state, and looked with his sky eye ability, and he found the location of the vault.

"Let's grab it directly! Instead of wasting time, why not grab it directly, anyway, isn't it just to kill some foreign devils!" Li Han, who decided to rob him, his whole body squirmed, and he transformed into a European and American foreign devil successfully!
With a thought, a loaded HS-2020 rifle appeared in his hand!
"Bang bang bang!" Li Han shot bullets at the heads of the foreign devils inside the Bank of England, blood blossomed, and in a blink of an eye, he shot and killed all the foreign devils in the bank lobby.

"Ah!" The staff of the Bank of England screamed, hid under the counter, and hurriedly pressed the alarm device.

"Bang, bang!" With several gunshots, each staff member was shot dead by Li Han one after another.

"Someone is robbing the bank! Someone is robbing the bank!" The foreign devils on the street heard gunshots from inside the bank and ran wildly. Some foreign devils shouted as they ran.

Under the clairvoyance, Li Han saw more than a dozen foreign devils with guns rushing out from the vault. With a thought, grenades appeared in his hands one by one, and then he threw them over.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The explosion sounded, and the screams also sounded, and the explosion stopped, and the screams quietly disappeared.

Seeing that the foreign devils inside the Bank of England were dead, Li Han walked towards the bank's vault, took out a python-toothed long knife from the supernatural space, and swung the python-toothed knife to chop down the vault's door!
After entering the vault, he swept away all the gold, silver and antique treasures in the private lockers and inside the bank. As for the British pound, he burned it clean!

Obviously, the British pound has no effect on him now, so use it to wipe his ass?He is too hard!Use it as firewood?He also feels that the smoke is big and the fire is small!
Putting down a high-explosive remote-controlled bomb, Li Han walked out of the vault invisibly. When he saw dozens of foreign policemen rushing over with guns in hand, he flew over their heads in the air.

After leaving the Bank of England more than [-] meters away, he detonated the remote-controlled bomb.

"Boom!" There was a violent explosion. Dozens of Eagle Country policemen who were still searching for the robbers in the bank were killed by the strong air waves generated by the bomb explosion, or were crushed to death by the collapsed building. All were buried in the ruins of the collapsed building!
"Unexpectedly, there are so many things in a bank. There are twenty tons of gold, not so much silver, about five or six tons, and thousands of various antiques!" Han, looking back at the ruined building, rose into the air, looking for his next target.

The foreign devils living in Yingguo heard gunshots and explosions, watched the collapse of the Bank of England building, and thought they were angry gangsters. In desperation, they died with dozens of policemen who rushed into the bank. They shouted and started to rescue!
At this time, Li Han looked at the HSBC Bank headquarters in front of him, took out an HS-2020 rifle again, and went in. After slaughtering all the foreign devils in the bank, he broke open the door of HSBC Bank again and rifled the people inside. Everything was looted and burned.

The Eagle State police, who heard the news nearby, rushed into HSBC Bank with guns. The ending was the same as that of the policemen who stormed into the Bank of England before, and they were still buried by the collapsed building.

"Hello? What did you say? Both the Bank of England and HSBC were robbed? The buildings collapsed? The gangsters died with our police officers?" London police chief Jack was terrified when he heard the report from his subordinates on the phone!
"What? The Standard Chartered Bank was also robbed? The building also collapsed?"

"Barclays was also robbed."

"The Royal Bank of Scotland was also robbed by robbers?"

In less than two hours, London Police Chief Jack was physically and mentally exhausted, frightened and panicked!He was a little afraid that the phone would ring again and hear the news that the bank was robbed and bombed again!
In two hours, since the third bank was attacked, he dispatched many policemen to guard important banks, but more than ten banks were robbed one after another, and all the policemen sent to ambush the banks were killed. , The building where the bank is located was also bombed by robbers and collapsed.

"Are those fierce gangsters Germans? What are they doing this for?"

"Those people saw the robbers rushing into the bank. They didn't see the robbers coming out. Finally, the building where the bank was located collapsed! Could it be that the robbers wanted to shoot and kill the staff and customers of the bank, blow up the bank, and give us Eagle country creating chaos?" The more Jack thought about it, the more he felt that he was right.

"How many robbers are there? How many banks are the robbers going to blow up? No, our London police can't deal with the robbers at all. I have to ask the army for help!"

 Thank you Wang Zuo and Lu Luwenwen, and quietly lock the rewards of the three brothers!

  The tortoise doesn't want to make the book into the mode of doing tasks non-stop, the protagonist just does what he thinks he should do and wants to do, and then keeps getting stronger.
(End of this chapter)

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