Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 56 Preparing for the Competition

Chapter 56 Preparing for the Competition
Maureen originally planned to go to Hogsmeade Village as soon as possible and ask where Sir Cadogan's home was, but the following week became very busy, even when there were no classes, there was still Quidditch training waiting with him.Polk seems to be addicted to training, and he can always find time to train when they are not in class, even if they are substitute players.

"We're going to play Hufflepuff on Saturday. I hope that everyone will take this game seriously with a [-]-point spirit. Everyone must work hard with the new players, especially you two, James and Ah. Don't think!"

On Wednesday afternoon, Pork gave James and Albus a hard reprimand, who didn't seem to be awake, and the two brothers didn't seem to care much.

"Got it, Pork." James didn't blush when he was criticized. If he would feel ashamed, his face would have been familiar when the professor troubled him every day.

"Didn't it just hit the bridge of your nose with the Bludger, and it wasn't intentional." Albus muttered in a voice that Polk couldn't hear.

As substitutes, Maureen and Lily were also forced to participate in training every time. Sweet was there during training this week, but every time he came out, he was in a bad state of mind, his face was extremely pale, without a trace of blood .

Sweet goes out early and returns late every day. Maureen originally wanted to ask him if he also has the same mark as Hugo Jamie. After all, when Hugo disappeared last time, he also disappeared once. Maybe something happened with him. The same thing might happen with Hugo.

But Maureen couldn't find a chance to talk to Sweet. Every time he was about to speak, Sweet would immediately turn his head and leave, ignoring Maureen.

"Still thinking about what Professor Trelawney said in sleep? Maureen." Lily hit the Bludger towards Maureen and asked with a smile.

Maureen knew that Lily didn't believe what he said last time, so he didn't explain much, and rolled over on the broom, dodging Lily's Bludger.

"Lily, how is the fat lady's psychological counseling going? Has the password changed?" Mo Lin changed the subject, as long as he didn't talk about the prophecy, Lily was still easy to talk about.

"Professor Charles went to enlighten her personally, and now she has agreed to change the password to 'heartless'!" Lily saw that the Bludger that hit Maureen had returned, she turned around and swiped her tail with a broom. Sweep the Bludger away and hit Sweet.

"Thankfully, Professor Charles is a good man, and I can't see that he is also an emotional expert."

Maureen hadn't spoken the password for the Gryffindor common room for several days. Under the collective protest of the Gryffindor boys, Professor Charles, a gentleman who taught Muggle studies, agreed to come out and provide psychological counseling for the fat lady, so as to calm her down. Fat Lady's Trauma.

"Professor Charles is handsome, handsome, and easy-going. Many students like him!" Lily said suddenly, blushing.

Sweet swung the bludger toward Maureen, and Maureen swung the bludger to the ground.

"Lily, don't you like Professor Charles too? Then you should take a Muggle studies class and see him every day."

Maureen laughed. Many girls have a crush on a mature teacher who is personable and personable. Although Professor Charles is over forty, he is usually well-dressed and friendly. He knows a lot about Muggles and wizards. He is so knowledgeable. There are not many mature male wizards with self-restraint.

"Don't talk nonsense, I just think he's nice." Lily snorted lightly.

Although Mo Lin didn't know much about Muggle studies, he still had a good impression of Professor Charles.

"Stop chatting, the three of you, come and replace us! The three of you will act as chasers for the time being!" Polk shouted at Molin and the others.

Polk is the captain of Gryffindor and the Chaser who throws the Quaffle into the goal.The team has a total of three Chasers, one of whom is a fourth-grade boy named Owen, who is a new teammate this year, and one Chaser named Filia, who is a seventh-grade girl.

The three seekers have to cooperate with each other, pass the ball to each other, avoid the opponent's players and the bludger, and score the ball, but Polk has always been dissatisfied with the cooperation between the three of them, so Call down Filia and Owen to formulate a new attack plan.

"James, you have to protect me. If I get hit by the ball, I'll tell mom." Lily threw the Quaffle to Maureen.

"Lily, don't be too squeamish, you see we have six Bludgers during training, and we will inevitably miss some times." James said carelessly.

Usually there are only two Bludgers in the game, but during training, because there is no opponent, four Bludgers are added, and a total of six Bludgers are flying around on the field, which is equivalent to the opponent's players.

The Bludger is enchanted and flies around in the air, attacking the nearest player in an attempt to knock them off their broomsticks.James and Albus are the hitters, responsible for hitting the Bludgers away and protecting their own players.

"It's eight now, and Polk is going crazy to make training more difficult." Albus knocked a Bludger flying hard, and the Bludger smashed into another Bludger, and the two Bludgers slammed together. They flew away with a sound.

"Think about it! If this is the opponent's player, this Bludger is enough for him to eat a pot." Albus snapped his fingers, quite satisfied with his skills.

The three of Maureen cooperated with each other, flashing back and forth among the eight uncontrolled Bludgers, passing the ball to each other. Sweet did not say a word during the whole process. The cooperation was surprisingly smooth.

The eight Bludgers are extremely fierce and often block the way. Although James and Albus are very unruly, their skills are top-notch, and all kinds of Bludgers are always coming. Except for Maureen, the three of them need Except for one or two dodges, other Bludgers will be intercepted by them.


Lily passed the Quaffle to Maureen, but the Quaffle was hit by a Bludger and flew out. Sweet quickly dodged the Bludger, rushed towards the Quaffle, and kicked the Quaffle. The ball was kicked to Maureen, Maureen found an angle, flicked the tail with a broom, and the Quaffle rushed towards the goal.

Goalkeeper Bruno threw himself at the Quaffle, but missed, and the Quaffle went straight into the ring.

"The three of us cooperated well." Maureen glanced at Sweet, who dropped to the ground expressionlessly to pick up the Quaffle, and ignored Maureen.


It was a sunny Saturday, and the first Quidditch match of the term, Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff, would be played in the morning.

All the teachers and students flocked to the Quidditch pitch after dinner, even the people of Slytherin and Ravenclaw. After all, this is a very important event of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and no one wants to miss it.

In the first game, students from other colleges also wanted to know how skilled the new players from the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff teams were. They were rivals to each other. The team can formulate targeted tactics to deal with it next time.

"Anyway, it's none of our business, we can just shout for cheers honestly." Maureen actually wanted to sneak to Hogsmeade Village during the weekend, but considering the Gryffindor game, he had to put This plan is postponed until tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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