Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 600 Clues to the Chamber of Secrets

Chapter 600 Clues to the Chamber of Secrets

"This is also our question." Professor Francis said, and he continued after a while: "But you have to understand that the Slytherin's secret room is not that simple."

"How simple is it?"

"Slytherin secretly built this secret room at the beginning of the school's establishment. As one of the school's ancestors, how could the secret room he built be as simple as hiding a basilisk?" Professor Francis said.

"Then what else is he trying to hide?"

"I don't know, Walker, but I'm investigating, and I'm counting on you to give me some clues. It was you that Hufflepuff was looking for in the Room of Requirement, wasn't it?" Professor Francis said, "She didn't mention Is it about going to the secret room?"

"I told Professor Kane everything I know, and Professor Kane must have told you all." Maureen shook his head, "Hufflepuff can't tell me too much, she's just a rule-abiding magical consciousness."

Hufflepuff built the Room of Requirement. The Room of Requirement is used to help students deal with some daily problems. The magical consciousness she left behind will keep the secrets of everyone who enters. She will not take care of things that should not be revealed, let alone It's about the other three founders.

Then Maureen thought about the Stone Arch again. Last time he went to the Room of Requirement, Hufflepuff told him some truth about the Stone Arch.

Could it be that the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets also contains secrets related to the Stone Arch?
Hufflepuff once mentioned that Gryffindor and Ravenclaw also established their own secret rooms in the school. Does that mean that there are clues related to the stone arch in their secret rooms?

Is Arnock looking for these clues too?
The last time the secret room was reopened, Anok chose not to intervene in this matter, and Mo Lin didn't care about it. Was Anok worried that Mo Lin would find out?
"Did you think of anything, Walker." Professor Francis asked.

Maureen pursed his lips, then shook his head: "No, Professor, I was just thinking about this book."

After a while he said again: "Professor, can I borrow this book back?"

Professor Francis frowned: "You know the importance of this book, right?"

"I know."

"It was borrowed by Magatha. After Magatha was attacked, the book was lost, and then it appeared in the secret room inexplicably. Rose was also attacked outside the secret room—you should know that there must be something in all of this. Are there some connections?" Professor Francis said indifferently.

"Yes, I know very well." Mo Lin nodded.

"Then you should know that I can't just borrow this book out."

Maureen clenched his hands and said, "Professor, you said that I have the potential to be an Auror."

"Then what did you find out?" Professor Francis asked.

The office suddenly became very quiet, a little strangely quiet, only the sound of Mo Lin's heavy breathing fluctuated slightly.

After a long time, Maureen shook his head in disappointment: "No, Professor."

"Then why did I hear the tone of complaint from your tone?" Professor Francis stared at Mo Lin coldly, "What have you been doing lately?"

Mo Lin closed his eyes, slowly suppressing the emotion in his heart.

Professor Francis has always had a keen sense of smell, and Morin discovered the truth, but the truth is often cruel.

He is still struggling in his heart. If he is a quiet student and knows nothing, maybe he won't have to face the people he trusts.

"I just want to investigate the matter more clearly, Professor." Maureen replied.

"It's useless to lie to me. I have interrogated far more prisoners than you can imagine." Professor Francis said slowly.

There was another long silence in the office.

"You always like to keep secrets, Walker." Professor Francis said, "but you have to understand that many times you don't have to do it yourself. There are many people who can help you. Two minds are far better than one." The mind has to work."

Maureen didn't answer what Professor Francis said.

He knew exactly what he wanted. Facing Arnock, he didn't want to ask anyone for help, whether it was Professor Francis or Principal McGonagall, he didn't want to tell them what happened.

He stubbornly wanted to do it himself, and it had to be him.

"You can borrow it." Professor Francis said, "We are all people who want to dig out the truth. I don't like to put charges on any innocent person, and I don't want to let anyone who has done it People get away with it."

Maureen picked up the book without saying a word, turned and left the office.


Mo Lin watched "Ultimate Arithmetic and Divination" quietly. He didn't talk to anyone about what he found out, and became taciturn.

No matter what class he was in, he was reading the book below, and the other professors didn't care about him, because the professors knew that Maureen had already learned the magic in the textbook, and it was meaningless to force him to listen to the lessons he had learned.

"Ultimate Arithmetic Divination" introduced very advanced arithmetic divination magic, and he couldn't understand many parts at all. If Magatha was there, maybe she would be more than happy to tell Mo Lin what these arithmetic divinations meant.

But Magatha has not returned to school so far, and it would be unwise to go back to school at this time.

In order to understand those advanced arithmetic and divination, Mo Lin started to learn from the most basic arithmetic and divination.Although it is useless for him to learn this course, others can't predict him, and he can't predict others, but he must understand the meaning of this book.

He learned magic knowledge very quickly. It was not difficult for him to understand the theory in the textbook. The difficulty was that he couldn't apply the theory to practice.

It took two weeks for Mo Lin to skim through the book. He also consulted a lot of information, and asked Professor Victor many times.

Professor Victor is a very talkative person. He knows Molin, because Molin is the source of the frequent quarrels between him and Magatha, so he welcomes Molin's desire to learn arithmetic and divination, and he basically knows everything about it.

But Mo Lin still didn't find anything unusual in this book. There were no notes or notes in it. It is impossible to scribble on books in the library, so they are clean and tidy at first glance.

In fact, he knew very well in his heart that if there was anything unusual about this book, Professor Francis and Professor Kane would have noticed it long after they searched and typed the book, and there was no need to wait for him to do it.

But since the book was thrown into the secret room, it must have some meaning in itself, but it was ignored by everyone.

Mo Lin has been thinking about this matter, and remembered the prophecy told to him by the centaur that day. He seemed to understand something, but he couldn't be sure.

(End of this chapter)

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