Chapter 203 bite back

No wonder An Ran was called a freak by these Muggle children. It turned out that it was because An Ran was a wizard. Horace must have seen An Ran unintentionally cast magic before, so he went around telling others that An Ran was a freak.

Both Mo Lin and Hugo were very happy. After all, if An Ran was a wizard, then this summer camp would not be too boring. One more partner would have one more common topic.

But Hollus' expression twisted.

"What do you think you're doing? You monster! You still use your witchcraft on me, don't you? You devil!" After stabilizing his body, Hollus didn't have the excitement of surviving after a catastrophe, but was very angry.

"How did you talk? She saved you!" Mo Lin shouted.

"She saved me? She wanted to kill me just now!" Horace picked up a rock from the ground and threw it at An Ran. "She's going to drown me! This freak! She should be caught and put in prison!"

"Are you looking for death?" Molin stretched out his hand angrily, and blocked the stone thrown by Horace, "If it wasn't for her, you would have fallen into the river long ago!"

"What's going on?" Margery heard Horace's growl from a distance, and came over and asked.

Horace pointed at An Ran and said, "Teacher, that's her! She's a demon, she just wanted to push me into the river!"

"I don't, I don't, I want to..." An Ran looked like she was about to cry, she glanced at Mo Lin in fear, tears were already rolling in her eyes.

"Hollus, have you misunderstood? She's just a girl, how could..." Margery didn't seem to believe Horace's words.

"Teacher, I saw it. She did a very weird thing just now. She is a freak. That's something only freaks can do." Lucy also raised her hand and pointed at An Ran. She was coming over The person who was looking for Hugo also saw the scene where An Ran cast her magic, and said, "She is really a devil. She saw that the water in the control river was going to drown Horace!"

"I see you big-headed ghost! She is not a devil." Hugo said unceremoniously to Lucy.

"Hugo, you shouldn't be with her, she will kill you sooner or later." Lucy is Hugo's partner, and she can't wait to let Hugo see the essence of Enron clearly.

"Oh really? I think she's much better than you." Hugo said impatiently.

But the other Muggle children looked at An Ran uneasily, they were very afraid of things they didn't know, especially children in their teens were even more afraid of such things.

"The freak wants to harm someone!"

"It's too much, we're not with freaks, drive her home!"

"She should be locked up!"

Many teenagers shouted, and some impulsive ones even picked up stones on the ground and threw them at An Ran.

"Stop it, you idiots."

Mo Lin protected An Ran behind him, none of the stones hit An Ran, and Mo Lin moved them to other places.He looked angrily at this group of ignorant people, and safely saved Horace, but Horace actually bit back. Others were so ignorant and insulted like this, it was really uneducated.

"I'm not a freak, I'm not a freak..."

An Ran backed away in a panic, she was already crying, she wiped away her tears, then suddenly turned around and ran towards the woods on the river bank.

"Anran, wait a minute, of course you are not a freak!"

Mo Lin hurriedly chased after her, but An Ran ran very fast. When she ran over, a bush suddenly appeared on the ground, blocking Mo Lin's path. Mo Lin couldn't dodge and bumped into the bush, almost fell fall.

This time everyone saw the abnormal growth of bushes, and some people were already screaming, even Majli was startled.

"Ah! It really is a monster!" Many people hid behind Margery, their faces turning pale with fright.

"Anran, don't go, wait, we have something to tell you." Mo Lin kicked away the bushes in front of him, but when he went around, Anran had disappeared into the woods.

"How did she run so fast?" Hugo also caught up.

"I don't know. She may have used some magic because she was too afraid. She still doesn't know how to control magic. If something happens, it will be bad. Let's go find her."

Maureen angrily turned his head and glanced at Horace standing by the river. He was very angry, and he didn't see any movement. It was just a thought. The stone under Horace's feet suddenly rolled, and he tripped. The body fell into the river with a "plop".

"You stupid guy, if you don't want others to save you, why don't you just go into the water!" Maureen just punished Hollus for a moment. He knew that Margery was by his side and would save this guy, so he turned back and headed into the woods run away.

"Help! I can't swim! Help!"

Hollus was flopping about in the river, Margery reacted, and quickly jumped into the river to pull Hollus up. Hollus had already drank several sips of water, and his clothes were soaked.

Molin and Hugo rushed into the woods, Molin pulled out his wand, and shouted loudly: "Anran, where are you? Come back quickly, you are not a freak, you are normal!"

But there was no shadow of An Ran in the woods, only a few birds flapping their wings and flying to the sky, and some leaves were falling down. A damp miasma in the forest had not dissipated, and the ground was full of weeds, so I didn't see it.

"Shadow Appears."

Mo Lin pointed at the woods with his wand, and an invisible air flow radiated out, but it was quickly blocked by the woods, and his Appearance Charm failed to find An Ran.

"I wonder where she went? Why did she disappear all of a sudden?" Hugo struggled to climb over a stone and looked around.

"Hugo, you wait here, I'll go first." Mo Lin said.

"Wait, how are you going? Do you know where she is?" Hugo asked.

But there was a slight cracking sound in the woods, and Mo Lin had disappeared beside Hugo and came to the tall treetops.

Hugo opened his mouth wide in surprise: "How can you Apparate."

"Yes, I can, you can search here, I'll go ahead and have a look, and I'll explain later." Mo Lin jumped off the branch and fell down, but quickly disappeared in mid-air.

"It's amazing." Hugo couldn't help admiring. He knew the difficulty of Apparition, and few people could do it in the first grade.

Mo Lin flashed from one tree to another, and he looked for An Ran's shadow in the woods, but An Ran disappeared as if he had disappeared out of thin air.

"Enron!" Mo Lin shouted loudly, and he even pointed his wand at his throat, using magic to amplify his voice, and the voice spread far away.

Maureen apparated to a pine tree, and a snake spat snake letters at him on the branch, he swiped it and threw it under the tree.

Maureen remembered the spell that Alton used last time, and he immediately waved forward: "Look for the trace!"

Soon he found a magical wave echoing back in front of him, and there was a faint weeping sound. He jumped onto a big poplar tree, and finally saw An Ran's figure on a sloping hillside.

"It's great that you're here." Mo Lin had already appeared behind An An while speaking.

"Don't come here." An Ran sobbed, "I might hurt you."

(End of this chapter)

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