Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 57 Quidditch Competition

Chapter 57 Quidditch Competition

"It's great. Professor Kane told me to explain the game. The person who originally explained the game has graduated." Hugo ran over excitedly.

"Yes, it may be because you always speak in the Transfiguration class, and you are often punished by Professor Kane as a human teaching aid for the Transfiguration Curse. Professor Kane saw that you have a talent for speaking, so he decided to give you a chance." Mo Lin couldn't help laughing.

"What's the name of a saying, it's a blessing in disguise, isn't it? Being able to speak well is a necessary quality for a commentator, which means that I am the gold dug out by Professor Kane and his old man. I also had a dream last night, the dream Seeing myself as a professional commentator for a Quidditch game! Just in time to explain the final match between the Wimbourne Hornets and the Chudley Cannons, and the Hornets won the championship, 260 to 30!"

"Your dad will be mad," said Maureen. Hugo's dad, Ron, supported the Chudley Cannons.

"That can't be helped. Having said that, Professor Kane said that he will personally supervise my commentary. He shouldn't threaten me with a spider, right?"

Because of his speech in class yesterday, Professor Kane turned the pen in Hugo's hand into a spider. He was so scared that he hugged Mo Lin suddenly, and was disgusted by Mo Lin for a long time.

Lily just walked over from the entrance of the hall, heard their conversation, and said with a smile: "Your dream is very real, but every time Hugo speaks to Mo Lin, why don't you punish Mo Lin?"

"Maybe I'm the only one in the class who can turn a pen into a spoon?"

Maureen shrugged his shoulders. He has an outstanding talent in magic, and he has done an excellent job in both practice and theoretical assignments of the Transfiguration Spell. He is the professor's favorite student besides Muggle studies and astronomy.Such students speak a few words in class, and most of the professors choose to turn a blind eye.

"Then you all work hard, I'm going to the commentary stand first, and I need to familiarize myself with the player's information." Hugo hurried away with a turkey sandwich.

Maureen and Lily followed the crowd towards the Quidditch pitch. When they came to the locker room, Sweet was already waiting there, but he was sitting in the corner, frowning, not knowing what he was thinking .

Pork and other official team members had already changed their clothes, and James and Albus were the last to arrive, still holding goat milk and honey pies in their hands, and were criticized by Pork.

"The first game of this semester, many people are watching. We have to come up with the first set of battle plans. Hufflepuff has always been a weak team before, but since Newstar took over as the captain of Hufflepuff, they Has been on the rise for a few years, almost beat us last year, forget?" Polk exclaimed.

"We remember, you tell the three recruits." James drank the last mouthful of goat milk.

Maureen and Lily didn't know much about this, but they knew that Hufflepuff students had a low sense of presence in the school, and they were not clear about what Polk said.

"Don't interrupt, wipe the goat's milk from your mouth, Jaime!"

Polk picked up his broom and continued: "Ravenclaw and Slytherin are staring at our team, they will definitely do everything possible to observe our players, everyone can't let the students of Ravenclaw and Slytherin see us Weaknesses of the team, the first match is very important for morale, we want to win, but we can't win freely, understand?"

"Pork, are you saying we're going to put a hand in?" James asked.

"That's right, that's what it means." Polk nodded.

Albus put his left hand behind his back, turned the bat with his right, and said regretfully, "Then James and I only have one hand, and it's a bit difficult to hold the bat and control the broom."

"Oh shut up, you two, you know what I'm trying to convey!" said Pork angrily, who was used to James and Albus bantering badly.

There are new players in the team, one is Chaser Owen, a boy, and the other is Seeker Diana, a girl.

"Diana, try not to go head-to-head with Hufflepuff's captain, Newstar. He is also a Seeker, but he has much more experience than you. You need to play to your strengths. You are the key to the game. Only by finding the Snitch End the game, so you must find the Snitch as soon as possible.

Newstar is a very powerful man, with superb flying skills and very flexible. He sometimes assists the chaser to attack, which is allowed by the rules, so this is your only chance. When he helps his own players, you can quickly pass by. Catch the Snitch, but don't let him know it, he's fast..."

Polk told the new Seeker Diana about what he knew about Newstar incessantly. Diana became paler and paler as she listened to it.

Especially in Polk's view, Hufflepuff's Newstar is very powerful, so he wanted Diana to know more about Newstar, and kept talking about Newstar's greatness.But this method will only backfire, and it will make Diana less and less confident.

"Hey, Polk, you should shut up, Diana is about to be scared of going on stage by you, can you give her a little confidence?" James couldn't help saying.

Only then did Polk come to his senses, realizing that it was Diana's first competition, and it was useless to say these things, so he quickly changed his words: "It's okay, the first competition doesn't need to be too stressful, just look for the Snitch."

But being spittled by Polk, it's no wonder that Diana didn't feel pressured!

The whistle blew outside, and all the team members rode on the flying broomsticks. Maureen saw Diana trembling slightly, and he couldn't help but wonder if he would also be made nervous by Polk if he was in the game.

James stood beside Diana, blinked playfully, and said, "Hey, Diana, don't be nervous, Albus and I will protect you, and I will use Bludgers to deal with that Newstar specifically, Make sure he won't run into the Snitch, how about having dinner together tonight?"

Diana looked at James, then forced a smile.

"James, now is not the time to ask girls out for dinner!" Polk scolded.

James curled his lips: "I don't understand the style."

Mrs. Hooch had already blew the whistle outside, and Polk led the team to rush out on a flying broomstick. The players from both sides were flying on the Quidditch field and forming formations. All the audience cheered, the sound was deafening, and it was very lively.

Maureen and Lily walked to the door of the locker room, looking at the players in the sky and the high spectator stand, countless students were shouting loudly, especially the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff students shouting the loudest .

The golden Gryffindor lion flag and the yellow Hufflepuff badger flag fluttered in the air, and Gryffindor students used magic to blow up several majestic lion shadows in the air. Running and roaring in the sky, mighty and majestic.

"James is so dishonest, he still thinks about asking girls out for dinner at this moment." Lily was very dissatisfied with her brother's behavior.

"I think James did a good job. Diana was scared by Pork's loud talk. James' purpose is to divert Diana's attention a little bit, so that he doesn't need to be too entangled in the Newstar matter. He is very smart."

Maureen felt that although James usually likes to do things, his EQ is not low.

"That guy thinks that?" Lily didn't seem to believe James.

Morin didn't say anything else, his attention was quickly attracted by Hugo's voice. Although Hugo was the first time to be a commentator, his voice didn't sound like stage fright. On the contrary, he was very confident. Who was the player? I have already recognized it.

"The game has already started. Polk from Gryffindor grabbed the Quaffle first and passed it to Filia. Filia dribbled the ball skillfully. Patch's two Chasers are far behind. She played in the Gryffindor school team for six years. She is really a good girl. She has beautiful features, a straight nose, and a good height. I heard that studying is also very good, I don’t know if there is a partner—”

"Hugo, it's impossible for you and her! Focus on the game!" Professor Kane shouted beside him.

"Professor, you have to look forward to it—oh! What a thrilling Bludger, it almost hit Filia's head. Fortunately, James reacted quickly. James' interception was really wonderful. He hit the restless Bludger. To the Hufflepuff Keeper - Randall, the Hufflepuff Keeper, has to dodge the Bludger, or he'll get hit in the nose, but Phyllia is rushing over, what will he do? Keep the goal Intercept or dodge the bludger? - he chooses to dodge the bludger, which is a very wise choice - Filia throws the ball! The ball goes in! Gryffindor made a good start, leading by 10 points!"

The sound of Hugo's commentary resounded throughout the Quidditch pitch, and all the Gryffindor students cheered loudly, and the Gryffindor lions in the audience roared loudly, cheering for Gryffindor.

(End of this chapter)

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