Chapter 759
"Seal" and "Forbidden"!
Two complicated witch symbols rose up on the turtle treasure at the same time, and then a burst of light suddenly burst out. The dazzling light complemented each other, and instantly merged into one.

After the fusion of the two witch talismans, they will no longer be separated from each other, turning into a more intense light, illuminating the surrounding sky.

The aura that was still very active was suddenly suffocated, as if it was being held down by something forcibly, and it stopped flowing at that moment.

After the aura was prohibited from flowing, another stronger wave came, and the huge sealing power evacuated the aura in this place in an instant.

In this short period of time, all auras in the area around Wei Xiao disappeared.

Moreover, this disappearance is not the disappearance after being absorbed, but disappearing out of thin air, directly sealed by the "seal" character.

And because of the existence of the "forbidden" character, there will no longer be aura naturally generated here, even if it is a normal flow of aura, it will not be able to enter here.

The two witch talismans "seal" and "forbidden" can be said to have completely locked this area.

After doing this, Wei Xiao reluctantly breathed a sigh of relief and said with some emotion: "As expected of the witch clan's secret tradition, this method of combining witch talismans is indeed extremely powerful. It's just two of the simplest talismans, handed over to Gui After the treasure evolves, it can form such a powerful sealing power."

"If there are two complete witch talismans to use together, I'm afraid even a master of dragon transformation like Shanshui Walker can't resist it?" He thought so.

In the previous fight, although he knew that the good water walker was releasing water, he didn't show his real strength, but at least there were about [-]% of it, so he could estimate the approximate strength of the master of dragon transformation.

However, in the same state, the strength may vary greatly.

This kind of situation naturally exists, so he guessed at least roughly, and he didn't think it was very accurate.

After a few words of emotion, he looked at the rock painting wall after the spiritual energy dissipated, and finally felt relieved in his heart.

Although the Nine Heavens Profound Fire Formation couldn't be dealt with for a while, after losing the aura, the anger leaked from the Formation would probably dissipate slowly until finally disappearing.

Just wait for the little tree and the vine to take over the beasts here, and they can start to deal with them.

However, although the anger in the valley was resolved, he soon discovered a bigger problem, which was the water source.

Originally, the water in this big river was evaporated into thick fog by the fire, but at least it didn't run away, and it was still covering the valley. As long as the fire dissipated, the water vapor would still come back.

However, not long ago, Wei Xiao saw the good water walker condense the thick fog into a white bead, and then ate it in one bite.

This means that all the water sources here have been taken away by the good water walkers.

Water is the source of life.

After losing the water source, this valley will probably become a barren valley where not even a single plant can grow. Even if there are hundreds of beasts that control the mountain, you can still only look at the mountain and sigh.

So Wei Xiao is now facing a huge problem, that is: where to find water for this valley?
The spiritual energy near the rock paintings has been drained, and the fire energy of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire Formation will gradually disappear. It won't take long for the high temperature in the valley to slowly drop, and the temperature will gradually return to normal.

When the time comes, water will be needed to rejuvenate the valley.

This problem made Wei Xiao extremely distressed, because he did not have the ability to condense all the water vapor in a place into beads and eat it like a good water walker. huts, loaded in buckets.

However, the water volume of the entire river will not be enough until the year of the monkey!

Thinking of this, Wei Xiao immediately regretted it...

Wouldn't it be great if I could get the water back from the good water walker before, or let him teach me how to do it?Even if the other party refuses to return the water source, he can still transport it by himself after learning it.

However, this idea only appeared for a moment, and was quickly rejected by Wei Xiao shaking his head.

The good water walker keeps saying that his secrets are all passed down to the good water department, and it is impossible to pass them on if he is not worshiped as his teacher. After all, not everyone is like Mr. Hong. Can teach each other all.

The so-called teaching two hands is just Wei Xiao's own naive idea.

However, no matter what, the good water walker has already left this place, and he is nowhere to be found. Wei Xiao has no idea where he will go, and it is not so easy to find him for a while.

Instead of having so many naive thoughts, just think about how to find a water source for this valley.

Wei Xiao pulled his thoughts back, and then suddenly thought of a person... oh, a senior.

That is Yunmeng Mountain's Zhenshan Hundred Beasts—Senior Zhenchuanxi.

He still remembered that in an igloo next to Hanbing Square, he once saw a book recording the changes of mountains and rivers near Yunmeng Mountain. Yunmengze.

At that time, Yunmengze was still an extremely vast lake, but now it has become a small pond of less than a hundred acres.

Such vicissitudes of life naturally aroused Wei Xiao's great interest. At that time, he once asked Senior Zhen Chuanxi, where did all the water go?
However, the words of senior Zhenchuanxi shocked him for a long time, and he saw the little beast incarnated by Zhenchuanxi, pointing at the ice outside with his toe, saying: "This is what the water turned into. "

These answers made Wei Xiao stunned on the spot. After a while, he asked suspiciously: "Even if the water disappears, it should evaporate into water vapor and return to the air. How could it become water in the cave?" Where are the ice cubes?"

Regarding this question, Senior Zhen Chuanxi chuckled, and then explained: "Do you think that girl will be absolutely quiet after being sealed here?"

"Where the girl was sealed, she had a fiery temper. She was thinking about how to get out all day long. How could ordinary water resist the real fire on her body?"

"If I hadn't had the skills to turn all the surrounding water into ice and forcefully suppress the girl's true fire, this place would have ceased to exist."

After listening to this explanation, Wei Xiao finally understood why there was so much ice in this cave, and even encountered places where ice and fire intersected halfway. It turned out that these ices were used to seal the real fire on the female demon.

However, now that Wei Xiao thinks about it, he feels just right.

Now that the female demon has already escaped from the seal, and has recovered her human body through rebirth, the ice in the cave of Yunmeng Mountain is naturally useless.

In this way, wouldn't it be appropriate to use it in the valley of Bitter Bamboo Peak?

(End of this chapter)

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