City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 749 Three Sounds of Thunder

Chapter 749
After waiting for a long time, Wei Xiao still hadn't waited for Shanshui Walker's third move.

He couldn't help but feel a little strange, so he looked around, and suddenly found something unusual, the white mist around him was gradually dissipating.

As the thick fog cleared, his vision gradually recovered, and soon he saw the good water walker standing not far away.

At this time, Shanshui Xingzhe seemed a little embarrassed for some reason. Although he didn't have any scars all over his body, he was very tired mentally. When he found Wei Xiao looking at him, he couldn't help casting an angry look.

"This appearance, should be the trick of Yuzi?" Wei Xiao thought silently.

The so-called "Yu" characters are actually the "conspiracy" that Shanshuixing said just now.In order to defend against the opponent's attack before, Wei Xiao activated several witch symbols, including the simple and practical "Yu" character.

As for the others, one is the "cong" character that controls people's words and deeds, and the other is the slightly offensive "broken" character, and the rest are basically useless, just the manuscript paper he used to contact the witch talisman .

Among them, although the "broken" character has a certain attack power, Wei Xiao doesn't think it can hurt an expert like Shanshui Xingzhe.

As for the "cong" character, it is even more impossible. The good water walker is much higher than him in terms of cultivation and state of mind, and the character of "cong" can't affect him.

Among so many witch symbols, the only one that can work is the "Royal" character, because it is specially aimed at spirit bodies, souls and beasts!

Although he didn't know the principle of the second move of the good water walker, when Wei Xiao felt the power of the soul when the ice statue roared, he almost couldn't help but give up his defense. The "Witch Code" calmed Shenhai, so that he was not affected in the end.

It was precisely because of this soul power that Wei Xiao guessed that the roar was probably caused by the good water walker possessing the ice statue and shouting it with the power of his soul.

That's why the good water walker was plotted by the "Yu" character when he cast the spell, and became as depressed as he is now.

After resuming the process roughly, Wei Xiao couldn't help but chuckle, feeling a little dark in his heart, and couldn't help sighing in his heart: "I called you a bad old man to attack me, now you know how powerful it is!"

Shanshui Xingzhe didn't know what Wei Xiao was thinking, but seeing the change in Wei Xiao's face and the slight smile at the corner of his mouth, he vaguely guessed what it was, so he gave him an annoyed look.

"Boy, don't be too happy too early, prepare to take my third move!"

After finishing speaking, he immediately closed his mouth and eyes, and fell into a state of trance.

At this time, Wei Xiao still didn't know what the good water walker was going to do. Since the other party said he was going to take the third move, why didn't he do it, but closed his eyes and meditated?
Is this a new way of casting spells?
With a trace of curiosity, Wei Xiao waited intently, watching Shanshui Walker intently, watching his every move, not letting go of the wind and grass around him.

Soon, the first thing to change was the surrounding environment.The white mist that had turned into ice and disappeared completely reappeared in mid-air and gradually condensed, floating above the heads of the good water walkers.

Those floating white mist gradually became solidified and turned into white clouds, covering the sky and blocking the sun, even blocking the sun above the head.

For a while, the sky gradually darkened.

This little movement was not a big deal, just when Wei Xiao was about to use the flying sword to destroy the white cloud, a thunderclap suddenly came from the white cloud, and then another purple lightning flashed.

There was a "bang", the loud thunder almost startled Wei Xiao, if he hadn't had the supernatural powers in his body to be able to guard against sudden loud noises at any time, his ears would probably be deafened.

After the thunder, streaks of purple lightning flashed in and out of the white clouds, as if an electric dragon was leaping among them, instead of making loud noises.

This scene almost stunned Wei Xiao.

In just a few minutes, he saw with his own eyes a piece of water mist, from the form of ordinary water vapor, gradually atomized, turned into white mist, and then condensed into white clouds, and finally attracted lightning.

The whole process can be described as a "miracle"!

The development of modern science has already figured out the secrets of thunder and clouds, and can use some means to carry out artificial rainfall and even control thunderstorms.

However, Wei Xiao has never heard of anyone who can create clouds out of thin air and simulate thunderstorms by himself.

This method can be said to have completely surpassed the scope of magic techniques, and has entered the ranks of miracles!

Just when he was so shocked that he couldn't be more shocked, the Shanshui walker who was in meditation suddenly opened his eyes, and then muttered something in his mouth, and pointed at him fiercely with one hand.


There was another loud thunder, and then the white cloud that was originally above Shanshui Walker's head turned black in an instant, and then floated towards Wei Xiao at an extremely fast speed.

Although Wei Xiao didn't know what it meant, he could also realize that this blackened white cloud was not a good thing, so he subconsciously avoided it.

However, what he didn't expect was that the cloud that had completely turned black, like a cone of tarsus, followed him closely, no matter where he avoided, the dark cloud would follow.

When King Wei Xiao goes east, the dark cloud also goes east; when Wei Xiao goes west, the dark cloud also goes west;
Seeing this situation, how could Wei Xiao not understand that the finger of the good water walker just now "bound" this dark cloud to him!

Moreover, this was not over yet, just when Wei Xiao gave up avoiding and stood still, the dark cloud finally stopped above his head.

"Boom!" The third thunder sounded.

There were three thunderclaps, and the rain poured down.

The torrential rain poured down from the dark clouds as if it didn't want money, and it drenched Wei Xiao's whole body in an instant.

At this moment, Wei Xiao's complexion changed drastically, and he hastily raised the turtle shield wall and put it on top of his head to block those terrifying raindrops.

Just now, when the raindrops of the pouring rain hit him, Wei Xiao felt as if he had been hit by countless bullets. Not only was his whole body soaked in an instant, but he was also hurt by the impact. Tough, I'm afraid it will be smashed to the ground at once.

After the first wave of attacks, Wei Xiao finally understood that this was Shanshui Walker's attack method, so he quickly used turtle treasures for defense, like a big umbrella, propped on top of his head.

After doing all this, he finally had a chance to take a look at the good water walker.

(End of this chapter)

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