Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 38 Quidditch Selection

Chapter 38 Quidditch Selection
Many first-year freshmen also discovered Sweet's existence and talked about Sweet, but Sweet just stood there silently, waiting for Polk's instructions.

Polk divided them into groups, and Sweet happened to be assigned to Maureen's group. Sweet still stared at Maureen with a strange look, and Maureen also looked at Sweet with suspicious eyes.

Although the missing Jamie stumbled back to the Gryffindor lounge on the second day, there was no other damage except that he forgot where he was going, but since Maureen saw Sweet staring at Jamie in the library all afternoon , and after tracking Jamie, Maureen began to suspect Sweet.

Not to mention that Sweet got up so early every day to go to the Forbidden Forest!
A series of strange things happen in the wizarding world every day. Even the professors of Hogwarts don't care too much about the occasional disappearance of first-year students for a day, because the new students reappear quickly without any substantial harm.But Mo Lin was far from as simple as he thought about this matter, especially every time someone disappeared, he went back to the past, which was really weird.

"Substitutes are tested on flying ability and reaction ability. You fly around these pillars." Polk used his magic wand to conjure twenty logs, each about ten meters long, arranged in a row and separated by two meters. .

This kind of obstacle flight is relatively simple, but for some people with poor flying skills, it will cause great trouble.Everyone was flying along the pillars at different heights, and Maureen easily shuttled between the pillars. Flying was not difficult for him, and he left everyone behind at once.

Except for one person.

When Mo Lin stopped at the finish line, he found that Sweet had also reached the finish line, only two seconds behind him, and Lily was the third to arrive.

"Very well, you three are doing well." Polk nodded approvingly.

Maureen was very surprised, it was fine for Lily to fly well, why did Sweet, who had never taken flying lessons, fly so well, even much faster than Lily.

The most important thing is that the brooms of Maureen and Lily are the first-class Firebolt 15 model, while Sweet’s broom is the school’s Nimbus series, and the Nimbus is far from being comparable to the Firebolt.Although the effect of the broom is not so different in obstacle flight, after all, the Nimbus series can be compared with the Firebolt in terms of turning performance, but even so, Sweet is only later than Molin.

"How much is this guy hiding?" Mo Lin looked at Sweet.

And Sweet was also looking at Maureen with a hint of provocation in his eyes.

They tested the reflexes of the substitutes one by one, and each was given a bat, and a total of ten Bludgers were thrown at them in all directions.The role of the Bludger on the Quidditch pitch is to be disobedient, trying every means to knock people off, very irritable, what the substitutes have to do is to use the batting bat to knock more of the wandering Bludger into the air.

Maureen reacted quickly and successfully blocked all Bludger attacks with his bat.

When it was Sweet's turn, he also knocked all the Bludgers away.

Others were not so lucky. A sophomore was hit on the back of the head by a Bludger on the first hit and fell off the broom, and a freshman was hit by a Bludger on the way down. It was unbearable to watch them continue to be knocked unconscious.

"Why should I do this kind of drudgery? Wingardim-Leviosa." Albus raised his wand and cast a levitation spell, catching the person falling from the flying broomstick, and then struck a yawn.

"Because if I did it, they might bounce off." James said, sitting on the grass.He is best at defensive and offensive spells, such as "explode your weapon", "overwhelming obstacles", "stunning ground", etc. These are very practical in Defense Against the Dark Arts class, but other spells are very important to James. He is very poor at learning, if he is asked to cast the Levitation Curse, the freshmen will probably bounce off the ground like a rubber ball.

"It's okay, you're much better than me. When I cast the levitation spell, things would catch fire while floating." Hugo sat next to James and said indifferently. His spells often carry flames. If you don't consider Visually, it's still stunning.

"By the way, have you found what you lost?" Hugo asked again.

James and Albus thought about the magic folding box and shook their heads annoyed. The Gryffindor students didn't look more suspicious.

The third round is to catch the Quaffle. The Quaffle is much gentler. It will not actively attack people. The purpose of the Chaser is to throw the Quaffle into the goal frame to score, so the Chaser has a lot of requirements for catching the ball empty-handed. .

As for which position the substitute will take, it is not certain, so each position must be tested, and it is best to be able to master a little bit of all positions, so as to meet the requirements of the substitute.

The Quaffle test is not simply catching the ball, with three people tossing it in the air, having a substitute catch it, and then flying it a certain distance and throwing it towards a circular goal.This needs to test the player's reaction speed and pitching accuracy.

"Maureen is very good, whether it is Bludger or Quaffle, he is No. 1." James nodded slightly.

Morin catches the ball very quickly, and the accuracy of his pitch is also very high.

"That Sweet is also very weird. He doesn't usually take flying lessons, but he can fly so well." Hugo said.

Sweet missed just one pitch in accuracy.

After an afternoon of selection, Gryffindor's Quidditch team finally selected three substitute players, all from first-year students. Maureen, Sweet and Lily were all successfully selected.

"Okay, the list has been confirmed. The school's Quidditch competition will start in November. We will start training next week until further notice. All of you should give me a copy of the class schedule so that I can arrange training time. Substitute The team members also need to participate, this year we must win the Quidditch Cup!" Polk said with high spirits.

The time for training is not fixed. It is impossible to squeeze all of them on weekends. You can only choose the time to train in the afternoon or morning when there is no class. At the same time, you must also consider the training of other teams. After all, the school has four colleges. Every college has to seize the Quidditch pitch, so each captain has to report to Mrs. Hooch in advance, and let Mrs. Hooch arrange the venue for which team to train.

"Although there is not much chance to play, it is also a good thing to participate in training." Lily said.

Maureen looked around and found Sweet in the crowd. When Polk said to disband, Sweet walked towards the castle alone, walking in a hurry. At this time, only one back could be seen.

"This misfit is really weird." Hugo couldn't help saying.

(End of this chapter)

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