Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 601 The Missing Key

Chapter 601 The Missing Key

The weather in March began to warm up, the snow in Hogwarts Castle began to melt, and the green grass near the stone arch was growing vigorously, swaying gently in the wind, and growing against the sun.

Mo Lin sat on the hillside, staring at the stone arch in a daze.

He wondered if everything would have gone on as usual if the stone arches hadn't been opened that night?

He would still follow behind Anok like a child who didn't know much about the world, asking questions curiously.Arnock would still answer Maureen's question with a smile, and then reach out and make Maureen's hair stand on end.

But after the stone arch was opened, such a thing has not happened for a long time.

Arnock has been keeping Maureen a secret, planning his unknown plans. What exactly does he want to do?
Maureen has been thinking about Anok's purpose these days.

He sorted out everything that happened after the stone arch was opened over and over again.

First, Lily was inexplicably obsessed with Professor Trelawney's divination class. Professor Trelawney had been targeting the magic device research class because of the savior's prophecy, and then five students in the magic device research class were attacked.

Four of them were attacked by their companions, but Magatha was attacked by someone unknown in the divination tower. She was also caused to lose her memory, and the books borrowed from the library disappeared for no reason, and appeared in the secret room.

Trelawney unconsciously made an incomplete prophecy, and Arnock and Lady Rhea left.

Morin learned the next part of the prophecy from the centaur, but he still couldn't know Arnock's purpose.

Everything that happened didn't seem to connect.

But Mo Lin knew that he must have missed something. He had missed a key. He only needed to find this key to connect everything together and thus find Arnock's real purpose.

Maureen looked around, watching the Ravenclaw players flying around in the air on the Quidditch pitch in the distance, conducting training.He looked at the lingering mist over the Forbidden Forest, the birds rising and falling in the air, and saw the giant squid in the pond below the hillside waving its tentacles and basking in the sun.

He frowned slightly, and then turned his gaze to the stone arch. That night, Arnock was beside the stone arch. After a moment of thought, he looked at the window of the divination tower.

On the night Magatha was attacked, he vaguely saw Lily at that window, but Lily was complaining to Trelawney about the noise on Halloween in the principal's office at that time, so there was perfect alibi.

He remembered that day when he went to the divination tower to monitor Trelawney and Lily, in that dim room, Trelawney walked to the closet, and then knew that Maureen was hiding in the painting.

"Could it be—"

Mo Lin suddenly remembered something, and he vaguely found something in common with all these things.

But then he denied it again, how is this possible?Magic cannot be cast like this.

But Arnock mentioned the rule that the stone arch was closed, and he felt that this kind of magic didn't seem so unacceptable.

The least likely people are often the most likely.

Does that mean that after the stone arches are opened, the least likely things that happen are often the most likely things to happen?

Mo Lin stood up abruptly, grabbed the schoolbag on the ground, and ran towards the castle.

He wants to prove his idea.

Maureen ran to the library and found Sweet who was flipping through the book in the corner. He reached out and knocked on Sweet's desk.

"What's wrong?" Sweet asked, looking up.

"There is a question." Mo Lin said in a deep voice.

"what is the problem?"

"Come with me, I need your help."

Maureen gestured to Sweet, turned around and walked outside the library.

Sweet closed the book and stuffed it into his schoolbag. He didn't ask Molin what he wanted to help, but followed behind Molin.

In the library corridor, Mo Lin stopped and asked, "The last time you said you saw Lily crying, where exactly was it?"

"The corridor on the third floor, this way."

Sweet walked towards the stairs.

"Why don't you ask me why I asked you about this?" Mo Lin said.

"No need," Sweet said dully.

The two of them walked down the stairs, came to the corridor on the third floor, passed the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, bypassed the huge and ugly stone statue in the principal's office, and came to the other end of the castle.

There is a long corridor here, and there is a corner in front of the corridor. There are several empty classrooms, which are usually used by certain student associations.

Sweet stopped at a pair of armor, pointed to the corner ahead, and said, "This is where Peeves was playing tricks on a group of students, and then I saw Lily crying."

Mo Lin ran to the corner, checked the situation carefully, nodded thoughtfully, and said, "You have investigated this matter, haven't you?"


Sweet didn't deny that he was also a restless person, curious about unknown things, and he often wandered around the corridor on the seventh floor when he was in the first grade.

"Then you must know where Petty, Carnegie, and Thomson were attacked?" Morin asked.

"Yes, I went to see it. Petty was also attacked here. Carnegie was in the lobby on the first floor, and Thomson was in the trophy room on the fourth floor." Sweet nodded, "But I didn't see it." What an unusual place."

"There will be."

Maureen turned around the place and ran towards the corridor on the fourth floor.

He vaguely knew where the other three people were attacked. He was there when Carnegie was attacked, so he didn't need to look again. He also knew the prize showroom. As for the second floor where Rose was attacked, he was very familiar with it.

Maureen is going to the divination tower, where Magatha was attacked.

Sweet frowned and continued to follow Maureen.

"You've been weird these days," Sweet said as they walked.

"Why do you say that?" Mo Lin asked back.

"I know what it's like to hide your emotions," Sweet replied sullenly.

He has been complaining about his father for so many years, and after finding out that his father has a family, he is even more angry. He is very aware of the manifestation of this anger.

Maureen remained silent and did not tell Sweet the reason.

Sweet didn't ask any more questions, there was a tacit understanding between them.

The two soon came to the bridge corridor connecting the tower and the castle, and came to the window where Lily had appeared that night.

Although it seemed ill-advised to come to the Tower after Trelawney was about to lay hands on him, Maureen didn't care.

He looked at the scene carefully, and he had already confirmed his conjecture in his heart.

"Did you find it?" Maureen asked.

"Find what?" Sweet frowned.

"A normal to abnormal place." Mo Lin said indifferently.

His tone was terribly cold.

(End of this chapter)

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