Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 37 Selection of Substitutes

Chapter 37 Selection of Substitutes
On the weekend, in order to find out what species the Doy he picked up belonged to, Morin went to the library to find a book "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them", and looked for clues in the column of invisible animals .

First of all, he ruled out the possibility that Duoyi is a small Thestral. When the Thestral was born, it was almost the same as a full-grown Thestral. Moreover, the Thestral was not good-looking, with a skinny body, gray fur, and a pair of wings. According to completely different.Thestrals can only be regarded as half invisible animals, and its invisibility is quite special.

The book "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" records seven kinds of invisible animals, which are clearly described from their birth to their habits, such as invisible wolves and invisible unicorns, which are often used by wizards to make invisibility cloak materials, But no matter what kind of animal it is, it is impossible to continue to be invisible. They can only be invisible when danger comes or hunting. Continuous invisibility is a great burden for them.

And Duoyi is not one of the seven invisible animals. It is hard to tell what kind of invisible animal it is, and I don't understand why only Molin can see it. This fact is too unbelievable.

Doy's identity could not be found in the book "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them", so Molin went to find other things about animals in the wizarding world. There are many books about animals in the library, but it is a pity that Molin couldn't find them all morning. could not find it.

"What kind of little guy are you?" Mo Lin touched Doi who was sleeping on the book, full of doubts in his heart.Duoyi covered his body with a big fluffy tail, stretched out his little pink paws comfortably, the paws were fleshy, and the hair had not yet fully grown.

"Did you find out what your weird invisible pet is?" Hugo asked as he ran into the library.

Maureen shook his head.

"Forget it if you don't find it, just leave quickly." Hugo urged.

"Where to go?"

"Quidditch! Gryffindor is going to select Quidditch substitutes this afternoon. You don't want to miss the Quidditch substitutes, do you?" Hugo said excitedly.

It was only then that Maureen remembered what Hugo had mentioned about the Quidditch substitute last time. He immediately packed his things, put Doi on his shoulders, and ran to the Quidditch pitch with Hugo.

The Quidditch pitch at Hogwarts has already gathered a lot of people, basically all Gryffindor students, and some Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students are joining in the fun.

During the summer vacation this year, two members of the Gryffindor team graduated and left the team, so today we are mainly selecting two official players, a Seeker and a Chaser, and the rest will be selected Three substitute players, for the lower grades, freshmen are also allowed to participate.

When Maureen arrived, many people had already surrounded the stadium, many freshmen were eager to try, and Lily was among them. She borrowed the Firebolt 15 of James and Albus.

"Oh, no, I don't have a flying broom, I have to borrow it from the school." Mo Lin looked enviously at the Firebolt 15 model, first graders are not allowed to bring a flying broom, and he didn't buy one either.

"I'll lend you Albus' Firebolt 15 first." Lily tossed the broom to Maureen.

"What about Hugo?" Maureen asked.

Hugo shook his head: "I'll forget it. It's one thing to like Quidditch, but it's another thing to go up and play by yourself. I don't want to be bruised all over my face by Lily."

"That means my technique is good, and I can strike wherever I point." Lily said with a high air.

The captain of Gryffindor Quidditch is Polk, a sixth-grade student. He is a burly and tall boy. He shouted loudly on the Quidditch pitch to maintain order. Fly around, and soon when turning a corner, a few people did not control the speed of the flying broom and were thrown to the back. These people were eliminated directly.

Then Polk stretched out his wand, and sent out a few red marks in the sky of Quidditch, which were curved, allowing everyone to fly along the marks within ten seconds, and those who failed to pass were directly eliminated.

"This is to test the team members' control and flying speed of the flying broomstick. It's a great move. Those marked routes are not so easy to complete." Hugo praised.

"Are we going to do the same later?" Mo Lin asked.

"Substitutes should be more relaxed, right? Substitutes are just familiar with them, and they won't really play." Lily replied.

Even if you can't play, it's actually good to be a substitute player. You can participate in Quidditch training at ordinary times, and you can directly become a regular in the second grade and officially participate in the competition. Many freshmen cherish this opportunity.

Polk quickly settled on a Chaser and a Seeker, both fourth-graders with the best flying performances of all those who tried.

"Very good, now we are starting to select the substitutes. Only students from the first to third grades are allowed to participate." Polk summoned Molin and the others, and then drove away one of the fourth graders who wanted to fish in troubled waters.

There were 20 people on the bench, and everyone seemed a little nervous, especially the first-year freshmen, who had only taken a few Quidditch flying lessons, and were actually unskilled.

"Lily, be brave. If you can get into the team, the team will be contracted by our family." James said with a smile beside him.

"Shut up, James! I won't be very accommodating," said Pork.

Lily is very confident. Her parents used to be members of the school when they were in school. Their family has inherited the flying gene. Whether it is James or Albus, their flying skills are first-class.

Mo Lin held the Firebolt 15, which is one of the best flying brooms at the moment, and he was very calm about this matter.He didn't worry about the first-year competitors, because after several flying lessons, he found that no one could fly better than him. The main competitors were the second and third graders, who had much more experience than him.

Today is not a good weather, there are dark clouds, no sun, and a lot of wind, which will cause obstacles to the flight.

Suddenly Maureen saw Sweet in the crowd, and Sweet was also holding a flying broom borrowed from the school to participate in the selection.

Lily and Maureen looked at each other, surprised.

Since the beginning of the school year, Sweet has basically asked for leave for every flight class. Everyone speculates that Sweet has a fear of heights, so he is afraid of riding a flying broom, because Mrs. Hooch did not deliberately emphasize the absence of Sweet, so this Nothing happened.

But Sweet, who had never taken flying lessons, showed up on the Quidditch pitch to participate in Quidditch trials, which was really weird.

"Isn't he afraid of heights? Has his fear of heights been cured?" Lily asked Mo Lin in a low voice.

Mo Lin didn't understand either, because Sweet was not someone who could guess.

(End of this chapter)

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