Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 100 Appraisal Painting

Chapter 100 Appraisal Painting

Professor Charles is now the object of their suspicion, but they still have to work with him at this time, so it's strange if there is no problem.

But there are many problems that cannot be expressed.

"We understand, Professor," Maureen said.

"Then let's check floor by floor, remove the paintings that show signs of magic loss and move them to this classroom, two people in groups, so it's faster. Follow me, Hugo, I saw it at Professor Flitwick's." You were punished for copying your own 'not a charizard' sentence, you were with me, safer with a portrait of the castle," Professor Charles said.

"Ah, ah?"

Hugo opened his mouth wide, and the expression on his face was as if he had eaten a slug. Ever since he began to doubt Professor Charles, he was terrified of Professor Charles, and now he has to be alone with him again. This is not a good thing Hugo was so frightened that his face turned ashen, and he looked at Mo Lin begging for help.

"Professor, I'll be with you! I'm very interested in the history of castle portraits, maybe you can tell me something. As long as Hugo doesn't cast magic, he won't go off, and he will keep his wand away." Molin boldly said.

Hugo nodded desperately, and assured: "Yes, Professor, I will put the wand back in the dormitory right away, and I will never perform magic! Like a Muggle, I can swear!"

His desire to survive can be said to be very strong.

Professor Charles said with a smile: "That's okay, Hugo and Sweet, you two are in charge of the basement to the second floor, and Maureen and I will start from the third floor. There will be west and north towers later, hurry up."

Hugo picked up the flying broom next to the wall, and said to Mo Lin in a low voice: "Next time on your birthday, I will definitely give you two gifts to make up for it. Oh, by the way, don't write your name on the painting with a black quill pen. Don't forget Professor Francis' death threats."

Sweet glanced at Maureen and Professor Charles without saying a word, then picked up the flying broomstick and left with Hugo, leaving only Maureen and Professor Charles in the classroom.

"Then let's start too!" Professor Charles also picked up the flying broom and said gently.

Maureen followed Professor Charles. He felt uneasy for a while, but he still had the courage.They walked down the corridor together, and Maureen broke the silence.

"Professor, I heard that you enlightened me about the fat lady's broken love? This is quite strange. This is the first time I've heard that the people in the painting will fall in love." Mo Lin said.

"Are you talking about the guards in the Gryffindor common room? The people in the paintings have their own thoughts. After all, they are also created by wizards, but there is still a difference between the people in the paintings and the real people." Professor Charles led Mo Lin walked up the stairs and continued: "The fat lady didn't tell me who she liked, but I analyzed it with her for a while, and she looked away."

They came to the stairs, but instead of going up, they looked up at the portraits hanging on the wall.The stairs in the castle turned around from time to time, and some portraits were hung in places where people could not touch them.

"Then let's start now! Go and test those paintings, I'll do it here." Professor Charles has already stepped on the flying broom.

Maureen had never flown in the castle before, because it was forbidden, and if someone tried to cross the line, Filch would first come and yell at him, then confiscate the flying broom and lock him up for several days close.

He also stepped on the flying broom and came to the nearest painting. On this painting, a ship was sailing on a stormy sea. It may be destroyed at any time, and there are still many sailors on the ship desperately pulling the mast rope to control the direction.

Mo Lin took out the quill pen and drew on the painting twice, but the quill pen did not show the writing, but a huge shark suddenly jumped out of the sea, trying to bite his paintbrush, which surprised him.

"I thought today was a good day!" Maureen vaguely heard a sailor on the deck shouting.

"Hold on! We will dock safely! This weather will only make us more and more courageous. We are here to conquer the sea!" The captain wearing the hat personally steered the rudder, full of enthusiasm.

Just after he finished speaking, a big wave hit the whole ship and the whole ship was overturned directly by the sea water. Died unexpectedly.

"Hope you enjoy your voyage."

Maureen shrugged his shoulders indifferently. The tumbling sea quickly washed away the debris of the ship and the sailors, but after a while, the ship that was swallowed by the waves had already moved out of the edge of the picture frame , the captain and sailors pulled the sail line again and shouted vigorously to conquer the sea.

Some paintings in the castle are bigger than Molin’s whole body, while others are very small. Molin flew up from the bottom, and when he flew to the middle, he saw a painting that was only the size of a fingernail hanging there. If it wasn't so close, I'm afraid no one would know that there is still a pocket painting hanging here.

This painting is a picture of an old woman reading a book, and there is a crystal ball on the table. Maureen tried very hard to draw a stroke on the pocket painting with a quill, but there was no handwriting.

"Professor Charles, has someone cast a shrinking spell on this painting?" Mo Lin turned around and asked.

Professor Charles took down a painting from the opposite wall, then flew towards Maureen, glanced at the pocket painting, and said, "No, this is a female artist named Dora, who is famous for creating pocket paintings , When she was painting, she used such a small canvas to paint."

"Then how did she draw it?" Mo Lin was very surprised. Just now he had to put in a lot of effort to test whether the painting needed to be repaired. It was really hard for him to imagine how a normal person would paint on a canvas the size of a fingernail. .

Professor Charles carefully took down the fingernail-sized painting, and praised: "This is her special place. Few wizards can do this in terms of color control. Her brush uses a very Made of slender wolf tail hair, it is difficult to control. She usually paints in front of everyone, in order to prove that she did not finish the painting first and then shrink it. Every time Dora completes a painting, the painting will be cast with a fixed spell , cannot change size."

Mo Lin didn't know the so-called Dora, and his own painting skills were terrible. Although he had the magical talent of painting, he was not interested in this aspect, so he just marveled at it, and then continued to test other paintings. He found two paintings next to which the handwriting could be detected, indicating that the two paintings had lost a lot of magic and needed to be repaired. He carefully removed the two paintings.

But at this moment, an indescribable strangeness suddenly surged in Mo Lin's heart, as if someone was peeping, and the feeling of being stared at behind was very strong. He turned around suddenly, but did not see In an unusual place, only Professor Charles, with his back turned to him, was concentrating on observing a painting on the wall with a magnifying glass.

(End of this chapter)

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