Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 64 Sweet

Chapter 64 Sweet

Tomorrow was Sunday, and he originally planned to go to Hogsmeade to find Sir Cadogan's home, but there was a problem with his plan.

"It looks like you won't be able to go to Hogsmeade now, you're already a celebrity, I bet you'll be in the Hogwarts Weekly tomorrow, all the students will know you, Hogsmeade isn't too bad Sensible." Hugo regretted.

"Hogwarts Weekly" is a student association of Hogwarts school, formed by some students, to search for the daily news of Hogwarts school, including which classmate accidentally flooded the hallway with the water calling spell, Or you want to use the cutting spell to get rid of leg hair, but accidentally turn your legs into bow legs, etc. A series of funny news will be published in the "Hogwarts Weekly".

And the Gryffindor team has an amazingly talented new star, and I am afraid it will occupy a large section.

Maureen also realized this. His performance in the Quidditch match today was too eye-catching, and many people already knew him. Hogsmeade village had many senior students on weekends, so it was easy to recognize him.

A first-year student should not be in Hogsmeade, and if he was found to be locked up for a long time, the professor would not show mercy to him just because he was a rising star on the Quidditch pitch.

"But I have to go there to find Sir Cadogan's home, maybe Sir Cadogan is still alive." The only key that Molin can figure out this matter is Sir Cadogan, he can only hug Sir Cadogan The idea of ​​still alive to find clues to this matter.

"It would be great if you had an invisibility cloak or something. Of course, if you could change your appearance, things would be much easier," Hugo said.

"Change your appearance?"

Mo Lin thought about this matter carefully. There is a kind of person who is born with the ability to change his appearance at will. That kind of person is called Disguise Magus, but there is also a kind of person with superb magic who can slightly disguise his appearance.

"Would you like to try a spell? Maybe you could turn your hair blond, or make your eyebrows thicker, but that spell is too deep. When Fred tried the spell, he accidentally cut his ear It was moved to the nose, and we laughed at it for a long time." Hugo seemed to find it very funny when he recalled that incident.

"I have to try. I can't go to Hogsmeade this week, but I will go next week."

Mo Lin planned to go to the library tomorrow to look for books on human body camouflage magic, to see if he could learn some camouflage spells.

"But I'm going to the seventh-floor hallway tonight, maybe Sweet will wait for me there—"

Before Mo Lin finished speaking, the door of the dormitory was pushed open with a creak, and a person walked in. Mo Lin and Hugo looked at each other, and the person who came back turned out to be Sweet!

"Sweet, where have you been? Why didn't I see you during the game?" Mo Lin asked aloud.

Sweet looked extremely tired. He had thick dark circles under his eyes, as if he hadn't slept for a few days. When Maureen saw Sweet for the first time in the morning, he was only pale and had no dark circles.

Sweet glanced at Maureen, but made no response, but walked towards his bed, and sat down.

"You look very uncomfortable, are you going to the hospital?" Mo Lin asked with a frown.

Sweet shook his head, then said hoarsely, "Do I have something to tell you?"

It was a strange question, and even Maureen didn't know how to answer him.

"Do you have anything to say to me, don't you know?"

Maureen was going to say yes, but what Sweet said in the morning was before Maureen went back in time, and after Maureen went back in time, he didn't see Sweet, the conversation that was supposed to happen didn't occur.

"I forgot, I felt like I wanted to say something to you, but I couldn't remember what to say, I couldn't even remember where I went in the morning."

Sweet rubbed his temples, looking sleepy, then lay down on the bed, closed his eyes, and after a while, heavy snoring came from him.

Hugo said in a low voice: "He is really weird, do you think this matter has anything to do with him?"

Molin couldn't figure out whether Sweet was lying. When Sweet said in the morning that he would ask Molin to meet him in the corridor on the seventh floor, Maureen thought that Sweet knew something, but now he is back, and Sweet Tate actually seemed to have lost his memory.

"If we turn him over now, maybe he also has a Death Eater's mark on his back, and you can try to use those strange eyes to see his memory." Hugo suggested.

"It's not good to do this. We are not sure whether Sweet has something to do with this matter. By the way, he is back. Is Lily back too? Go find her!"

Molin stood up, left the dormitory and returned to the common room. The celebration party in the common room was still going on. Many people saw Molin and greeted Molin again. Molin also responded politely, but his eyes kept searching Lily's shadow.

"Maybe Lily is back in the dormitory, I'll go find her in her dormitory!" Hugo ran towards the stairs of the girls' dormitory, but just as he stepped on the stairs, the steps turned into slides. Fall off the slide.

"I forgot that boys can't go to the girls' dormitory." Hugo grinned and said, touching his buttocks.

Many students in the common room saw Hugo's appearance and couldn't help laughing. James even shouted: "Hugo, you are very brave. You are the first to tell us that girls' steps are forbidden for boys."

"Stop laughing, James, have you seen Lily?" Hugo asked.

"That's right, where's that girl Lily? I haven't seen her since the game started, so she didn't oversleep, right?" James asked puzzled.

"Lily is not in the dormitory." Gemma, who usually gets close to Lily, came down from the girls' dormitory and said, "When I was going to have breakfast in the morning, she suddenly said something, and then left. I thought she was directly Off to the field."

"She didn't go to the court, Gemma, did you see which direction she was going?" Morin said.

"Then I don't know, Maureen, oh yes, you did a great job today." Gemma smiled shyly at Maureen, then walked to the corner with a blushing face, and started chirping with a group of girls , and secretly looked at Mo Lin from time to time.

"I bet she likes you, Gryffindor's talented star, maybe you will receive some love letters and tokens of love tomorrow, let me explain first, if it's chocolate or something, it's mine." Hugo said with a smirk .

"Seriously, we're going to find Lily."

From just now, many girls pointed at him. When they met Mo Lin's gaze, they would show a very shy smile and wink at Mo Lin.

When Maureen faced this situation, he was still a little uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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