City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 748 Ice Statue

Chapter 748 Ice Statue
"Senior, is this also the technique of your good water department?" Wei Xiao couldn't help asking.

"Of course, we are the Shanshui Ministry, and we have so many spells! You are lucky to see so much today, you can be content!" said the Shanshui walker quite proudly.

For this statement, Wei Xiao agrees. As the saying goes: It is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books. Today, he was fortunate to see so many magical spells, which also greatly satisfied his eagerness to learn.

He nodded, and said: "Senior is right, if that's the case, then come here and let me see how powerful this technique is!"

After finishing speaking, he picked up the "broken" character that hadn't been able to function before, and then activated it without hesitation, turning it into a big net to guard by his side.

Seeing this scene, the good water walker in the white mist couldn't help but let out a "huh", and then asked loudly: "Boy, what kind of technique is this, is it a bit weird?"

"Sorry, this is my master's secret technique, don't talk nonsense!" Wei Xiao refused in one breath.

"Okay then, since it's from your master's school, let me try it out. Is this weird spell powerful, or my Shan Shui Department's magic spell!" Shan Shui Walker said loudly.

As his words fell, the ice statue over there finally had a new movement. It moved its feet and took the first step forward.

Taking a step forward, a burst of extreme cold air erupted from the statue's feet, and then completely frozen the ground under the feet at a speed visible to the naked eye. Countless solid ice spread out around the statue with the ice statue as its original location.

Soon, the solid ice spread to Wei Xiao's feet, and transmitted an endless chill to his body through his shoes.

Wei Xiao couldn't help shivering, and his whole body gradually became icy cold.

Knowing that something was wrong, he immediately used the martial arts of the witch clan, and mobilized all the witch power in his body to resist the cold, and he was a little embarrassed for a while.

After a long time, when Wei Xiao finally expelled the cold air from his body and regained his composure, he realized that the outside world had completely changed.

What was originally a vast expanse of high-temperature white mist has now turned into crystal clear ice crystals. Although he is still completely surrounded by it, the sudden change from high temperature to extreme cold still shocked Wei Xiao greatly.

"Excellent! With this one hand, the power of the world is nothing more than this." He couldn't help but admired in his heart.

After he came back to his senses, the ice statue finally moved again, taking the second step, the third step... With each step, endless chill will be emitted from its feet, turning everything around it into solid ice .

After a few steps, the Ice Statue finally entered Wei Xiao's attack range, or Wei Xiao finally entered its attack range.

I saw the ice statue suddenly opened its mouth, and a roar that seemed to come from the nine heavens suddenly came. Then countless ices rose up after hearing the sound, turning into ice knives, ice spears, and ice swords, mercilessly attacking Wei Xiao stabbed over.

Seeing this scene, the shock in Wei Xiao's heart was hard to add, and what surprised him even more was that the "broken" character that had been activated beside him did not move at all, as if he had lost the ability to sense the spell in front of him.

Before he had time to think about it, he immediately raised the tortoise high up, turning it into an even bigger shield wall in front of him, blocking the way of those ice knives and ice swords.

After finishing this, Wei Xiao felt that it was not enough, so he took out a handful of witch charms from his bosom one after another, and activated them all at once, trying to delay the opponent's attack by this.

Of course, he didn't let go of the broken character that seemed to have "failed", but tried to re-drive it with his consciousness, but the result surprised Wei Xiao.

I saw that he had just driven the "broken" character, and the big net rushed out immediately, facing countless ice knives and ice swords.

A moment later, the big net was instantly torn into pieces and reduced to a pile of crushed paper scraps, floating in the air.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiao's heart trembled, knowing that it should be due to the huge gap in cultivation between himself and the opponent, which caused the "bro" character to be instantly broken by the opponent.

However, he was not too frustrated. After all, he knew that the "broken" character could not be perfect, and it was normal for it to lose its effect when encountering more powerful spells.

However, the attack that followed made him fearful again.

"Bang bang bang!"

Those ice swords and ice knives kept hitting the shield wall formed by the turtle treasure. Although they were smashed into powder, each impact made the shield wall tremble, and Wei Xiao's witchcraft power was also consumed.

There are countless such collisions, and even Wei Xiao doesn't know when it will end.

I don't know how long it took, but the storm-like impact finally slowed down, and Wei Xiao could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

He glanced outside through the shield wall, but the scene outside surprised him for a moment. The ice statue still maintained its previous appearance, as if it were a general, commanding countless ice skates, Sword attack.

And the ice blocks around it have been consumed, and the ground that was originally frozen is gradually revealed.

The ice statue seemed to have exhausted its strength.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiao asked loudly: "Senior, can I ask, is this second move considered a success?"

The words were asked, but there was no response for a long time. The good water walker outside the white mist seemed not to hear it, and the statue still maintained its previous movements.

"Senior, is it possible that you still want to play tricks?" Wei Xiao asked again.

After the sound, the voice of Shanshui Xingzhe finally came, only to hear him scolding angrily: "You boy, how dare you plot against me!"

"A plot? How did I plot against you?" Wei Xiao was startled at first, and then said repeatedly: "There is no evidence, senior, don't just open your mouth!"

"Hmph! Don't think I don't know, those messy talismans you threw out just now are plotting against me!" Shanshui Xingzhe said angrily.

Hearing this, Wei Xiao couldn't help raising his eyebrows, but he became a little happy in his heart, and said, "Senior, since you saw me throwing out those talismans, how can it be called plotting? I'm justified. It’s just a counterattack, is it possible that I can only be beaten and not counterattack?”

"You! Well, you're kind!" Seeing that he was wronged, Shanshui Xingzhe quickly changed the subject, and said: "But don't get too happy too early, and then you have to take the old man's third trick!"

"Cut! The third move is the third move. Am I still afraid that you won't succeed?" After the conversation just now, Wei Xiao is obviously more confident in himself.

Especially the previous unintentional plot made him suddenly think of a huge flaw in the opponent's technique, and he became more confident in taking the third move.

(End of this chapter)

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