Chapter 202
This perch was [-] centimeters long, and it kept jumping in the air, trying to break free from the hook. Molin grabbed the perch, and he didn't need to do anything. The hook had already fallen off by itself. Bass in wooden barrels.

"Who said you were going to jump down for a swim just now?"

Hugo laughed and handed his fishhook to Molin. Molin rubbed it with his fingers and returned it to Hugo. Hugo also threw his own fishhook out. It's turning into a living worm and starting to seduce those perch in the water.

Horace said angrily: "It's just stepping on dog shit, what's the big deal, you bumpkins, with a little bit of shit luck from the country, are so blind, I don't believe you can catch the second One, if I can catch the second one, I will jump from here immediately..."


This time it was Hugo's perch out of the water.

Horace's eyes almost bulged out. He watched in disbelief as Hugo let the [-]-centimeter perch into the barrel, and couldn't close his mouth for a long time.He stayed here for half an hour, but he didn't catch a single fish. Why did these two hillbillies catch two fish as soon as they made a move?
"The river is quite deep, I think it's better for you not to swim in the water at will." Mo Lin kindly reminded.

Hollus blushed, his complexion was extremely ugly, he wanted to ridicule these three people, but he didn't expect to shoot himself in the foot, and was slapped by Molin and Hugo twice in a row big mouth.

But it was impossible for Hollus to jump into the river. He snorted coldly, turned his head and continued to focus on his fishing rod, as if he didn't hear anything.

"An Ran, come and try, we will have a good harvest." Mo Lin turned his head and said.

"Yes, it will definitely return with a full load." Hugo has already thrown the hook out again.

An Ran came over suspiciously, and asked in puzzlement, "Why can you catch fish without using bait?"

Molin and Hugo looked at each other, Molin coughed twice, and said: "It's like this, what fishing needs is sincerity and sincerity, the important thing is not what bait you use, but what you are going to use. What kind of mentality is used to fish, as long as the mentality is correct, the fish that are willing to take the bait will naturally take the bait."

Hugo tried his best not to laugh, Maureen's ability to talk nonsense was better than him.

"Oh, I seem to have heard from my mother that there is a saying in the East that Jiang Taigong fishes, and those who wish to take the bait, does this mean?" An Ran asked curiously.

"Yes, yes, look, your mother also understands this truth." Mo Lin didn't know who Jiang Taigong was at all, and continued to add: "I heard that fishing in this place does not use bait, and the chance of being hooked is much higher. Higher."

Mo Lin took An Ran's fishhook and quietly cast the Transformation Curse on An Ran's fishhook. The transformed fishhook can only become a live bait to lure perch after entering the water. Can't see anything unusual.

"So what kind of mentality should I use to fish?" An Ran asked nervously.

"You can fish as you like, in the most comfortable way." Mo Lin leisurely fished another [-]cm perch from the river.

An Ran also threw her own hook into the river, and when she was thinking whether the method of Mo Lin and Hugo would work, she did not expect that when her float sank, the water surface began to splash, and the ripples continued to open , she actually caught one too!
"Look! Are we right?" Mo Lin helped An Ran take off the hook from the fish's mouth.

Hollusi on the side couldn't stand it anymore, he squatted at that place, he didn't take the bait for a long time, but Mo Lin and the three of them had already caught five fish, which was unreasonable.

Hollus took back his hook in annoyance, then quietly took off the bait on the hook, and then threw the fishing rod without bait into the river, intending to learn from Maureen and Hugo. The way, without bait, let the fish willing to take the bait to fish.

"You have to be sincere!" Mo Lin held back a laugh. He noticed Hoyle's movements and said loudly on purpose.

Holler, who knew nothing about magic, thought it was impossible to catch fish without bait, unless his hook also had the magic to turn into water worms.

They only fished for less than half an hour, and the wooden barrels of both Molin and Hugo couldn't hold it anymore. Counting carefully, there were at least ten big fish and small fish, and Hugo still hated Margery all the time. The buckets prepared for them were too small. If they were bigger, he could catch all the fish in the whole river.

And Hollusi next to him still didn't catch a single fish. He foolishly imitated Molin and Hugo's free-wheeling fishing method without bait, throwing all kinds of hooks, and kept pulling them up to have a look. There is no way to catch fish like Maureen and the others.

An Ran looked carefully at the fish in her bucket. The fish she caught were not as many as Maureen and Hugo, but she still released some smaller fish.

"Why did you let them go? Enron." Mo Lin asked.

"My father said that small fry cannot be caught. The Fisheries Bureau has regulations on the size of fishing. The small fry must be released so that the fish in the river will not become extinct. Many fishing enthusiasts will abide by the regulations." An Ran said seriously. Said.

Only catching big fish and not small fish is a sustainable development route. In order to protect fish fry, the Muggle world also has a fishing ban period. Fishing is not allowed for several months in a year.

"Really? There are still such regulations."

Hugo spread his hands, there are not so many rules for their wizards, they can quickly add some potion to the fry, let the fry grow quickly, and roast them directly, without worrying about what is sustainable.

"Yes, Hugo, we should also abide by it. After all, we are also... you know, normal citizens." Molin gestured to Hugo, and began to rummage through the small fry in his fish bucket, picking up all the fish under ten centimeters. Let it go, and then leave five big fish.

"You are lucky, I decided to let you live for a while." Hugo threw the small fish in his fish bucket back into the water at will, and then said to the big fish that stayed: "As for you, luck is even worse." Well, you can be eaten by me."

They were throwing the smaller fry back into the river casually, but Hollus, who hadn't caught a single fish, was getting mad every time Maureen and Hugo threw the small fry into the river. When the water splashed in the water, it seemed to be laughing at him, which made him envious and resentful.

Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore, threw the fishing rod, and shouted to An Ran: "Freak, bring the fish you caught!"

"Please, don't make fun of yourself anymore." Maureen didn't really want to cast magic on Muggles, but every time Hollus would come to shoot him, asking for trouble.

Hollusi strode towards Anran along the wet shore, but at this moment, the sole of his foot suddenly stepped on a clump of wet aquatic plants, and he slipped!
"Ah!" Horace yelled in horror, and fell into the river.

This time it wasn't Maureen who did it, but Horace himself who accidentally slipped and fell.


An Ran exclaimed, stretched out her hand, and then suddenly a jet of water rose up from the river, supporting Horace who was about to fall into the river!


Mo Lin and Hugo looked at each other, and then turned their attention to An Ran.

An Ran is also a wizard?

(End of this chapter)

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