Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 63 Celebrating Victory

Chapter 63 Celebrating Victory
"Maureen! Maureen! Maureen!"

From the locker room to the Gryffindor lounge, the Gryffindor students are cheering Maureen's name. The first-year Gryffindor freshman, a player who participated in the battle as a substitute, did not expect that the first game would be played. He showed extraordinary flying skills and defeated Hufflepuff at a critical moment.

You must know that Gryffindor has changed two new players this year, and the cooperation between the players is not skilled enough. In addition, Hufflepuff has a very outstanding ball seeker Newstar, which makes Gryffindor almost defeated. If Maureen hadn't caught the Snitch in time, the victory would have belonged to Hufflepuff.

"Believe me, Polk will definitely not say something about retaining strength and giving one hand in the future. Look at what our so-called reserved strength has been beaten up today."

James took out a big pile of butterbeer to celebrate the victory of the game, and he poured a big glass for Maureen.

Maureen was surrounded by crowds all the way, and he seemed to be the hero of Gryffindor for a while. As a substitute Chaser, he caught the Snitch when both Seekers were present. It never happened on the Hogwarts grounds.

"Luck is better." Mo Lin didn't know what to say, so he was more modest.

"It's not luck, it's strength!" Hugo shouted, "The flying broom that Newstar rides is the Firebolt 15, while you use the Nimbus 2005. The two brooms are not at the same level at all, but you Beat him!"

All the Gryffindor students were very excited. Polk even decided to tailor a training plan for Maureen, vowing to use Maureen as Gryffindor's secret weapon, and to use it at critical moments.

"His talent is no secret, Polk! Save yourself! Other college teams will definitely develop new tactics against Maureen next time. You should protect him all day before the next game, so that he will not be killed by other teams." people were spellbound and taken to the hospital," said Albus.

"Nobody's that mean, Albus," Pork replied.

The Quidditch players are all discussing how to use the substitutes reasonably. Now that the game can be replaced, it means that Maureen doesn't have to play at the beginning, making the game more suspenseful.

Everyone was cheering, but Maureen searched for Sweet and Lily in the common room, but after searching for a long time, they still couldn't see them.

"Hugo, come here and talk to you." Mo Lin pulled Hugo aside.

"What's the matter? Some cake? James went to the kitchen to get it. Professor Kane said that my commentary today is up to the standard from the professional point of view of Quidditch, but I am suspected of favoring Gryffindor. Since I am the first I won’t pursue the commentary for the first time. I’m going to inspect me for a few more games. There’s no way I can comment on the Gryffindor game. It must be selfish! I’ve tried my best to be impartial. When Hufflepuff scored Didn't I make them cheer?"

Hugo held two pieces of cake in his hand and handed one to Mo Lin. After all, he was just an 11-year-old child, not an adult who is a professional commentator. It is quite good to be able to explain to this point.

Mo Lin was not in the mood to eat cake, but said seriously: "Do you still remember what I told you this morning about going back to the past?"

"Oh, by the way, I remembered when you said that, Tessie still owes me three silver Sickles." Hugo said happily, "Remember to spoil me the next game, I want to place a big bet .”

"Thinking too much! I can't control when I go back to the past." Molin and Hugo returned to the dormitory together, and there were only the two of them in the dormitory.

Mo Lin continued: "Every time I go back to the past, one person disappears, don't you understand?"

"Oh yes, who is the unlucky guy this time?" Hugo finally realized the matter, after all, he was also one of the parties involved, and his expression was a little more serious.

"Lily, and maybe Sweet." Maureen looked at Sweet's empty bed, and then told Hugo what happened in the Quidditch common room that morning.

Hugo was surprised: "It's Lily's turn this time? But how did she disappear?"

"This is the crux of the problem, and I don't know very well." Mo Lin sat on the bed and gave the cake to Doi on the bed.

"Don't you know? But you were in the lounge with Sweet and Lily at first, weren't you?" Hugo asked.

"Don't you understand? I was with them at the beginning, but I went back to an hour ago. I hadn't met them at that time. They disappeared before I met me."

Mo Lin had no clue about this matter, and every time he went back to the past, it happened too suddenly. He only predicted what he had seen, but he couldn't know what he didn't see.

"Then if that's the case, will Sweet remember what he told you? It's eight o'clock in the evening, the corridor on the seventh floor to meet him?" Hugo asked.

Mo Lin was not sure: "He did say this at the beginning, but after I went back to the past, it was as if I didn't see him. From another perspective, he didn't say this to me, so I I don't know if Sweet will wait for me in the corridor on the seventh floor at night."

Mo Lin thinks that Sweet will not wait for him, because now Sweet has not said this in the locker room of the stadium.

Hugo thought for a moment, and guessed: "Do you think it is possible that Sweet wants to trick you to the corridor on the seventh floor, and then attack you? Like cast a spell on you or something."

"Please, if he wants to attack me, there are so many opportunities every day. Think about it for yourself. He left the dormitory every day before we woke up. At that time, it was easy for him to deal with any of us, including you."

After listening to Mo Lin's words, Hugo felt very insecure. He said, "It's true if you say so, but then again, this matter is not that bad."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because Lily! She has never believed what we said. This time she has lost her memory. Let's see what else she can doubt."

Hugo smiled. He didn't seem very worried about Lily's disappearance. It was just like him, disappearing for a day or two, and then coming back with amnesia, it wouldn't be a serious problem.

Molin didn't really care whether Lily believed what he said. Lily had her own ideas and ideas. There was no need for Molin to ask Lily to believe him. He didn't like to prove anything to others. This matter itself was troublesome enough. Even if Lily believed it, she might not be able to provide him with better help.

"What I'm more concerned about is that I met Professor Charles in the corridor on the seventh floor today. Everyone was watching the game on the Quidditch pitch. Why did Professor Charles go to the corridor on the seventh floor alone?" Mo Lin asked in puzzlement.

"Maybe he just went there on the way. No one stipulates that you have to go to watch the Quidditch match. You don't either. After all, although I didn't understand Professor Charles's Muggle Studies class, he is a very gentleman. Man, if he wasn't teaching Muggle Studies, maybe I'd enjoy his class." Hugo commented pertinently.

"That's true. It's true that no one stipulates that you must watch the Quidditch match on the weekend." Mo Lin nodded, but he was still very puzzled.

Why is it only the corridor on the seventh floor?Why did she still meet him there by such a coincidence?Why did Professor Charles say that he also came to see these paintings?
Is it a coincidence or—

Maureen took out the fragments of Sir Cadogan's portrait from his schoolbag and fell into deep thought. At this time, he could no longer take the risk of telling the teacher about the destruction of Sir Cadogan's portrait. He had to find out by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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