Hogwarts Rising Again

Chapter 325 Round 3

Chapter 325 The third round

The participants in the second round, excluding Mo Lin who had a bye, had a total of [-] people, divided into seven groups, and the four stages were played at the same time, and it almost ended in just over an hour.

Rose lost to Erdo, Webery and Constance both entered the third round, plus Maureen, among the top eight, Hogwarts accounted for four, Beauxbaton and Dem Strong took two each, which pleased Professor Kane.

"Very good, very good, everyone performed very well in the third round, Rose, don't be too depressed, there is still a chance next year."

Professor Kane patted Rose on the shoulder. Rose didn't seem to be in a very good state of mind.Magatha is comforting Rose.

"You already knew the result, didn't you?" Rose asked Magatha.

Magatha hesitated for a moment, then nodded silently. She was familiar with both Rose and Erdo, and she already knew who would win.

Rose looked even more distressed.

"Okay, the next thing is to see who the opponents of the eight people are. This year's competition only selects the top three, which is different from previous years. I hope we at Hogwarts will have better luck and don't meet again in this round." Zimmermann in Durmstrang so we can secure a top three."

Professor Kane has already walked towards the referee's seat. There are several people in the referee's seat who are preparing to draw lots, and the professors from the three schools need to be present to witness.

After Professor Kane left, Pearson jokingly said: "Now is the time to witness the level of strength, Webery, I think you need to give a drop or two of Felicia to the freshmen in the lower grades, so that he may smoke Get a good sign."

Mo Lin turned a deaf ear to it. What he cares about now is not the Transfiguration competition at all, but Lucas's affairs. For him, Lucas's affairs are much more important than this kind of competition.

The result of the lottery on the stage has come out. When Professor Kane came back, he smiled wryly.

"Professor, how is it? Has anyone drawn Zimmerman?" Magatha asked.

Professor Kane nodded and looked at Erdo: "Erduo, your opponent is Zimmerman."

Erdo's face also turned pale, he gritted his teeth, a little unwilling.

Zimmerman, who was drawn No. 1 in last year's Transfiguration competition, basically has no chance of winning this year.

"Don't be discouraged, you will have to face some opponents anyway." Professor Kane patted Erdo on the shoulder, and then said: "Sure enough, if you are too lucky, you will have to pay the price, Webery, your opponent It was Cecilia, who was No.2 last year, a student of Beauxbaton College."

Webery said with a smile: "It's that lady, it's great, I always thought she was very good-looking, and I finally had the opportunity to ask for her contact information."

Everyone stared at Webery, and now they are still in the mood to joke.

"What about Maureen and Constance?" Magatha asked again.

Professor Kane was silent for a moment, and said helplessly: "I said, luck was used up in the last round, and Constance's opponent is... Maureen."

Everyone was stunned.

Pearson even laughed out loud: "Webery, as I said just now, you should give him a drop or two of Felix Elixir. Let's see, some people's luck has finally come to an end."

Constance also glanced at Maureen haughtily, and an imperceptible joy flashed in his eyes. For him, this lottery was already the best lottery.

"Some people's luck is at the end, but at least our school still has some luck. To draw one of our own people means that at least one person from our school can break into the top four. This result is already very good." Constance said lightly. .

Everyone turned their eyes to Mo Lin in the corner, waiting for Mo Lin's reaction, but Mo Lin just sat there, staring at the ground in thought.

"Maureen?" Professor Kane called out.

"What's wrong?" Mo Lin looked up suspiciously, "Oh, sorry, Professor, I was distracted just now, who is my opponent?"

He thought about Lucas for a long time. He didn't hear what Pearson and Constance said just now.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and was quite shocked by Mo Lin's reaction.

"Constance, your opponent is Constance, Maureen." Professor Kane said.

"Okay." Mo Lin continued to lower his head and meditate on his own affairs.

that's it?
Everyone was taken aback again, was it just such a reaction from Mo Lin?
"Pretending to be calm, pretending to be very similar!" Pearson said eccentrically.

"Shut up, Pearson." Magatha said dissatisfiedly, "Maureen has other things to care about."

"Of course he can care about other things now. After all, he also knows the final result of this game. His luck has been used up, isn't it?" Pearson sneered.

"Pearson." Professor Kane gave Pearson a warning look, and then Pearson closed his mouth.

Professor Kane walked up to Mo Lin and said, "Don't think too much, just play to your normal level."

"I know, Professor."

Morin nodded. There was no competition in his mind at all, but all kinds of messy thoughts, which were fragmented and without focus.After Lucas said the words that the time was not up yet, he always felt that something was wrong. Lucas could catch him, but he didn't do it. What was he waiting for?
At four o'clock in the afternoon, the third round of competition had already begun.

In the third round of the competition, eight people were divided into four groups, and it happened that the four platforms were held at the same time.Maureen and Constance are on platform four, Zimmerman and Erdo are on platform three, and Webery and Cecilia are on platform two.

Magatha kept looking at Maureen from the side: "Are you worried about Constance? Or are you worried about Lucas?"

She scribbled and figured out, to her chagrin, that it was Constance one moment and Lucas the next.

But just as the game was about to start, Magatha suddenly exclaimed, and the pen fell from the air to the ground.

"What's wrong? Magatha?" Maureen asked strangely.

Magatha opened her mouth wide and looked around with some doubts: "I was researching you just now, but I couldn't figure it out, so I gave up and turned to count that powerful old witch. You know, it's very strange. , I have been blocked by her algorithm from just now until now..."

"And then?" Maureen asked impatiently.

Magatha picked up the pen, checked her magic formula carefully again, and then said with a look of shock: "Now I can count her!"

"Can you count her?" Mo Lin was startled, and quickly asked, "Where is she?"

Magatha stood up, walked outside the rest area, and looked around the auditorium. There were one or two thousand wizards cheering in the auditorium. Countless magic ribbons were floating in the air, and the advertisement banners were colorful and eye-catching.

"At the stadium, she's coming to the stadium!" Magatha said.

(End of this chapter)

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