City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 758 Joint Witch Talisman

Chapter 758 Joint Witch Talisman
Just do what you said, Wei Xiao took out the mountain rock of Kuzhufeng Town that had been hidden in his bosom for a long time, and then put it in his palm.

Since he took over this rock from Manman's mother, except for using it once at the Difu Herbal Tea Shop, he has never used it again.

Of course, this does not mean that he can't use it. After all, Manman's mother told him about the usage of Zhenshan Stone, and Wei Xiao also asked related questions when communicating with Senior Dilong. His answer is not complete, but it is enough for him to use Zhenshanshi's most basic ability.

It's a pity that some of Zhenshanshi's most powerful abilities can only be used with the identity of Zhenshan Hundred Beasts, and this identity is impossible for Wei Xiao to obtain.

He can enshrine other spirit clans as Zhenshan Hundred Beasts on behalf of his ancestors, but he cannot enshrine himself.

This may be a restriction deliberately left by Zuwu!

Thinking about it, the Zhenshan stone in Wei Xiao's hand began to change. From the appearance of an ordinary stone at the beginning, it gradually emitted green rays of light.

As soon as this green light appeared, Wei Xiao felt very familiar, and he couldn't help but think of the way Manman's mother handed him the mountain stone with her own hands, and his heart was slightly touched.

However, this does not affect his work.

After the green light appeared, Wei Xiao threw the mountain-holding stone into the air with one hand. Countless green lights emanated from the mountain-holding stone, supporting it to float in mid-air.

Later, Wei Xiao sensed some aura fluctuations in this place, especially the nearby rock paintings, where the aura fluctuations are the most violent.

"It seems that the aura has to be diluted a bit. If possible, it is best to drain all the aura around the rock painting. Without the aura, the Nine Heavens Profound Fire Formation cannot be activated." He muttered while thinking Mumbling to himself, trying to find a solution to the problem.

After saying this, he immediately started to act, controlling Zhenshanshi to drive away the aura.

However, he soon discovered the problem. The spirit energy that had been driven away would return to the rock painting by itself in less than a moment.

In other words, these spiritual energies cannot be driven away at all!

"What's going on here?" With doubts, Wei Xiao closed his eyes and began to carefully feel the flow of aura around him, and soon he made a new discovery.

It turned out that near the rock painting, next to the "fire" character of the Nine Heavens Profound Fire Formation, there was actually a very deeply hidden witch talisman—the "ju" character shaman!

The shape of this witch talisman looks like a dancing villain. When Wei Xiao saw this, he immediately thought of "Ju Ling Wu" and understood the function of this shaman talisman.

That is the same as the spirit gathering dance, it is used to gather spiritual energy.

However, the effect of this witch talisman is obviously more powerful. Although it is hidden and has not been activated, it still has a considerable effect and has been invisibly gathering the surrounding spiritual energy.

If Wei Xiao's guess is correct, it is probably the core of the entire Nine Heavens Profound Fire Formation.

The so-called Nine Heavens Profound Fire Formation, if it only has the character "fire", it will definitely not work. After all, it is a formation, and it must be composed of various witch symbols.

The role of the "gathering" character is to gather aura and provide the most critical aura for the formation.

Without aura, no matter how powerful the formation is, it cannot be activated, which means it is useless.

It wasn't until he saw this "Ju" character that Wei Xiao realized that he had misunderstood the "Nine Heavens Xuanhuo Great Formation". It wasn't that he couldn't learn this formation, but that he couldn't integrate all kinds of witch symbols and unite them together. use.

Witch talismans, in the hands of ordinary witch clansmen, can only have the effect of one.

But in the hands of the great witch, once used together, the effect is definitely "1+1>2", even far exceeding the user's expectations.

Wei Xiao didn't know this at all before. Every witch talisman he used was used alone, at most two in a row, and he didn't understand the essence of joint use at all.

The unexpected joy came so suddenly. After realizing this, Wei Xiao suddenly felt a vibration in the divine sea. He quickly fell into meditation and took a look, only to see that the shaman code suddenly opened by itself, revealing a page that he had never seen before.

Wei Xiao knew that although the "Witch Code" was rich in content and as vast as the sea, each page had requirements to be unraveled, and if the requirements were not met, there was no way to see the contents.

Now that the "Shaman Code" turned the pages on its own and revealed the originally sealed content, Wei Xiao's curiosity naturally aroused and he immediately immersed himself in it.

After an unknown amount of time, he slowly opened his eyes and woke up from the state of trance.

Blinking, the petroglyphs in front of him are still so hot, and the surrounding air is still as violent, but Wei Xiao has already comprehended some usages of the combination of witch symbols.

So, he took out the tortoise treasure from his arms, and looked at the cracks on it with some distress, which were the marks left by the previous battle.

Although Guibao can repair it by itself, it still takes a certain amount of time, and it is too late now.

Fortunately, a little crack does not affect the use of Guibao, especially the "evolution" function that Wei Xiao will use soon, and it will not be affected in the slightest.

He lightly placed his finger on the center of the turtle treasure, and then with all his strength, he began to write the first stroke of the witch talisman.

One stroke, one stroke, the simplest two strokes also contain the simplest principle, that is "seal"!
Wei Xiao's current strength is not enough to write the complete "seal" character, even with the assistance of Gui Bao, there is no way to achieve it, so he can only take a trick and use the simplest meaning of "seal" character, Let the tortoise evolve.

Although the result of doing this would not be ideal, and the effect of the "seal" characters obtained would be extremely weak, but it was enough for him.

After writing the "Feng" character, he paused for a while, waiting for the evolution of the turtle treasure to complete, and then began to write on it again.

This time, it was the simplest two strokes - one horizontal and one vertical.

These two strokes contain the meaning of "forbidden", that is, the meaning of "forbidden" characters.

After finishing the two strokes, it will also be handed over to Guibao to evolve on its own.However, the "forbidden" character is not as advanced as the "sealed" character after all, so it didn't take that long, and it was completed soon.

Seeing the two witch talismans neatly appearing on the turtle treasure, showing a strange light, Wei Xiao couldn't hide his excitement for a while, because he knew that it was time to really test him.

Whether the joint witch talisman can be successful is related to the ban on the Nine Heavens Profound Fire Formation. Once it succeeds, here can wait until Xiaoshu and them become the beasts of the mountain.

If it fails, I'm afraid it will immediately lead to a lot of disaster!
(End of this chapter)

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