Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 326 The Old Witch of the Stadium

Chapter 326 The Old Witch of the Stadium

"Are you at the stadium?"

Mo Lin clenched his fists, that old witch dared to sneak in blatantly?

"Are you sure you counted correctly?" Mo Lin stood outside the rest area and looked around the gymnasium.

Magatha held a magic magnifying glass and kept observing the various wizard audiences, and nodded seriously: "That's right, she's somewhere here!"

Maureen tore a page from Magatha's notebook, rolled it up, tapped it with a magic wand, turned it into a telescope, and then used the telescope to find people in the audience.

But the telescope created by this kind of magic only has the simplest functions, similar to Muggle telescopes, and the distance it can see is also limited, far less clear than the magic telescopes used in astronomy classes.

The real magic telescope can adjust the focus freely, and even the freckles on the face of someone one kilometer away can be seen clearly. Some high-quality magic telescopes can also actively search for the target in one's mind beyond obstacles.

Mo Lin didn't pay much attention to the magic telescope before, but now he really hopes that he can bring the astronomical telescope, so that he can find it faster.

"Can't you figure out the exact location?" Mo Lin put down the binoculars and asked.

Magatha calculated on the paper for a long time, and the expression on her face became more and more puzzled: "It's strange, she seems to let me calculate it on purpose, but she used a small trick to prevent me from calculating the specific position , She is really powerful, and the arithmetic magic used is something I haven't learned yet, it would be great if Professor Victor was here, maybe he can figure out the location of this old witch."

"Deliberately let it count for you?"

Mo Lin was startled. The old witch with no front teeth and wrinkled face like a pile of mud was deliberately counted by Magatha?What is she trying to do?
Mo Lin picked up the binoculars and looked at the audience. Although there were not many audiences, there were more than 2000 people. It should be very difficult to find an old witch with a hunched back and half a foot in the coffin among the more than 2000 people. simple things.

But he glanced over, but did not find the old witch.

"What about Lucas? Is he there?" Mo Lin asked again.

Magatha turned a new page and started counting again.The notebook was gradually filled with complicated formulas that Mo Lin couldn't understand. After calculating for a minute, he shook his head again: "I don't know, Lucas still can't figure it out. There is a fog on his body, and I can't even see his formula clearly." look."

Professor Kane walked quickly towards the two of them from behind, and said a little angrily: "What's the matter with you two? You have said that you must not disappear under my nose. The game is about to start, and you are dawdling here." What?"

"Old witch! Professor!" Magatha said nervously, "The old witch is coming to catch Molin!"

"What old witch?" Professor Kane didn't react for a while.

"It's the old witch who wants to catch Maureen! He's here!" Magatha emphasized.

Professor Kane remembered what Mo Lin and Magatha had just said about the powerful arithmetic fortuneteller, and became a little vigilant: "Are you sure?"

After Professor Kane finished speaking, he took out a telescope from his pocket. This telescope was very small. Maureen recognized it as a magic telescope of the "Cloud Piercing Arrow brand". In the last astronomy class, Professor Sinista specially introduced Take a look at this "high-definition identification through obstacles 360 degrees without dead ends" telescope.

Professor Kane had already prepared one so that he could see the performance of the players clearly in this competition.

"I just see a very old lady in a green jacket with a wig, oh, I can also see her magic hairspray." Professor Kane handed the binoculars to Maureen, pointing to the left behind Stand, "Can you see if it's her?"

This kind of cloud-piercing arrow telescope, which claims to be 360 ​​degrees without blind angles, is really powerful. Professor Kane was staring in the front direction just now, but he was able to see the auditorium behind him without even turning his head.

"It's not her, the old hag at the opera has lost all her teeth."

Molin shook his head. The old woman that Professor Kane saw didn't have so many wrinkles, and her mouth was covered with green dentures. Although Molin didn't understand the fashion of wizards very well, it was definitely not this old woman.

With the help of Professor Kane's cloud-piercing arrow magic telescope, he searched the auditorium again. This kind of telescope is very powerful, everyone can see it, and the appearance and behavior of all the audience can be seen at a glance. Unfortunately, Maureen did not find it. that old hag.

"Speaking of which." Professor Kane signaled Mo Lin to return the telescope to him. "That person dares to come to this place? This is an event organized by the Ministry of Magic. How could she have the guts to come?"

"I don't know, professor, but I counted on her. She is somewhere here. She must come to capture Maureen. I can't let Maureen be captured. Maureen is mine!"

Magatha said angrily, looking at her expression, she wanted to run in front of the old witch and fight with her, and told the old witch that Molin was her exclusive research subject, and no one else could get involved!

Professor Kane looked at Magatha with a headache.

Maureen was also a little helpless towards Magatha, the old witch was unlikely to come to arrest him, otherwise she should have done it at the Muggle Opera House just now.The purpose of her coming here is most likely to see what is special about Maureen who is an invisible man.

The most hateful thing is that this old witch deliberately asked Magatha to count, as if she was teasing them.

However, at this time, the referee had already blown the whistle, and the third round of the competition had officially begun, and it was time for the eight contestants to take the stage.

Professor Kane said quickly: "Molin, don't think too much, it doesn't matter if that person is there, I will watch you, don't worry, the referees here are all members of the Academic Research Society of the Ministry of Magic. They are all very superb, that old hag you mentioned doesn't dare to mess around. You should focus on the game first."

"Competition? What competition... Oh yes, there is still a competition."

Maureen was no longer in the mood to compete, and all he could think about was how to find the old witch, and then let the staff of the Ministry of Magic capture her, and ask what she and Lucas were planning.

But Professor Kane still urged Morin to go up.

"Molin, listen to me and concentrate. Your opponent is Constance. Even if you can't beat him, you have to take it seriously. Serious children are the cutest, hurry up." Professor Kane comforted, "I will Watching you from below, if something goes wrong, I will rush up and arrest you immediately, according to what Magatha said, you are her... well, her research object."

Professor Kane said this just to reassure Molin. In fact, there are many referee wizards with superb transfiguration skills in the auditorium, so there is nothing to worry about.

Maureen still took Professor Kane's magic telescope and searched around reluctantly. This magic telescope can penetrate the entire stadium, and even the wires buried in the walls of the Muggle stadium can be clearly seen.

However, there are many places that cannot be seen, such as toilets, restaurant tents, etc., those places where the Ministry of Magic has cast anti-peeping magic, even the cloud piercing arrow telescope will not work.

But if you want to say the most suspicious hiding place, there is definitely only one!
Maureen quickly locked onto that place!

(End of this chapter)

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