Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 99 Measuring Brushes

Chapter 99 Measuring Brushes

Maureen walked towards Lily and comforted him, "It's okay, Lily, Ravenclaw's Seeker is stronger than you, and you've done a good job."

"I could have done better," said Lily sullenly.

"But at least we won the game, didn't we?" Morin said.

Lily sat on a chair in the dressing room, threw the flying broom aside, and sulked alone.Morin originally wanted to ask Lily if there were strange marks on her back, but considering Lily's mood, he decided to save this question for another time.

Hugo ran over excitedly, and was about to discuss the game with Mo Lin, but Mo Lin stopped him and whispered: "Let's go back to the dormitory."

"What are you going back to the dormitory for?" Hugo asked puzzled.

"Sweet." Maureen gestured to Sweet's direction, and Sweet had already walked towards the castle on his own.

They followed Sweet and returned to their dormitory together.At this time, there was no one else in the dormitory, Toby and others were celebrating outside, and there were only three of them left in the dormitory.

"You also have a mark on your back?" Sweet sat on her bed, looking at Hugo.

Mo Lin explained the matter to Hugo a little bit, and Hugo was also surprised: "But shouldn't that person be born in December? How could it be him?"

"Maybe we all guessed wrong. People with marks didn't disappear in order of birth time." Mo Lin said solemnly.

"Then if it's not according to this, then what do we people have in common?" Hugo looked puzzled.

They didn't understand this point either. The only thing they had in common was that they were all freshmen this year.

Sweet silently showed the mark of the wolf king on his back to Mo Lin and Hugo. The mark of the wolf king on his back was blue and lifelike, much more ferocious than the image drawn by Sweet.

"Go and try it! Maybe you can see something." Hugo said uncertainly.

Maureen got Sweet's consent, and his finger touched Sweet's mark.

Memories of Sweet flooded into Maureen's mind. He came back to the corridor on the seventh floor. This was Sweet's vision. Sweet walked past the paintings on the wall and walked towards that classroom.

This time Maureen paid special attention to the paintings on the wall. He was surprised to find that the paintings he saw in Sweet’s memory were different from those seen by other people, as if someone had intentionally painted the corridors on the seventh floor. The order of those paintings was messed up.

Sweet pushed open the door of the classroom and came into a mist. Some vague shadows could be seen vaguely, which looked like the Forbidden Forest, but Molin was not sure. When he wanted to observe more, Sweet Te's memory came to an abrupt end.

"Did you see any difference?" Hugo asked impatiently.

Sweet also looked at Molin strangely. He had just noticed that Molin's eyes were glowing, and that feeling was extremely abnormal.

"It's still the same, it seems to be in the Forbidden Forest, but the fog is too thick for me to see clearly." Mo Lin shook his head.

Hugo was obviously disappointed.

"My mark disappeared?" Sweet asked in surprise, looking at the mirror in the dormitory.

"Yes, I was also erased by Molin last time. His eyes can exorcise evil spirits, and they are the nemesis of dark wizards." Hugo joked casually.

Mo Lin didn't have time to pay attention to Hugo. He couldn't find any clues from these marks of the dark wizard, and there were a lot of doubts in his mind. Who would choose to get the mark of the dark wizard on the first-year students?

Seeing that Mo Lin couldn't answer the question, Sweet left the dormitory, probably going to the library.Hugo ran downstairs to celebrate the victory of the game with the Gryffindor students. Maureen stayed alone in the dormitory, thinking of Arnock's parchment.

Mo Lin hesitated for a moment, although he had never figured out what Anok's identity was, but Anok was a well-informed person, maybe he knew something.Maureen took a pen and wrote on the parchment:
Mr. Arnock, some students in our school lost their memory inexplicably. After reappearing, there will be marks of dark wizards on their backs, including Grindelwald, Voldemort and Wolf King. Do you know what is going on?What black magic?
About 5 minutes later, the parchment jumped, and a line of words emerged: I have never heard of such black magic, what you said may be a prank, be careful yourself.

"Don't Arnock know?" Mo Lin sighed slightly.


On Sunday, the three of them went to the Muggle Studies classroom, where Professor Charles was already waiting for them.

"I'm glad you're here. Today's task is simple, but cumbersome. You just need to help find which portraits in the castle have peeling paint or signs of magic failure. Take it down, and I'll take care of the rest. Yes." There is a paint rack beside Professor Charles, and brushes of various thicknesses.

"But how do we judge that the magic of painting has failed? Professor, I don't know much about painting." Mo Lin asked.This is true, although his graffiti can talk and move around, but it is limited to this, the portrait in the castle is many times more advanced than the graffiti of the three of them.

"It's very simple, use this pen."

Professor Charles handed three black quills to Mo Lin and the others with a smile. Hugo reluctantly took the black quills. After his quill would die once he wrote his name, Hugo threw away all the black quills. He was very repulsed by black quills.

"This is a special paint brush. You only need to draw a few times on the castle portrait and write a few words. If you can write the words, it means that the magic of this painting has been lost and needs to be repaired. If you can't write Come out, the portrait is normal." Professor Charles explained.

"What's the principle? If we write on the portrait, can it be erased?" Mo Lin asked puzzled.

"Portraits are protected by magic. Once the magic is lost, wizards with the talent for drawing magic can use their own magic to restore the portraits. The three of you have drawing abilities that are different from ordinary people, so the words you write will be regarded as Restoration magic. Don't worry, the words you write with this special measuring brush will disappear soon, and will not damage the castle's portrait. I will do the restoration work, and you only need to be responsible for screening."

Professor Charles sorted out his easel and paints, and then continued: "There are many portraits in the castle, some of which are hung very high. If you can't reach them, you can use flying brooms. I borrowed three from Mrs. Hooch. You are allowed to fly in the castle for the time being. You all know how to fly, right? If not, you can go to the administrator Filch to borrow the escalator, but I suggest not to go to him, he has a bad temper and is too old. Okay Now, do you have any questions?"

The three of Mo Lin looked at each other, and there were too many questions in their minds.

(End of this chapter)

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